Mexican Officials Point Rifles and threaten U.S. Border Agents

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By the way, Steiner.. The officer has been put on leave. :(

So, when are the mexicans going to decry the illegal actions of entering the U.S. Illegally by their own citizens?

After all, Mexicans shoot illegal trespassers too ..... :whistle:
More reason to improve on securing our border.
Yes. If a secure wall could be constructed, then there wouldn't be as many of these armed confrontations from either side.

Easier said than done. The Colorado river basin runs just along the Mexico borders, which is where some of these illegal crossings are taking place.

This river provides water for 27 million people, for the cities of Denver, Vegas, Salt Lake City, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego.

Mexico receives a share of this river by a 1944 treaty.

Suggestions for man made aqueducts or irrigation channels are usually detrimental to farmlands and cities when rivers overflow and cause flood destruction to the surrounding areas.


So, when are the mexicans going to decry the illegal actions of entering the U.S. Illegally by their own citizens?

After all, Mexicans shoot illegal trespassers too ..... :whistle:
did they shoot at American boy?
so...... did they shoot at American boy? yes or no?

You really need to ask a relevant question.

A question such as .... "So, did they shoot at an American boy who illegally entered their country then assaulted a Mexican Official?"

That would be on par with the discussion at hand.

What about the Americans that are killed by illegals?
You really need to ask a relevant question.

A question such as .... "So, did they shoot at an American boy who illegally entered their country then assaulted a Mexican Official?"

That would be on par with the discussion at hand.

but.... you said -

So, when are the mexicans going to decry the illegal actions of entering the U.S. Illegally by their own citizens?

After all, Mexicans shoot illegal trespassers too ..... :whistle:

so I ask again - they shoot illegal trespassers including an American boy throwing a rock or such.... yes?

What about the Americans that are killed by illegals?
You can go ahead and make another thread about it but didn't that thread get locked up? :dunno:
why sad? He wasn't fired or imprisoned. It's a typical procedure when investigation is on-going.

So, when are the mexicans going to decry the illegal actions of entering the U.S. Illegally by their own citizens?

After all, Mexicans shoot illegal trespassers too ..... :whistle:

Has to do with this post:
Guess what? He is NOT guilty and continues to guard the border. He still has his job.

He doesn't still have his job, he is on leave right now. That's the point being made. :eek3:
Unless Steinhauer meant the other official in that post, it looked like he was referring to this one.
Stop the insanity! The kid was a minor! If he was American, his criminal record would be expunged upon reaching age 18. All I can say is, if your kid threw a rock at a cop and was gunned down, would you still feel it was justified?

I gotta bail on this topic. No point in trying to reason with unreasonable people. Have a nice day.
Stop the insanity! The kid was a minor! If he was American, his criminal record would be expunged upon reaching age 18. All I can say is, if your kid threw a rock at a cop and was gunned down, would you still feel it was justified?

"He shouldn't have gotten close to those cowards -- what this dog did -- shoot into Mexico," Jesús Hernández, father of child said.
"There is a God, so why would I want vengeance if no one will return him to me"
"They killed my little boy and the only thing I ask is for the law to be applied."

His wife Maria Guadalupe Huereca said:
"May God forgive them because I know nothing will happen to them."

I thought this discussion was about armed Mexican police/soldiers vs. American border agents, and armed American border patrol vs. "innocent" border crossers?

We don't know how much of the drug traffic would be stopped by a wall because we've never had a complete and secure wall.

Right. And because we have too many gutless politicians and presidents who refuse to do what's required of them and that is to secure the border as a national defense measure. And so we have a continuing and worsening problem.
Has to do with this post:

He doesn't still have his job, he is on leave right now. That's the point being made. :eek3:
Unless Steinhauer meant the other official in that post, it looked like he was referring to this one.

I was referring to Corbett. The Border Patrol Agent that was tried on murder and manslaughter charges for shooting and killing an illegal that was poised to throw a rock at him.

His first trial was declared a mistrial and he was tried again in a Federal Court. The Judge dismissed the case.

Corbett still has his job.

The likelihood of the Border Patrol Agent, whom shot and killed the 15 year old last week, being charged with murder is very very high.

The Mexican Government has made it obvious they wish to prosecute, as they did in Corbett's case as well. They lost then, and I foresee they will lose this time around as well if they choose to prosecute.

What the Mexican Government did was outright frame a U.S. Border Agent. There were three illegals in the back of Corbett's SUV that witnessed the entire incident. He had arrested them prior to the confrontation he had where he shot and killed Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera. They testified after the Federal Trial that the other three witnesses, two brothers and the girlfriend of one of the brothers of Dominguez, were lying. Video footage also proved that they were lying. It was also proven that Mexican government officials coached the witnesses and told them to lie.

Yet ..... there are those that still want him to be "guilty"
Huffington Post article on the incident:

Mexico Border Patrol Shooting: Mexican Security Chased Away U.S. Border Patrol Agents

EL PASO, Texas — Mexico condemned the shooting of a 15-year-old boy by a U.S. Border Patrol agent Thursday through diplomatic correspondence and an angry phone call to the Homeland Security secretary. Some Mexican politicians called for the agent's extradition to face Mexican justice.


Border Patrol agents are allowed to use lethal force against rock-throwers.

Oh ..... I am sooooooooo sure he will be found "innocent" in a Mexican Court .....

As far as who has jurisdiction .... where was the Border Patrol Agent when he was being attacked? Oh .... that would be on United States soil.
so if the roles were reversed.... Mexican Border Patrol agent shooting at American boy illegally crossing into Mexico and throwing rock at him too.

good or bad?

Does the Mexican Government feel they have the right to protect their borders?

Ummmm ... yeah, they do. That is why they were threatening Federal Officers with rifles.

The article I just posted explains some of what you asked:

Still, most countries believe that they can prosecute anyone who harms one of their citizens, regardless of location, he said. In the case of the U.S. and Mexico, no treaty covers this specific set of circumstances, he said.

If the Border Patrol agent went to Mexico for any reason, he could be subject to arrest, Raustiala said, and the U.S. would have difficulty arguing that Mexico was acting illegally. On the other hand, if Mexican authorities kidnapped the agent in the U.S. and took him to Mexico for trial – as the U.S. did in the case of a Mexican doctor involved in the torture and killing of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent – the U.S. could argue violation of its sovereignty, he said.
Does the Mexican Government feel they have the right to protect their borders?

Ummmm ... yeah, they do. That is why they were threatening Federal Officers with rifles.

so you're ok with them killing an American boy? no outrage? nothing?
so you're ok with them killing an American boy? no outrage? nothing?

If an American boy (or boys) is stupid enough to enter Mexico illegally, then a Mexican Border Patrol Agent attempts to apprehend and arrest the boy(s) for entering the country illegally, they flee, then turn around and assault the Mexican Official by throwing rocks at him .... yes, the Mexican Official would be well within his rights to defend himself with deadly force.

I can respect that even though I think it would be just as tragic as an American Official doing the same thing.

No, I would not be outraged, I would think the boy, or boys were very very stupid for doing something like that.

At 15 years old, your old enough to know better .... that is why they ran away when the law came. They knew they were doing something illegal.
If an American boy (or boys) is stupid enough to enter Mexico illegally, then a Mexican Border Patrol Agent attempts to apprehend and arrest the boy(s) for entering the country illegally, they flee, then turn around and assault the Mexican Official by throwing rocks at him .... yes, the Mexican Official would be well within his rights to defend himself with deadly force.

I can respect that even though I think it would be just as tragic as an American Official doing the same thing.

No, I would not be outraged, I would think the boy, or boys were very very stupid for doing something like that.

At 15 years old, your old enough to know better .... that is why they ran away when the law came. They knew they were doing something illegal.

ok. let the record shows that you will not be outraged.
ok. let the record shows that you will not be outraged.

I will try and put this in perspective for you. When an American criminal gets shot for breaking the law, or assaulting a police officer, do you get outraged?
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