McCain's a racist, I have proof.

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Wow Reba.... materialistic.... really poor choice of word..
Both of my parents work in banking and because of the financial crisis, they both are at real risk for losing their jobs, which would mean they'd lose their health insurance too. I wouldn't be so quick to judge those who are worried about their financial future. Not everyone has a pile of money hidden under their mattress.
The word materialistic just means that a person is focused on material things, like housing, food, clothing, etc. If a person is concerned with the economy, that is a material focus on money and the things that money can buy. It isn't a judgment, and it doesn't mean people have "a pile of money hidden under their mattress."
Reba is not referring to materialistic people specifically. She's trying to make a point. If you did not like that word - just replace it with something else such as "Gay Rights." Either way - her point is still the same. Poll is never a true representation of the whole.
You are correct that I'm not judging people in a negative way. I'm just showing that some voters have different focuses and priorities when they make their political choices. Some focus on material things (economy, jobs, environment), and some focus on moral issues (abortion, same-sex marriage, war). Different people have different priorities.
Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up Jiro. I was a little too quick to respond! Sorry Reba! :)
No problem. :)

I'm sorry that my words seemed negative; that's not what I meant.
...Both of my parents work in banking and because of the financial crisis, they both are at real risk for losing their jobs, which would mean they'd lose their health insurance too....
I'm sorry that your parents are at risk to lose their jobs. I hope that doesn't happen.

As I said in an earlier post, what about a family of 4 struggling to put food on the table? If they're concerned about the economy, does that make them materialistic?

Personally, I see absolutely nothing wrong with someone being concerned about having a roof over their head. It's better than being homeless.
How could you possibly know something like that unless you were friends with the Obama family?

it being mention on People magazine and 30 minutes aaaaand.... more.

As I said in an earlier post, what about a family of 4 struggling to put food on the table? If they're concerned about the economy, does that make them materialistic?

Personally, I see absolutely nothing wrong with someone being concerned about having a roof over their head. It's better than being homeless.
I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with people who are concerned about having a roof over their heads.

If people are concerned with material issues such as the economy, what do you call that? Spiritualistic? Moralistic? Philosophic?
I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with people who are concerned about having a roof over their heads.

By implying that people are being materialistic because of their concern over the economy, you are in a sense saying something is wrong with them.

The last time I checked, being materialistic didn't have positive connotations associated with it.
Oh, well then. People magazine is one of the most credible sources out there. NOT.

Talk about the "dumbing down of America." If people actually *do* get their political news from "sources" like People magazine, it's no wonder we have so many ill-informed voters.
Talk about the "dumbing down of America." If people actually *do* get their political news from "sources" like People magazine, it's no wonder we have so many ill-informed voters.

Scary, isn't it?:shock:
and blog... *cough* NOT *fart*cough*

Blogs aren't any better than People magazine. After all, blog authors have their own agenda (liberal and conservative alike).

Try reading something with substance like U.S. News and World Report.

If you read Obama's website at:

Welcome to Obama for America

you'll see his complete plan for people with disabilities -- unlike McCain who doesn't have any such information on his.

Well, I am not on Obama's side or support him. Sorry! I believe that this country should come first before people, not people come first before country.
Well, I am not on Obama's side or support him. Sorry! I believe that this country should come first before people, not people come first before country.

there ain't no country if people are broke.
Well, I am not on Obama's side or support him. Sorry! I believe that this country should come first before people, not people come first before country.

Personally, I've never understood McCain's campaign slogan "Country First." What exactly does that mean anyways?

Obama is for "Change. What We Need." Who says that's putting people first before country?
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