McCain's a racist, I have proof.

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Ooo! You just miss the mile. But it's election day and you can't get hints but straight excuse. I ain't give you the link of this and this and this. It's over! Obama win! Watch out!

If Obama wins the election, America is going to experience the positive change it has sorely needed for the past 8 years.
Why does that surprise you, Maria? That's the way the United States has been ever since it became a country in 1776.

I will let other ADers to agree with ya or not. Let them say their pieces.
Yup, that's right.

USA is secular country, not state country, unlike Iran, Sudan and many countries in middle east.

Exactly. That's the reason why I don't understand McCain's campaign slogan "Country First." :confused:
I took it to mean like a p*** poor version of kennedys speech " don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

it simply means putting your country first, although then thats what obama believes in pulling troops out of Iraq, yet mcCain wants to keep them there, think he juts liked the slogan:lol:he makes no sense.

God knows how religion crept in to this topic(pardon the pun:lol:)
thats for another debate, but America isn't free from religious influences thats for sure, another topic for another day, although I agree it's not like the big mad middle east..
I took it to mean like a p*** poor version of kennedys speech " don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

it simply means putting your country first, although then thats what obama believes in pulling troops out of Iraq, yet mcCain wants to keep them there, think he juts liked the slogan:lol:he makes no sense.

God knows how religion crept in to this topic(pardon the pun:lol:)
thats for another debate, but America isn't free from religious influences thats for sure, another topic for another day, although I agree it's not like the big mad middle east..

Yup, McCain's slogan is no make sense.

However, it's Maria's opinion about country first.

Who cares about way like that.
Hey... lay off will ya? Go and read Hear Again's post FIRST before you started. He asked me what " Country First " means and I explained to him what it means. Don't you start with your kind of attitude.

Hear Again is a she. And who, exactly makes up this thing we call "country". Without the citizens of the United States, it would be nothing more than a hunk of land. Obama's change involves benefit to the very thing that the United States is....a group of people.
I took it to mean like a p*** poor version of kennedys speech " don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

it simply means putting your country first, although then thats what obama believes in pulling troops out of Iraq, yet mcCain wants to keep them there, think he juts liked the slogan:lol:he makes no sense.

God knows how religion crept in to this topic(pardon the pun:lol:)
thats for another debate, but America isn't free from religious influences thats for sure, another topic for another day, although I agree it's not like the big mad middle east..

And I would like to remind all that Kennedy stole that line from Kahlil Gibran.

And the same sort of fear was spread by the Republicans during Kennedy's campaign. "Oh my God...we can't have a Catholic running the country! He'll get all his advise from the Pope!" It was ridiculas then, and it is just as ridiculas when people attempt to portray Obama as a Muslim and a Terrorist. The fact is, when Kennedy ran, the Republicans saw his brilliance and the only way they had to fight it was with attack and slander. The same thing has happened to Barack Obama. They see his brilliance, and they know that the only ammunition they have is to attack him.
same in our country Jillio, it annoys me it's mostly focused on the people and not the policies
Obama's maternal grandparents are white. Obama's mom is white. She married and divorced twice.
How come you didn't tell us that since you indicated you are friends with the Obama clan from Hawaii or Kenya?

They accidentally spill vanilla and chocolate ice cream mixing. :monkey:
And I would like to remind all that Kennedy stole that line from Kahlil Gibran.

And the same sort of fear was spread by the Republicans during Kennedy's campaign. "Oh my God...we can't have a Catholic running the country! He'll get all his advise from the Pope!" It was ridiculas then, and it is just as ridiculas when people attempt to portray Obama as a Muslim and a Terrorist. The fact is, when Kennedy ran, the Republicans saw his brilliance and the only way they had to fight it was with attack and slander. The same thing has happened to Barack Obama. They see his brilliance, and they know that the only ammunition they have is to attack him.

Deja vu again??
Hear Again is a she. And who, exactly makes up this thing we call "country". Without the citizens of the United States, it would be nothing more than a hunk of land. Obama's change involves benefit to the very thing that the United States is....a group of people.

Thank you, Jillio.
I took it to mean like a p*** poor version of kennedys speech " don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

it simply means putting your country first, although then thats what obama believes in pulling troops out of Iraq, yet mcCain wants to keep them there, think he juts liked the slogan:lol:he makes no sense.

God knows how religion crept in to this topic(pardon the pun:lol:)
thats for another debate, but America isn't free from religious influences thats for sure, another topic for another day, although I agree it's not like the big mad middle east..

FYI Macian, JFK was one of the best Presidents America ever had. Just ask anyone who lived during the Kennedy years. (Unfortunately, I wasn't born yet, but my parents were. I've also done alot of reading about the JFK legacy and it's clear that he was a brilliant President.)
FYI Macian, JFK was one of the best Presidents America ever had. Just ask anyone who lived during the Kennedy years. (Unfortunately, I wasn't born yet, but my parents were. I've also done alot of reading about the JFK legacy and it's clear that he was a brilliant President.)

yes so I believe, I hope you didnt think my post was negative about him, it wasn't intended to be.

ps:shock: i thought you were a bloke too, my apoligies
yes so I believe, I hope you didnt think my post was negative about him, it wasn't intended to be.

ps:shock: i thought you were a bloke too, my apoligies

Nope, I'm American.

No problem, Macian! :)
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