Yes, I think awareness should be a big part of it. Just as we have an awareness campaign regarding seat belts. Unfortunately, there are some that are so focused on their personal freedom, that they will exercise their right to choose not to wear a seat belt and take the consequences if caught rather than do the responsible thing and buckle up. The same with texting, or IMO, talking on a cell phone while driving.
Unfortunately, the law is difficult to enforce, but not impossible. Chances are, at first, the only time it will be enforced is the same way the seat belt law was at first. They couldn't initially, pull you over for not wearing a seat belt, but if you were pulled over for another reason, or were in an accident, you could be cited for not wearing your seat belt. Now, at least in my state, they are beginning to enforce the law by citing only for not wearing a seat belt. They are particularly vigilent on holidays and periods of high traffic. I would imagine that the texting law would follow the same pattern of enforcement.