Legally Separated

That's awsome and I wish you all the best in making your relationship work out.

I would say that's great news to hear, it just my opinion, I do not believe in staying together for the kid's sake.. (don't hit me now).... I've been there with my parents divorce and step families... Just if there's no love, then the child will think it's normal with no love for each other ...
Thank you all for the comments.. i appreciate it... yeah i know he is a mommas boy for sure.... and david is 39 yrs old.... yeah i would rather live together for many years before commiting... thats what i think i should have done in first place.... but thats ok....sigh... thank you chick hugs...
Thank you all for the comments.. i appreciate it... yeah i know he is a mommas boy for sure.... and david is 39 yrs old.... yeah i would rather live together for many years before commiting... thats what i think i should have done in first place.... but thats ok....sigh... thank you chick hugs...

huggsss back tighter!!!! hey.... WELCOME BACK to AD'rs Jungles smile we are so happy to see you back here!!!! you can kick me if you need to!!!