Be interesting to see what happened if they tried......
Instead of calling ICE they should just bus them to the border.
Sorry it doesn't work that way. I did do background on ALL employees. It was required by my insurance. Unless the numbers they stole were from a criminal OR the identity theft was reported, the background check comes back clean. I did check references but those are pretty easy to fake as well. I even checked credit.....but again in most cases the ID is stolen so a credit history will show up.
Anything more than that an employer can be sued. And I have been sued.
If the federal government would just do it's job and secure the border this wouldn't be a problem.
AZ may be making a mistake. But atleast they are trying to protect their residents. That is more than we can say for the federal government
I have never laughed harder. Robotic bees were part of the stimulus I never said land mines. I wouldn't oppose them though. Good deterrent. I also support a canal of razor wire which has been mentioned. The border needs to be sealed
We could use current illegal immigrant as leverage as well. Mexico does not want them back. We could offer to keep those that are here on a limited citizenship and give Mexico aid in fighting their drug war......but in exchange we move the border 1 mile south and we agree to allow Mexican labor help with the construction of our border protection. Allows us to keep the Rio Grande as a nice outdoors site while still building a secure border for the future.....Also makes tunneling more difficult. Moving military bases....especially air the border would help as well.
If you had such problems with fraudulent IDs, how can anyone expect the average LEOs to be able to check their backgrounds without contacting another agency?
That would no doubt be difficult in some cases. But assuming most states have the magnetic strip on the back of IDs fakes would be easy to catch. They can forge an ID that looks real but from what I hear the info in that strip can't be duplicated. Dunno though, I am not a techie.
That would no doubt be difficult in some cases. But assuming most states have the magnetic strip on the back of IDs fakes would be easy to catch. They can forge an ID that looks real but from what I hear the info in that strip can't be duplicated. Dunno though, I am not a techie.
Good thing you admitted you're not a techie. If someone can steal your credit card's information and transplant the information onto magnetic strip of a blank credit card by running it through a fake Interac machine, they can do the same here.
that's what Bush tried to do..... It's called "Pathway to Citizenship". the Republican Party violently shot it down. Obama's doing same thing and yet.... koko and steinhauser don't support it because Obama's granting them an amnesty.
We can't deport all 12 million. I like the idea of a limited citizenship with a higher tax rate for those individuals no matter what tax bracket they are in. No possibility to vote,own a firearm or collect SS/SSI/SSDI or Medicare..... EVER. That is only for ILLEGAL immigrants of course. That would be the price for entering through the backdoor. Add to that automatic deportation for commiting a crime,failing to carry insurance or failing to pay taxes. And a serious penalty for not registering for the limited citizenship by a set deadline.
Something along these lines seems fair.
Good thing you admitted you're not a techie. If someone can steal your credit card's information and transplant the information onto magnetic strip of a blank credit card by running it through a fake Interac machine, they can do the same here.
eh... how about something simpler - a work visa.
And it took a person with business experience to explain all this, too. Thanks TXgolfer. This is exactly what my aunt and her husband do each year when they hire cherry pickers on their farm in Oregon. There is so much can do (or cannot do). It is a bit of travesty there. And hasn't worked much to its potential.
How's your head now?
And sealed effectively, too.
They are here illegally, there has to be a price to pay. Work visa for nice fee and an extra tax. That could work perhaps. There has to be compensation for breaking our laws and taking a job.