King James...

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I DO think homosexuality is wrong.
That's nice. I think people who lump people like me in with real sinners, like rapists, child molesters, murderers and stuff like that are wrong.
If the Bible is so straightfoward about homosexuality being a sin, then how come there's so much debate in different deonominations about it being a sin or not? I will bet you in twenty years, people will look back and think "OMG! GLBers were treated SO badly!" Exactly like the way people look back at
the religious beliefs of some primative(old school) Baptists back in the '60's, and are horrified. Back then, those beliefs were MAINSTREAM. Now people just associate those kinds of beliefs with Ku Klux Klanners or Christian Idenity or the more extreme fringe at Bob Jones University or Hyles-Anderson College.
It's happening's just that conservatives don't want to admit it.
I can't see why God would call me a sinner b/c I happen to love someone. God is love. Love is God. There's a verse in the Bible that says that He who knows love, knows God. Can't remmy the chapter and verse, but I will look it up.
I am bisexual. I like both boys and girls. The feelings I have for girls are no different from the feelings I have for boys. I like their SOUL not the fact that they have a penis or a vagina. God knows that. I am a sinner yes........but how can love......that which is the VERY essense of God be wrong? That's like saying that He is a sin.
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