Wanna use the ouija board to contact King James and tell him ? Just joking! I'm in a funny mood tonight!
LOL, I don't own an ouija board and will never play on one either....
Wanna use the ouija board to contact King James and tell him ? Just joking! I'm in a funny mood tonight!
The word "KNOW" has many definitions. Like I mentioned several times, english is one of the poorest and confusing language. What you mentioned on Sodom and Gomorrah. What people said to Lot does mean relating to have sex. The Lord didn't blind them because of living in homosexual, the Lord blind them bec of forceful act and acting out as rape. Right, Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't just homosexual, its all other evil acts people has done. But, no, Lot didn't degrading his daughter and use her as sex objects. His daughters couldn't find any man, bec all those men are lovrrs of other men.Once again, your ignorance is appalling. You cannot tell an opinion from a fact, can you? What you think the Bible says is ALSO your opinion and it does not make it a fact whatsoever.
Yeah, I know what it is. And continue to read a little more... Lot just degraded his OWN virgin daughters by offering them his daughters as sex objects. Nice of Lot!
But it was NOT about sex. Many Bibles misinterpreted saying "They called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intimacies with them. (or have sex with them)"
It was NEVER mentioned. The accurate translation is: "Where are the men who came to your house? Bring them out so we may KNOW them."
That explains clearly why it is wrong to assume that "know" means "want to have sex" otherwise many verses that used that term would also mean sex, including sex with God.
Was the Wickedness of Sodom Homosexuality?
It used Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible to prove that the term was misused and showed that many verses mentioned "KNOW" meaning to know people, not to have sex. He noted different term was used to mean sex.
As for "know men", an analogy would be like INS wanted to know illegal immigrants and citizens would refuse to reveal. Ezekiel 16:48-50 quoted the sins of Sodom and homosexuality wasn't one of them ('Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.)
God did not destroy Sodom because of homosexuality but because of hostility.
I know the difference in between fact and opinion. They both are not the same. That Bible is God's Speakin'. Does that means His Words are His Opinion, eh ?
I am not surprised the catholic church would make up something like this, knowing how good the catholic church are with forged and trumped up doucements. The catholic v.s. protestant fight on just about everything. F.Y.I.
Yep, I have one book like this with me here. I love that book, it helps to learn alot if, I have somethin' pop up in my mind. It is really good book. I found one that I've always wanted that it has KJV Bible WITH Strong's Exhastive Concordance in it, but - gee, it costs about $ 80.00. Yikes ! LOL That's alot of money eh ? But, hey I was thinkin' twice that it is only one time payment will last me a lifetime. I am sure I will use it alot.
In other words, that's your opinion.... I think Bible is written by men who think God's talking to them. ...
In other words, that's your opinion.
BINGO! I knew it!!!!! Catholic not truth!
Duh! You think I don't know that?!?!
She makes it a "fact" that the Bible is God's Word. That's AN opinion. She's not able to distinguish her opinion from a fact. I said she THINKS, I THINK therefore it's an opinion, not a fact.
And, don't tell me that I am ignorant.
You are, unfortunately.
To God, I am not ignorant. To God, you are ignorant.
So all Catholics are liars and you're not?
Who are Scholars?A large number of Scholars are confident that King James was gay.
Romans 1:26-27 (KJV)I am NOT. Some Christians are fond of making judgments against homosexuals and that's exactly why I started this thread. Never did I say homosexuality is wrong or that he is wrong because he's gay.
Who are Scholars?
The Bible is the God-speaking through the Holy Spirit thru the holy authors' down writings. The word, "Scripture" means down writing. The Bible is the Scripture. The Bible is the Scripture that God inspired. The Bible is "God inspired Word" that the Holy Spirit carried along in the holy authors' writings.I think Bible is written by men who think God's talking to them.