Joe Wilson Refuses to apologize on House floor

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He apologized. Obama accepted it.

Had he not yelled the issue of none enforcement to ensure that illegal aliens would not get covered under this health care reserved for citizens would not have been addressed at all! But suddenly two days later Democrats included a language in the bill that proof of citizenship is required. What I think this is a case of CYA for the Democrats because they were forced ot face the issue out in the public and the media was forced to covered exactly why Wilson did that. And the fact Republicans tried a couple of times introduced a language to include enforcement mechanisms in the bill to ensure proof of citizenship. Democrats voted that out. But now, all of sudden, it's back! A light was shined...they scurried and were basically forced to put in that enforcement language.
He apologized. Obama accepted it.

Had he not yelled the issue of none enforcement to ensure that illegal aliens would not get covered under this health care reserved for citizens would not have been addressed at all! But suddenly two days later Democrats included a language in the bill that proof of citizenship is required. What I think this is a case of CYA for the Democrats because they were forced ot face the issue out in the public and the media was forced to covered exactly why Wilson did that. And the fact Republicans tried a couple of times introduced a language to include enforcement mechanisms in the bill to ensure proof of citizenship. Democrats voted that out. But now, all of sudden, it's back! A light was shined...they scurried and were basically forced to put in that enforcement language.

Oh, puh-leeze! His behavior cannot be justified. He should be censured. He recieved bipartisan disapproval for his actions.:roll: Enforcement language is not contained in the bill. It is a separate document.
It's not really that personal......I have friends and family members and a gf who is republican believe it or not....I am reffering to the parties chosen methods as garbage...they do not represent the people.they only really represent people who are concerned about thier tax bill at the voting station...they can play all charmy but once they are elected we get the middle finger....i.e.Cheney ('go fuck yourself').
self centered garbage.
and a later comment......ya all wanna call me rude. but seem to have forgotten how we got here....wilsons rude behavior...I am not a congressman...I don't use God's name in vain.......Wilson stepped out of debate platform toinstill his southern racist garbage. The apology was only because he had to is not sincere...even he admits it.
As say what says.........this all shows the desperation of your party are reduced to a Rush type loudmouth racist pig and an alaskan barby doll as your leaders.........very pathetic.
There are many republicans with class......but I do believe they are afraid to look at themselves with introspection and look at thier party with introspection honestly.
They only want to be defensive without really reviewing anything.....also very selfish bunch.
Tradition? ...bunk.....what has it ever done for anyone? FEED YOUR EGO IS ALL.
don't take it personal....but yeah joe blowhisassout wants to talk shyt and end debate then the civility is gone....don't fawkin whine to me about it...look at joe. the gloves are off....thank joe for it....don't look at me. civility is out the window.....joe tought me.

It's not the first time, either....he's very fowl mouth to those he believes he can "beat down".....I am a Republican! I'm proud and yeah, I've got class. He's rude to the bone!
Oh, puh-leeze! His behavior cannot be justified. He should be censured. He recieved bipartisan disapproval for his actions.:roll: Enforcement language is not contained in the bill. It is a separate document.

lol, right wing got :Owned:.
The specific language on enforcement to show proof of citizenship being considered in the Senate has not been made public.

No amendment so far according to ....
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Not accurate. The President said, "There are those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal aliens or immigrants. This too is false. The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." Look at H.R. 3200, their bill. It says, nothing in any of the Democrat bills would require individuals to verify their citizenship or identity prior to receiving taxpayer subsidized benefits, making the President's promise one that the legislation itself does not keep. So that wasn't accurate, Mr. President.
GovTrack: House Record: HEALTH CARE REFORM (111-h20090910-34) - Sept 10,2009
... Wilson stepped out of debate platform to instill his southern racist garbage.
Care to explain what you mean about "southern racist garbage"? What racist statement did Wilson make?
House guidelines for Presidential put-downs - Glenn Thrush - <-----Censoring! Do you think they will try to reverse it on a republican president? Like they are doing far as replacing Kennedy? (they should have just worded it as if the gov't is the same party as the senator, he can appoint a senator, if not, the people have to vote.. but then again, even with parties, it can be complex.. like blue dog democrat vs. liberal democrat).

Can we ban "Silly", "ridiculous", "myths" from democrats?????

What's next censoring public libraries and banning books?

If they didn't want the president's speech to be interrupted, why didn't they have the speech in his office? making a political speech full of people is bound to be interrupted, either by protesters, reporters, etc.
Reba, and we have a former KKK member named Sen. Robert Byrd in Democrat Congress.
US House rebukes heckler lawmaker

The US House of Representatives has voted to rebuke Joe Wilson, the Republican lawmaker who heckled President Barack Obama during a speech.

Mr Wilson shouted out "You lie" while Mr Obama was a delivering an address on healthcare to a joint session of both houses of Congress last week.

The House resolution of disapproval described it as "a breach of decorum".

Former President Jimmy Carter said the heckle was "based on racism", but Mr Wilson's son denied this was a factor.

Mr Carter told a meeting at his presidential centre in Atlanta that there was "an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president".

But Mr Wilson's eldest son, Alan, said: "There is not a racist bone in my dad's body."

Alan Wilson is an Iraq veteran who is running for state attorney general in Georgia.


Lawmakers voted 240-179 in favour of the resolution.

The move was backed by most Democrats, but dismissed by many Republicans as a distraction from more serious issues.

"My goodness, we could be doing this every day of the week," said Republican Minority Leader John Boehner.

Weeks of mutterings are now out there, in the open, on the front page of the Washington Post - the allegation is that the fury towards the president that has been seen at town-hall meetings and tea party protests is in part motivated by racism

Mark Mardell's America

But Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer insisted that Mr Wilson's outburst could not be ignored.

"At issue is whether we are able to proceed with a degree of civility and decorum that our rules and our democracy contemplate and require," he said.

Mr Wilson himself maintained that his personal apology to Mr Obama should have been enough to resolve the matter.

Mr Obama "graciously accepted my apology and the issue is over," he said.

Mr Wilson's remark came in response to a passage of Mr Obama's speech in which he asserted that illegal immigrants would not be eligible for federal subsidies to buy health coverage.

Experts concur that under the terms of Mr Obama's reform package undocumented immigrants would not be able to claim healthcare subsidies.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US House rebukes heckler lawmaker

Up to the one making the allegation to support the claim.
I know how to Google it, jiro. Just wanted to see justification for using something from 60 years ago as pertinent to the current situation.
Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that racial politics played a role in South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress last week and in some of the opposition the president has faced since taking office.

Former President Carter tells NBC Nightly News that racism has surfaced in opposition to President Obama.
"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American," Carter told NBC News. "I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African-Americans."

"That racism inclination still exists, and I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of belief among many white people -- not just in the South but around the country -- that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply," Carter said.

Carter made similar remarks at an event at his presidential center in Atlanta, Georgia, The Associated Press reported Tuesday, pointing to some protesters who have compared Obama to a Nazi. "Those kind of things are not just casual outcomes of a sincere debate on whether we should have a national program on health care," the former president said at the Carter Center, according to AP. "It's deeper than that."

He grouped Wilson's shout of "You lie!" during Obama's speech in that category, according to AP. "I think it's based on racism. There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president," he said.

"The president is not only the head of government, he is the head of state. And no matter who he is or how much we disagree with his policies, the president should be treated with respect."

Don't Miss
House passes resolution criticizing Wilson
The House voted Tuesday to formally disapprove of Wilson's behavior during the joint session of Congress. The resolution was approved largely along party lines, with Republicans calling the measure unnecessary partisan politics.

Wilson apologized to the White House last week, but congressional Democrats said he owed the chamber a similar statement of regret

Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama -
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