Joe Wilson Refuses to apologize on House floor

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Cowpuppy... You're looking a bit hypocritical right now.

You claim Republicans have no class, yet you insult them blatantly. Tit-for-tat is not appropriate here. You know you can do better than throwing around rude words on a public forum.

It's not the first time, either....he's very fowl mouth to those he believes he can "beat down".....I am a Republican! I'm proud and yeah, I've got class. He's rude to the bone!
It's not the first time, either....he's very fowl mouth to those he believes he can "beat down".....I am a Republican! I'm proud and yeah, I've got class. He's rude to the bone!

I'm a liberal and I have to say I agree about his lack of manners.
You have a bad habit of personally going after me here in AD. Let...go...of..the...past! This isn't about me. The thread topic, again, is about Joe Wilson. At least Fred's the honest one compared to Obama whose nose gets longer each day. I said nothing of the kind I'd vote for Wilson for president.

Speaking of Joe Wilson for prez. Heres' an article...
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Oh please. You just don't like to be reminded of your mistakes.
Doesn't matter, you're making this as a personal matter and that's obvious. This isn't about me this topic thread.
Doesn't matter, you're making this as a personal matter and that's obvious. This isn't about me this topic thread.

The pot calling the kettle black. You're taking it personal, not me. I don't care about what you think of me, I'm not just afraid to point out your hypocrisy and agenda.

That's what you don't like about me because you know it's true.

Get a grip, you're not fooling anybody here.
the AFLAC defense of Obama

We’ll have to give goofy Joe Biden his due
For predicting that after Obama’s debut
Some nut would create a most dire provocation
To test The One’s foreign affairs inclination.
His response is no longer maintained in suspense:
Obama’s invoking the Aflac defense!

As anyone watching a TV would know
The firm known as “Aflac” pays millions to show
commercials that feature a white-feathered fowl
That quacks so annoyingly spectators howl
To change the darned channel or lower the sound –
But these ads and Barack are essentially bound….

‘Cause meantime nuke weapons are flourishing widely –
As Barack makes like Nero and fiddles so idly.
Those talks that were planned for disarming Iran?
They’re not very likely since Mullahs began
To beat those protesting against the election,
And The One has, at last, backed the failed insurrection.

Now insane Kim Jong Il’s pointing weapon-tipped rockets
to blackmail the West and to line his own pockets
while spreading his nuclear caches abroad,
where Middle East terrorists loudly applaud
Barack’s taking Israel firmly to task --
It’s exactly what groups like Hamas would’ve asked!

“Now Muse,” you might think, “this is quite a big stretch --
This Aflac-Obama link -- just to kvetch!”
But hear what we say, and you’ll see what we mean:
Barack’s foreign policy-making machine
Is committed to “talking” and, therefore, inaction;
(To these nuclear renegades’ great satisfaction!)
Now the mascot for Aflac gets into the action,
‘cause “Duck!” is Barack’s sole remaining reaction!
The Conservative Muse: Obama's Foreign Policy Linchpin Revealed: The Aflac Defense a chuckle out of that one.

Yeah, the ol' insurance angle.
As I pointed out...Joe Blowhard chose to end the debate platform....congess is a debate platform...joe blow stepped out of that platform and ended it? therefore the gloves are off.....the fight is debate.......trashtalk....point being repubs ended the debate on the issue and want a fight so they got it.....jumped into the fight as debate was ended by joe blowhard.
gloves are your don't cry to me and act all innocent.
you all want to defend the one who ended debate and pretend it didn't happen.
the fights on....ya all think ya the only tough ones around?
ain't sittin on our butts listening to your two face shyt.
end the debate and then pretend there is still a debate like nothing happened.....bunk...........two- face garbagae as usual...political trickery..garbage.
we ain't buyin it.
yeah I got class but I don't put up with two-face whiners that don't have the integrity to take resposibility for thier actions and try to ply it off onto others. the worst kinda garbage.
That is the hypocrisy right there...take responsibility for it and don't try and ply it off onto others.hypocricy. ......nice try bozos....ain't happenin.

Cowpuppy... You're looking a bit hypocritical right now.

You claim Republicans have no class, yet you insult them blatantly. Tit-for-tat is not appropriate here. You know you can do better than throwing around rude words on a public forum.
when a hypocrite tries to label others as hypocrites it falls on deaf ears...duh.
you guys love labels.....political trickery...bunk.
go put on your sunday church clothes and run around labeling people....nice...real nice.....hypocrisy.
Nothing's more fun the person who can poke holes in other people's arguments while denying all the mistakes they made.
Some people should really avoid using offensive phrases.
Nothing's more fun the person who can poke holes in other people's arguments while denying all the mistakes they made.
Some people should really avoid using offensive phrases.

So, since this topic has become another "line in the sand" moment....don't you think Cowpuppy is entitled to speak his mind, as bluntly as he chooses? There is much less protocol and expected class here in the AllDeaf political forum than in the US Capital during a SOTU address. To put forth this hollering guy as a political Messiah speaks volumes on the Republican party's lack of a viable candidate. You have a loud-mouth and a fashion queen and....feel free to list them all.
Seems obvious here that the Rush-oholics smell chum in the water. Sharks are circling. Lines in the sand. Every topic personal. Any dissention means that person is an idiot, but when you give the rebuttal, use some PHD terms to attempt to baffle and intimidate some members.
When you point the fingers to lay blame on why these topics always end in the same fashion, make sure you're not standing in front of a mirror. After all, it is the other guy every time.
It's not the first time, either....he's very fowl mouth to those he believes he can "beat down".....I am a Republican! I'm proud and yeah, I've got class. He's rude to the bone!

I'm a liberal and I have to say I agree about his lack of manners.

So, standing up during the State of the Union address and hollering insults at the President is well mannered? :roll:
"Two wrongs does not make a right."

Anyone should be able to recognize that.
Certainly true. Thing is, the topic is about the "Hollering Man" so expect heated responses.
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