Its true look it up! "" GOD does decide whos deaf or blind."

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ravensteve1961 said:
Bill you said this
You mean jews love arafat or god loves arafat for what troubles hes caused? I dont think so. You think we should love osama bin laden? Hell no..
Listen i dont think deafness is a gift.. Love and sex it a gift,,,Talent is a gift,, But not deafness. How can deafness get me a million dollar contract? How can deafness get me on the news? Those things i wished for before my deafness. 5 years ago i went into a 10 day coma in the hospital i had a severe diabetic reaction. I delveloped type 2 diabetes. I almost died on that day i wonder why god brought be back if he knew i was going to go deaf 5 years later? I rather be dead. Serously I rather be dead!! So why he bought me back knowinly i was gonna be deaf?

I nearly lost my life five year ago and lost my third daughter. I lost my health and was paralyzed off and on for 4 years prior to that.

I see that as a gift now - I see that it has taught me how to be compassionate, wise and appreciative of what is really important in life.

You don't know what I have gone through because I never rant here about my issues. Trust me, your problems are NOTHING compared to mine.

God gave me these lessons as he knew that I could handle anything on my plate. He knew that I was going to come out stronger and compassionate so I could reach out to other suffering people and share my gifts.
I wasn't aware of all that, Meg, and I am impressed you did not become embittered from your experiences.

I am trying to remain compassionate to Ravensteve's anguish, and I am at a loss. As you know, Meg, there are seven stages of grief, so we have let him grieve, let him rage.
Because there was never any funeral for his hearing?
Hmmm, maybe we ought to have a funeral in here, complete with appointed pallbearers, those to speak eulogies, etc.?
Just thinking aloud. It might help, lol.
If theres a funeral then i want a dr frankenstein for my hearing. Dr frankenstein dug up a dead body and electrocuted him and hes alive. ITS ALIVE !! ITS ALIVE !! . I want a dr frankenstein and i can say I CAN HEAR! I CAN HEAR! :twisted:
smile again,

Deafness is NOT going to get ANYONE a million dollar contract. Your attitude might be a way; your talent may too. Michael Jordan didnt get his contract because he was black, he got it because he worked hard on his talent and attitude. But if you keep complaining about your deafness then you wont ever know and train yourself for the talent to get that contract because you wasted all that time moaning and groaning instead of going out there and taking the opportunity to try something new that God threw your way.

I take it that you are not a christan and you just happen to find that verse in the bible and translate it to fit your thinking. If you knew your bible, you would know that the Jews at this time want nothing to do with Jesus teaching and they twisted that eye for an eye thing the wrong way. ex ample this is how they read it
"you took my eye out and now i will take yours"
this is how it should be taken
" I took your eye out and I will pay it with mine"

God is not about revenge, He is about Love. As for bin liden goes, yes, christian are to love ALL as these verse says

John 3:16-17
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Matthew 5:43-47
43 "You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Love your neighbor' and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. 46 If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.

What I am saying no matter how ugly, stupid, deformed, deaf, blind, weird, normal, good or bad you are God Loves you no matter what. if you lie to people He still loves you but hate the lie, if you killed some one he still loves you but hates the killing. Yes its hard to love your enemies

I ll let God do the judging at the great white thone of judgement

as far as the verse in my previous post, you make it sound like you dont know "your reward shall be great" mean. It could mean use your deafness in a way that pleases God and your reward will be great and nothing is impossible with Him. And of course all this will mean nothing if you truely dont know how to love (and for your info - Sex Is NOT Love! Again that another thread)

So Rave the next time you decide to use a reference (such as a bible) to give your excuse for your anger on deafness, DONT!


I read this thread. I find it very offensive. It is like you are insulting "US" deafies because we happen to be deaf as well. I don't give a damn if you are not happy for being deaf. ACCEPT IT! Why keep whining about it which it is not going to help or do any good.

Which do you rather to be BLIND or DEAF? Choose ONE! I rather to be deaf than blind. Why? Because I could do lot of things such as live on your own, drive vehicle, have job, be independent, be able to see everything like outside, color, see day/night, watch T.V, watch kids growing up, etc. Being blind, there's limitations to it like you can't drive vehicle, can't see anything, can't cook yourself whatever you want, etc.

You make it sounds like its end of the world that you lost your hearing. Come on, get a grip. ITS NOT END OF THE WORLD! You are still ALIVE except you can't hear anymore. Oh W-E-L-L! Like I said accept the fact that you are deaf, period. You will never get your hearing back again. What's the point of keep whining about it which it is not going to do any good and you will be deaf for the rest of your life til you die. Please STOP pointing fingers, blaming... like you blamed that threatre might've caused your hearing loss, or god made you lost your hearing, or a curse, blah blah blah . Please! You are just very bitter and angry person that can't accept the fact that you are deaf. Well, I'm sorry you are deaf now and just move on, do something better with your life than whining/bitching about it all the time. It is not necessary to be so negative all the time.

Please seek an professional help as it seems like you do need to see one for this as far as what I've read your posts on this thread. Oh, and please stop seeking for sympanty (sp?) and you just want pity from US. Well, I don't pity you. So please quit it while you are ahead. Thank you. :ugh:
You know why theres war in the middle east? Its over religion. Arabs do not want jews on their land. If the US never supported israel arabs would never bother us. It was bin ladens dad who taught osama america is evil, israel is evil. now why would bin ladens dad preach that to osama? There was an arab woman who said this phase """ You are responsibile for what happends to the palenstene state.""" And shes right.I forgot what her name was so dont ask. If america never got involved in the war in 1948 with the UN enforcement helping israel to establish a jewish state there wouldnt been a 9-11. Afrter 9-11 there was an interview on NBC news and Yasser Arafat said Quote"""All the United States has to do was change middle east policy and stop supporting israel and none of this would had happend,America had it comming to them""" Hes right..And they ask Condi rice will you change the policy toward the middle east now? She said no.If i was president id tell ariel sharon youll have to stand on youre own two feet now,, we cant support you anymore we have families and friends to think about we cant afford another 9-11 again,,Im sorry and "hang up the phone".That all we had to do.
ravensteve1961 said:
You know why theres war in the middle east? Its over religion. Arabs do not want jews on their land. If the US never supported israel arabs would never bother us. It was bin ladens dad who taught osama america is evil, israel is evil. now why would bin ladens dad preach that to osama? There was an arab woman who said this phase """ You are responsibile for what happends to the palenstene state.""" And shes right.I forgot what her name was so dont ask. If america never got involved in the war in 1948 with the UN enforcement helping israel to establish a jewish state there wouldnt been a 9-11. Afrter 9-11 there was an interview on NBC news and Yasser Arafat said Quote"""All the United States has to do was change middle east policy and stop supporting israel and none of this would had happend,America had it comming to them""" Hes right..And they ask Condi rice will you change the policy toward the middle east now? She said no.If i was president id tell ariel sharon youll have to stand on youre own two feet now,, we cant support you anymore we have families and friends to think about we cant afford another 9-11 again,,Im sorry and "hang up the phone".That all we had to do.

:smash: @ Ravensteve's head... He talk about Arab now... What happened to his Topic about God s choice Deaf and Blind?
Off the topic....O K
Oh jeez! RavenSteve has a hard headed and bitterness and keeps pointing finger at us and blame on us. He focus on himself too much and pity on him too much. We are trying to explain to him but he not follow it. Waste our time for nothing! Let him blah blah blah and whine all day. It is HIS problem. Not your and mine problem, right?

Take care.
ravensteve1961 said:
You know why theres war in the middle east? Its over religion. Arabs do not want jews on their land. If the US never supported israel arabs would never bother us. It was bin ladens dad who taught osama america is evil, israel is evil. now why would bin ladens dad preach that to osama? There was an arab woman who said this phase """ You are responsibile for what happends to the palenstene state.""" And shes right.I forgot what her name was so dont ask. If america never got involved in the war in 1948 with the UN enforcement helping israel to establish a jewish state there wouldnt been a 9-11. Afrter 9-11 there was an interview on NBC news and Yasser Arafat said Quote"""All the United States has to do was change middle east policy and stop supporting israel and none of this would had happend,America had it comming to them""" Hes right..And they ask Condi rice will you change the policy toward the middle east now? She said no.If i was president id tell ariel sharon youll have to stand on youre own two feet now,, we cant support you anymore we have families and friends to think about we cant afford another 9-11 again,,Im sorry and "hang up the phone".That all we had to do.

:topic: :topic: :topic: :topic: :topic: :topic:

Mods, please consider about :locked: this topic, some are offenses and off topic..

Meg said:
I nearly lost my life five year ago and lost my third daughter. I lost my health and was paralyzed off and on for 4 years prior to that.

I see that as a gift now - I see that it has taught me how to be compassionate, wise and appreciative of what is really important in life.

You don't know what I have gone through because I never rant here about my issues. Trust me, your problems are NOTHING compared to mine.

God gave me these lessons as he knew that I could handle anything on my plate. He knew that I was going to come out stronger and compassionate so I could reach out to other suffering people and share my gifts.

i know what you have been through.. and i have been through a lot too.. and like you.. i don't rant about my plms or LOOK FOR PITY like he does..

i can't believe his mommy does all of his dirty work sheesh.. what if she died today?? what will he do?? CROAK?

MODS!! pls :locked: this DAMN THREAD.. raven is :crazy: and getting us NOWHERE! SHEESH!!
Note: How when he "looses" one argument, he selectively ignores most of what you wrote to start an argument on a different subject.

I say we just ignore him. If he wants to wallow in self-pity, well we tried.
Simple suggest this thread goes to :locked:

Pretty find bitterness and angrily "pointing fingers againist anyone" This is very rude remarks!
I agree with u people this thread should be locked :roll: it should be locked long time ago but why you people keep posting after posting? anyways... I send my :hug: to whoever feel hurt by raven's stupid comments
hey ya'all...

it is quite obvious that ravensteve has serious issues, and it's not our job to help him learn it's just life and he has to accept it, no matter how many times we tell him to accept, he still push us off and still whine like a toddler begging for more chocolate cake.

he's whining that he wants to hear more, but he has already heard enough so I guess that's what you get when you whine too much about yourself, right?

so he earns it the hard way, and we have to let him deal with it himself, even though he may seems weak at it, but still, that's his problem and let him still learn it the hard way.

I don't think we should talk to him at all anymore since all he ever do is whine and always go off topic about such things, because he still hasn't changed after he was banned afew times, so why don't we just let this go and let him deal with the issues himself instead of us wasting our time telling him that he offended us and don't know shit because he actually doesn't know any shit so that's his problem...just let him whine all he wants, but don't help him give any proper answers or anything like that because it's proably best if we just let him learn it the hard way.

this 9 pages of whining, fighting, insults, and flaming thread should be locked by NOW.
First of all im not negitive!! By you telling me to accept im deaf is like giving up. Suppose we all stop beliving and give up? Thats like telling everyone well we cant win this war lets all come home. NO you keep on fighting until you win and get it done. Suppose the boston redsox gave up after going down 0-3 in the series and said theres no way they can beat the yankees. No they never stop beliving thats how they reverse the curse. Coach of NC State Wolfpack coach Jimmy Valvano said these words"" You never give up ,,,Dont ever give up,,That how you make miracles happen"" So im not giving up my deafness could be tempoary and i belive that.
Lock this topic :locked:

People, please... please don't respond in this topic anymore. It gets nowhere. ravensteve clearly didn't take the comments into consideration what you people said.

he is just raving for the sake of raving.
Oh nooooooooooooooo, this is a 9th waste pages thread here. :pissed:

Like what I told you my earlier post to ignore those nonsense posts.....

:locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked:
Magatsu said:
Lock this topic :locked:

People, please... please don't respond in this topic anymore. It gets nowhere. ravensteve clearly didn't take the comments into consideration what you people said.

he is just raving for the sake of raving.
Im Just Being Honest ....Want me to lie??? Ok Ill lie,I accept im deaf. Happy now??
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