Its true look it up! "" GOD does decide whos deaf or blind."

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Wolfboy said:
great the ignore button dont work 100% I can still see his post by someone quote it. :grunt:

that's the problem that many people are frustrated with.. you are the only one.. (sigh)
This is really worthless, won't change Troll-boy's er Steve's perception at all. But I have 15 minutes to kill.

I've been through most of what you've said so far. Full hearing, Hearing Impaired and stone deaf. I've also done it quite a few years before you did.
During my Full hearing days, I was an Amateur Radio Operator, An EMT/Firefighter and my bachelor's degree is in Video Production and I've worked at TV stations. When I became deaf I lost all of these things, so you'll get no sympathy here about loss of your "Dream Job."

During this time, I've also lost a lot of mobility. I know what it's like to be in a wheelchair, to have to use a walker or a cane. Deafness doesn't even touch that one, it's not even worthy of comparison.

I've temporarily experienced blindness, if I had to choose between deafness or blindness; I'd take deafness any day.

As for Why? You could spend all day on that (and obviously have). Maybe you've been mean and cruel. Maybe the Woman who you pushed in the Store is a Voodoo Princess and cast a curse on you. Maybe your just old, 40 isn't a young buck.
Why is not's the same as 'Shoulda..Woulda..Coulda'. What is important is where you go from here. You going to spend the rest of your days wallowing in self-pity and looking for answers that don't exist? Someone to blame? Live your life in Denial? This is what has happened to you, you need to accept that fact and move on. Deafness doesn't have to be the end of it all, unless you make it that way.
PeteEMT <----beautiful said.. thank you for your time and made your point...
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i dont mean to be with a BAD ATTITUDE towards members here. Its very hard for me to accept this change. Im still looking for answers.Im unable to find any answers for now.

Hard for you to accept this change?

U have to Accept some of Changes which are......
Age as Growing
Appearance as Wrinkle, loose teeth, lose hair
Health change like Sick, Cancer, Etc
Gain or Lose Weight
Blind or Not
Deaf or Not
Lose some of Body parts like Leg, Arm, Hand, ETC
Lost Speech which can't speak well
Change color of Hair which are Silver, Gray or White
To have children or no children
To have a wife or no wife
There are so many things WE have to accept to change becuz GOD don't make us to change, decide, or want us to. There nothing we can do but accept. There is no God as Person to make you become Hearing again in Church. There is no Prayer to make you become Hearing again. God don't make you become Deafness but it is your body. Your body was bad health which can cause you become deafness. How can you blame God to make you deafness? Did you meet God in person and let God take your hearing away? I don't think so.
God don't make Women to become pregnant and Make her baby become Deaf, Blind, Deformed, Mental R., or Death. Only Men and Women can make their own baby and they will know what will cause baby become or just "lucky" with no problems. God will accept Women, Men, Children and Babies as Open door. He can't close the door and can't love them as who are they. How can you expect God to make it Perfect? I know that Everyone are not Perfect but they know that they can do anything without become stuck. Like We are Deaf, we can do anything like job, driving, take care of, use sign lanuage, and many things but we do have limited which we can't hear words, phone ring, or others. It is not big deal to us.
If you are Againist or Mad at God, Then you can become Cult and become SATAN. So we don't need to heard your all of negative feedbacks again. Satan will accept you as person. It is your choice
ravensteve1961 said:
... Im still looking for answers.Im unable to find any answers for now.
There are some questions that we never find the answers to in this world. In the mean time, we keep living. If you want to search for answers, that is fine. But don't quit living while you are searching. You might be surprised. Some answers might pop up when you least expect them just because you are so busy living.
Pete youre an ass. Youre hateful mean S.O.B. Deaf isnt beautiful it just seems that way. If youre in a wheelchair instead of deaf you could still enjoy the beauty of music . Deaf people can never hear the beauty of music. Besides that rioten old bat is 6 feet down in the ground and shes in hell. I know shes enjoying that pitch fork that satan is giving her.

Oh boy, you are a whiner about hearing loss and still not accepting. Then
ravensteve1961 said:
YES!!! Its My Problem,,And everybody is deaf here is their problem.

You still point at them and said it is their problem, I don't see them complain about being deaf here. ONLY YOU!

Here is your milk bottle and zip your whine mouth, please. MOVE ON!!!
ravensteve1961 said:
YES!!! Its My Problem,,And everybody is deaf here is their problem.

But that’s just it, Steve! No matter how many times we explain it to you, you just don’t seem to get it. The vast majority of us don’t consider deafness to be a problem—get it??? That’s what separates you from the rest of us, and why we ridicule you to no end. WE DON’T FUCKING CARE THAT WE’RE DEAF! Granted, I have more residual hearing than almost everybody else on this board, and I am very grateful for the fact that I have it, but I don’t go around bemoaning the fact that I do not have normal hearing—I JUST DON’T CARE! NONE OF US DO! You’re the only one who’s making an issue out of it. That’s what we’re trying to explain to you!
Levonian said:
But that’s just it, Steve! No matter how many times we explain it to you, you just don’t seem to get it. The vast majority of us don’t consider deafness to be a problem—get it??? That’s what separates you from the rest of us, and why we ridicule you to no end. WE DON’T FUCKING CARE THAT WE’RE DEAF! Granted, I have more residual hearing than almost everybody else on this board, and I am very grateful for the fact that I have it, but I don’t go around bemoaning the fact that I do not have normal hearing—I JUST DON’T CARE! NONE OF US DO! You’re the only one who’s making an issue out of it. That’s what we’re trying to explain to you!

look.. he WON'T LISTEN.. he is issues.. he will never change .. period..
so take a deep breath .. and relax.. he is not worth it.. he just called pete names :ugh: .... he is the one who keeps lashing out at us.. so therefore he is THE BITTER ONE here.. not us.. NOTHING MAKES HIM HAPPY-- NO MATTER WHAT!! EVEN THOUGH HIS MOMMY IS DOING ALL HIS DIRTY WORK.. HE STILL IS NOT HAPPY! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.. SHEESH!!

let him just rant and run his mouth and he will be sorry.. pure and simple.. we all know better than that.. he just loves to see us chasing him... can't you see that?? :roll:
Time For Another Refreshing Musical Interlude

Happy Trolls to You
Written by: Dale Evans
Recorded by: Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Happy trolls to you, 'till we meet again.
Some trolls are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trolll that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.

Happy trolls to you
Until we meet again
Happy trolls to you
Keep smiling until then
Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trolls to you, until we meet again.

Happy trolls to you, until we meet again.
Happy trolls to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trolls to you, 'till we meet........ a...gain!

Oh that was wonerful, wonerful! Don we all fil bedder now? :lol:
I think you owe a BIG apology to Roy, Dale, and Lawrence Welk. :rofl:
Geeeeze! Every chimps a critic these days! :dunno:

How about this old favorite. Done by Tina Turner....OOOOOH she be hott!!

Creedence Clearwater Revival Lyrics: Proud Mary

Left a good job in the city,
Working for The Man every night and day,
And I never lost one minute of sleeping,
Worrying 'bout the way things might have been.

Big wheel keep on turning,
Proud Mary keep on burning,
Trolling, trolling, trolling on the river.

Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis,
Pumped a lot of 'tane down in New Orleans,
But I never saw the good side of the city,
Until I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.


Trolling, trolling, trolling on the river.
If you come down to the river,
Bet you gonna find some people who live.
You don't have to worry 'cause you have no money,
People on the river are happy to give.


Trolling, trolling, trolling on the river.
Trolling, trolling, trolling on the river.
Trolling, trolling, trolling on the river.

:ty: :fly3:
Last edited:
Listen i do get it. And i care,Plus i miss my hearing i really do. :tears:. Can prisoners accept the fact theyre in prison? Can many of the inmates can accept the fact theyre in prison? Hell no,,Theyre thinking on how to escape.So i just wish someday theyre is a miracle that they can bring back hearing.
Hi alll,

I was attracted to this post by the claiming that God gave us deafness and blindness as a punishment. I have to smile a bit on this one. I teaches Bible study to the deaf and hearing impaired and one thing see is many deaf in my class take the bible in their hand and twist the verses. Then they ask me why God Doesnt answer their prayers. Tough job on my hand to explain to them. Now I ll try not to get too preachy here so here goes;

Exodus 4:11 if stand alone will make it look like God is bad, but combine with 4:10 it telling us that Moses was trying to make an excuse of using his disablity as a way out. Now if you jump to John 9:1-4,

1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. In the later verse Jesus gave him his sight back (did you know Jesus was the only one who healed any of the blind)

Jesus himself says our disablity is not from a sin but serve a purpose for God Glory. I have a lady in my class who went deaf from a fever at age 17 and now she eighty five. She always asking why she deaf and God has not returned her hearing and just remind her the John 9:1-4. and remind her how she was blessed in her 70 years of her deaf life (kids, grandkids, great grand kid, one husband, house, nice retirment plan and so on)

Rave if you are in the forty then take a look at what your deafness can do to promote God Glory and be Blessed by Him when you please Him as the Bible Promise He Will do. That 9/11 crack you made was kind of unfair because God was there but not in the way you want to be (Man i can tell you I saw Him in at least in 18 places but thats another Thread)

Now the Preachy Part, Did you know that you were freed from the old law when Jesus died on the cross for YOUR Sin and rose again to clean you of your sins Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow? Once you believe that in your Heart, your deafness will be nothing compare what God have plan for you. God Loves everyone including the one who slam the plane in the tower. It Just He Does NOT LIKE the Action they did (Luke 6:35 come to mind - But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great......). God also does not like complainer, it's been proven all over in book of Exodus of what He does to them.

About me, short and simple, I was born with 75% hearing lost, I am 43 with a 80% chance of going blind by the time i am 50. I still struggle to make end meet and God had provided my NEEDS everytime but not my wants. I have a deaf wife of 24 years with 3 hearing children under 12, roof over our head and many opportunity to particupate in God's work. No complaint here.

So Rave and anyone else looking to blame their deafness on something or someone is going to fall to deaf ears (no pun intended). Another word , you complain and blame, you ll be stuck in rut. If you decide to make the most of your deafness like many who post on this thread, and i ll quote from PeteEMT

"This is what has happened to you, you need to accept that fact and move on. Deafness doesn't have to be the end of it all, unless you make it that way." and I ll add "Take advantage of your other senses and make the most of it, Life is too short to waste on something you cant anything about it"

Take care
ravensteve1961 said:
Pete youre an ass. Youre hateful mean S.O.B. Deaf isnt beautiful it just seems that way. If youre in a wheelchair instead of deaf you could still enjoy the beauty of music . Deaf people can never hear the beauty of music. Besides that rioten old bat is 6 feet down in the ground and shes in hell. I know shes enjoying that pitch fork that satan is giving her.
You may be deaf, but you can enjoy the beauty of exercise and physical movement! There will always be something to enjoy.
Bill you said this
(Luke 6:35 come to mind - But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great......)
You mean jews love arafat or god loves arafat for what troubles hes caused? I dont think so. You think we should love osama bin laden? Hell no..
Listen i dont think deafness is a gift.. Love and sex it a gift,,,Talent is a gift,, But not deafness. How can deafness get me a million dollar contract? How can deafness get me on the news? Those things i wished for before my deafness. 5 years ago i went into a 10 day coma in the hospital i had a severe diabetic reaction. I delveloped type 2 diabetes. I almost died on that day i wonder why god brought be back if he knew i was going to go deaf 5 years later? I rather be dead. Serously I rather be dead!! So why he bought me back knowinly i was gonna be deaf?
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