Its true look it up! "" GOD does decide whos deaf or blind."

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Steel said:
and his life story would run on saturday night live just making fun of his whiness someday! :D

OMG. RS can be famous for all of his nonsense whining on Saturday Night and the good old USA. :barf:
ravensteve1961 said:
By hijacking a 747 like bin ladens followers did and ram that 747 into the mecca in saudi arabia and the ill be a hero.

Steve, you couldn’t hijack a baby carriage, much less a commercial passenger liner. And all you’re going to accomplish by ramming it into a Meccan mosque is taking out hundreds of innocent civilians. That’s what Bin Laden does, not us. We’re starting to mature past that point. Now take some more zoloft, have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.
Well Reggie White went to GOD he was only 43 years old. Id should go to GOD too and im 43. And ask him can i start over and i like to be born with excelent hearing.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well Reggie White went to GOD he was only 43 years old. Id should go to GOD too and im 43. And ask him can i start over and i like to be born with excelent hearing.

:locked: Ravensteve in Jail and Throw away Key. No one can heard or see him whining. We can have Peace!
Mommyof3 said:
:locked: Ravensteve in Jail and Throw away Key. No one can heard or see him whining. We can have Peace!
Well its not that simple anymore. Ever heard of John Hinkley and Andrea Yates?
ravensteve1961 said:
Oh i can try be a hero. By hijacking a 747 like bin ladens followers did and ram that 747 into the mecca in saudi arabia and the ill be a hero. At least i died for my country.

Well guys, this is a threat to hijack a commercial airliner and crash it as a weapon. If you have knowledge of such a threat and do not inform Homeland Security or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you are an accessory. The question is, is this guy sane, or is he capable of performing such a crazy act. He bootlegs alcohol to minors, slashes tires (?), unlawfully posesses and uses a handicap parking sticker, what else? And if I remember correctly, he has posted a Hijack threat before, or am I mistaken?
Its not a threat to homeland security geesh read it again.The mecca is 7000 miles away. And im pissed because i think we need to settle the score!!
Codger said:
Well guys, this is a threat to hijack a commercial airliner and crash it as a weapon. If you have knowledge of such a threat and do not inform Homeland Security or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you are an accessory. The question is, is this guy sane, or is he capable of performing such a crazy act. He bootlegs alcohol to minors, slashes tires (?), unlawfully posesses and uses a handicap parking sticker, what else? And if I remember correctly, he has posted a Hijack threat before, or am I mistaken?
Come to think of it, that is indeed a potential threat...
Codger said:
Well guys, this is a threat to hijack a commercial airliner and crash it as a weapon. If you have knowledge of such a threat and do not inform Homeland Security or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you are an accessory. The question is, is this guy sane, or is he capable of performing such a crazy act. He bootlegs alcohol to minors, slashes tires (?), unlawfully posesses and uses a handicap parking sticker, what else? And if I remember correctly, he has posted a Hijack threat before, or am I mistaken?

Codger, He has made a lot of threats such as this, as well as against specific individuals. I can assure you that authorities are very well aware of it. In fact, Steve knows they are aware of it and yet he continues to post threats.

Oh, and Steve....for the record, my mother isn't around anymore so there is no use in trying to find out where she works.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well Reggie White went to GOD he was only 43 years old. Id should go to GOD too and im 43. And ask him can i start over and i like to be born with excelent hearing.
You're 43?? I thought you were like 12 or something. Sheesh, you don't act your age.
prostock19 said:
You're 43?? I thought you were like 12 or something. Sheesh, you don't act your age.
I've heard rumors that he is actually 51 so he's lying about his age just to make himself sound
Taylor...Dont you see?? dam!! Our men are dying everyday over there for what cause? We need to get agreesive at al queda before they strike again We have hi tech military weapons to get al queda..Why arent we using them??? You really belive i can hijack a 747?? Comon its very complacted that terrorist did it because they had the training at those camps.I watched those grusome videos of al queda beheading our people and yet we punish our men for torturing iraqi prisoners and israel solder shot and killed a 10 year old palenstine girl and no court martial has been issued for that soldier.So im no threat taylor al queda is a threat we need to take our hi tech weapons and start using them instead of our soldiers.
Steel said:
I've heard rumors that he is actually 51 so he's lying about his age just to make himself sound

nah God has made him 92. He is an old geezer. :crazy:
Mommyof3 said:
:locked: Ravensteve in Jail and Throw away Key. No one can heard or see him whining. We can have Peace!

wouldn't that BE LOVELY!??
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor...Dont you see?? dam!! Our men are dying everyday over there for what cause? We need to get agreesive at al queda before they strike again We have hi tech military weapons to get al queda..Why arent we using them??? You really belive i can hijack a 747?? Comon its very complacted that terrorist did it because they had the training at those camps.I watched those grusome videos of al queda beheading our people and yet we punish our men for torturing iraqi prisoners and israel solder shot and killed a 10 year old palenstine girl and no court martial has been issued for that soldier.So im no threat taylor al queda is a threat we need to take our hi tech weapons and start using them instead of our soldiers.
funny that you say that you are 43 and you even left "dam" as a typo...
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