again.... misleading. They "calculated" with assumption. Beside - what about Private Security Firms in Iraq? There were over 30,000. and we are not responsible for allies' actions. Again.... misleading methodology.
Postscript on Iraqi War Dead
The ABC article you linked to talk about different assumptions, based on deaths reported by western media.
The link I provided, talk about some researchers that have done face to face interviews in Iraq, and how those numbers differs from deaths reported by western media. Sorry, but this way to make statstic is far more serious than calculating on deaths reported by major western newspapers.
"ORB’s research covered fifteen of Iraq’s eighteen provinces. Those not covered include two of Iraq’s more volatile regions—Kerbala and Anbar—and the northern province of Arbil, where local authorities refused them a permit to work.
In face-to-face interviews with 2,414 adults, the poll found that more than one in five respondents had had at least one death in their household as a result of the conflict, as opposed to natural cause."
We are not talking about Private Security Firms:
"Even with the lower confirmed figures, by the end of 2006, an average of 5,000 Iraqis had been killed every month by US forces since the beginning of the occupation. However, the rate of fatalities in 2006 was twice as high as the overall average, meaning that the
American average in 2006 was well over 10,000 per month, or over 300 Iraqis every day. With the surge that began in 2007, the current figure is likely even higher."
In one day, US forces kill as many Iraqs, as Israel have killed Palestine civilians over a couple of weeks. That's why I find this focus on Israel a bit out of perspective.