Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

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Where does it say that they want to convert the world to Islam?

And if it were true, how would that be any different from Christians and their missionaries around the world? Wouldn't it be fair to say that they want to spread their religion around the world as well?

The Koran says so. Read the Koran for yourself. If you read the history of Islam, you will read about how they force non-muslim to convert or they will kill them. I don't know about today.

The Christians want the whole world to be Christians. Nowadays, they would preach to others, hoping that they will listen and convert.
It's not much different then is it? Remember the Spanish Inquisition? No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition, nor the Crusades!

Nice attempt to slander Islam when Christianity is just as guilty of it.
It's not much different then is it? Remember the Spanish Inquisition? No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition, nor the Crusades!

Nice attempt to slander Islam when Christianity is just as guilty of it.

What do you mean by "slander Islam"? It implied that I am lying about Islam.
It's not much different then is it? Remember the Spanish Inquisition? No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition, nor the Crusades!

Nice attempt to slander Islam when Christianity is just as guilty of it.

arent you going back a hell of a long way brad? when we also burnt witches etc, christians don't want to kill anyone who doesn't convert in this day and age so bringing up the past serves no purpose, and nor do most muslims, it's just the hardline fanatics who i would happily bet have no interest in their religion, just hatred, and even the koran doesnt preach that. sure some tracts will be misenterpetated by soemone pasting part of a chapter. i do feel sorry for the inocent muslims caught up and tarnished by the same brush.
both sides are ridiculously saying you don't agree with their views you must hate jews/muslims etc, its the old politically correct blackmail which is just nonsense.
like i said to others though this thread is going downhill, with "the Coz i said so" brigrade creeping in.
arent you going back a hell of a long way brad? when we also burnt witches etc, christians don't want to kill anyone who doesn't convert, and nor do most muslims, it's just the hardline fanatics who i would happily bet have no interest in their religion, just hatred, and even the koran doesnt preach that. sure some tracts will be misenterpetated by soemone pasting part of a chapter. i do feel sorry for the inocent muslims caught up and tarnished by the same brush.
both sides are ridiculously sayinh you don't agree with their views you must hate jews/muslims etc, its the old politically correct blackmail which is just nonsense.
like i said to others though this thread is going downhill, with "the Coz i said so" brigrade creeping in.

Absolutely. I have a very dear Muslim friend who has never once tried to convert me, or any one else that I am aware of.
:laugh2:And what about Whoopie Goldberg and Sammy Davis. Jr. Both black, both converted to Judaism.

Point is, religious affliliation has nothing to do with ethnic bloodlines.
Whoopi (real name Caryn Elaine Johnson) didn't convert to Judaism. She claims to have Jewish ancestors.
Where does it say that they want to convert the world to Islam?
Koran? Although I believe it also allows those who don't convert to be killed or taken into slavery.

That doesn't mean every Muslim follows that.

And if it were true, how would that be any different from Christians and their missionaries around the world? Wouldn't it be fair to say that they want to spread their religion around the world as well?
Christian missionaries don't threaten physical harm or death to potential converts, and they don't employ suicide bombing as way to spread the Gospel. When was the last time a Christian missionary intentionally flew a plane into a building?
It's not much different then is it? Remember the Spanish Inquisition? No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition, nor the Crusades!

Nice attempt to slander Islam when Christianity is just as guilty of it.
Political and religious power plays by groups who call themselves "Christian" are not the same as Christian missionaries.

No where in the Bible does it say people must convert to Christianity or be killed.
Christian missionaries don't threaten physical harm or death to potential converts, and they don't employ suicide bombing as way to spread the Gospel. When was the last time a Christian missionary intentionally flew a plane into a building?

what about Heaven's Gate? Aryan Nations? Eric Rudolph? Army of God? Ku Klux Klan? Many more to list.... Every religion has at least one violent extremist organization... Even Buddhist...
what about Heaven's Gate? Aryan Nations? Eric Rudolph? Army of God? Ku Klux Klan? Many more to list.... Every religion has at least one violent extremist organization... Even Buddhist...
What about them? They aren't Christians. Whatever they're doing they aren't obeying Jesus. They make up their own theology.
What about them? They aren't Christians. Whatever they're doing they aren't obeying Jesus. They make up their own theology.

same thing for Al-Qaeda.

'They cheated me.' SHAKIRULLAH, a 14-year-old Pakistani, on the Muslim radicals who persuaded him to help plot a suicide bombing; he is now serving time in Kabul
don't worry about it. I'm also known to have a rather strong opinion that scared a lot of people :laugh2:. Yes we all would love it if all terrorists are gone but they won't. Terrorists exist because they have an extreme view and they take extreme action. Not everybody shares the same view. We want to eat meat and I love meat. Other people don't like to eat meat but some of them have a very very strong opinion about it. They went too far by sabotaging slaughterhouse or maybe even killing president of the meat company. You could say PETA is a terrorist organization if you like.

Yeah, Terrorists is anywhere like "CLIT" is a terrorist organization in "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" movie. :laugh2:


point is - yes terrorists exist. but is it worth a costly collateral damage to achieve the goal of eliminating terrorists?

Good Question, My Opinion ... Soldiers hunter for a Terrorists since Sept 11 2001 till now (almost 10 years for 21st Century) .... really worth it because Earth really near 7 Billion Population, mean Terrorists number need get down quicky or could lead to get worst if terrorists did spread over world to support terrorists more than governments. example real in my opinion, War in Afghanistan is wasted, War in Iraq is wasted but War in Gaza (without West Bank) is worth it because I know Arafat don't like Hamas and World don't like Hamas, Hamas is a terrorist organization. Palestinians should know better because they do listen radio, they do watch TV by satellite, they do read newspaper and they know better that Hamas is a terrorist organization, only I do feel bad is ... CHILDREN ... because I don't like to see all children to learn all stuff from Hamas mean children's future will be under Hamas? forget it, I don't like to see if Hamas did make all palestinians to followers on Hamas. I know a Terrorists Organization in the Worldwide, you know in Quebec (Canadien or French Canadien) some of them really FLQ (The Front de libération du Québec) in 1963 to 1970 but still exist, CSIS knew about it and they still watch over Quebec to make sure no one attack, no one kidnapp and no happene, if FLQ is back then Canada Government will act to send Canadian Troops, Tanks and everything go to Quebec to STOP them like what Canada Government done in 1970 Montreal "October Crisis" .... I thought FLQ would be gone but CSIS still said FLQ does still exist then mostly terrorists still exist and hide.

Respectfully disagree!

Hamas is a freedom fighter organization.

They only stopped Israel from killing more innocent palestinians!!

I would say BULLY on both sides...

Do not blames on Israel or USA, BLAMES TERRORISTS!!!! BLAMES MUSLIM!!!!!! I want to see all TERRORISTS go to HELL! I want to see Israel and USA going to WIPE all Terrorists OUT! for good! Terrorists is not peace!

It's no excuse to blame everyone... We have to accept people's decision/choice for Hamas or Isreal because it's them who elected and face the consequences, not us (EU, America and other countries).

I know many muslim here in Germany. It doesn't mean that they are terrorists or bad people because they are muslim... :roll: Terrorists are everywhere around the world, not just Muslim. Don't you know that there're Germans, Americans, Irish or any country terrorists?

You even not know what Muslim people way, most of them ... can't accept with our Lifestyle! they can't accept with our Freedom! they always called white girls as "whore slut" which is most true story what I heard from the Public

I know Muslim way but I have no problem to accept their belief and do not take their word serious but you?

again.... misleading. They "calculated" with assumption. Beside - what about Private Security Firms in Iraq? There were over 30,000. and we are not responsible for allies' actions. Again.... misleading methodology.

Postscript on Iraqi War Dead

The ABC article you linked to talk about different assumptions, based on deaths reported by western media.

The link I provided, talk about some researchers that have done face to face interviews in Iraq, and how those numbers differs from deaths reported by western media. Sorry, but this way to make statstic is far more serious than calculating on deaths reported by major western newspapers.

"ORB’s research covered fifteen of Iraq’s eighteen provinces. Those not covered include two of Iraq’s more volatile regions—Kerbala and Anbar—and the northern province of Arbil, where local authorities refused them a permit to work. In face-to-face interviews with 2,414 adults, the poll found that more than one in five respondents had had at least one death in their household as a result of the conflict, as opposed to natural cause."

We are not talking about Private Security Firms:

"Even with the lower confirmed figures, by the end of 2006, an average of 5,000 Iraqis had been killed every month by US forces since the beginning of the occupation. However, the rate of fatalities in 2006 was twice as high as the overall average, meaning that the American average in 2006 was well over 10,000 per month, or over 300 Iraqis every day. With the surge that began in 2007, the current figure is likely even higher."

In one day, US forces kill as many Iraqs, as Israel have killed Palestine civilians over a couple of weeks. That's why I find this focus on Israel a bit out of perspective.
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