Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

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You don't know how to respect to people who have different opinion and I already know about what happened but very old news.

In my opinion, Christian extremists aren't bad when compare to Muslim extremists.

This thread need lock up due religion discussion. :roll:

Yeah.. that's a bit of an understatement but just my 2 cents:
Christians are just as bad of trying to be extreme as anyone else have been.

Have you ever been approached by some random Christians (I'm a not-so serious christian myself) preaching the bible or the Word, then trying to get you active and if they were ever seriously angered, they started speaking about the Apocalypse and the Revelation of the New Testament? Ring of Fire? Judgment day?

These are no different than the extreme Jihadim conceptual stuff going on with Muslims. To each their own..
Yeah.. that's a bit of an understatement but just my 2 cents:
Christians are just as bad of trying to be extreme as anyone else have been.

Have you ever been approached by some random Christians (I'm a not-so serious christian myself) preaching the bible or the Word, then trying to get you active and if they were ever seriously angered, they started speaking about the Apocalypse and the Revelation of the New Testament? Ring of Fire? Judgment day?

These are no different than the extreme Jihadim conceptual stuff going on with Muslims. To each their own..

And have you experience of this situation like that? I grew up in the Western, and I NEVER seen anyone will preach people with the a kind of the holy books. All I see is they respect each other, it's not matter if it is a religion or not. :dunno:

Jiro said:
that's ok. I'm just responding to your post about Christian extremists vs. Muslim extremists. why worry about oversea? we don't live oversea. so our concern here on American soil where there are bunch of Christian extremists and wacked religious fanatics/evangelists who have sex with virgin minors like Waco. This happens every year.

Exactly when's the last time you heard of Muslim extremists' attack on USA soil (beside WTC)?

Bold font - my opinion, they are NOT a Christian AT ALL and they just give our belief a bad name... EDIT: Rest of another religions, they just give their beliefs a bad name too.
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And have you experience of this situation like that? I grew up in the Western, and I NEVER seen anyone will preach people with the a kind of the holy books. All I see is they respect each other, it's not matter if it is a religion or not. :dunno:

Bold font - my opinion, they are NOT a Christian AT ALL and they just give our belief a bad name...

It does happen during random time in southeast US and any area with heavily conservative, probably Idaho.

In 2nd, yup, I have agree with you about this situation.

I just ignore to whoever question me about this topic.
A whackjob Christian blew up the Alfred P.Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma.
It was Timothy McVeigh who blew up the Murrah building, and he was NOT a Christian.

...For example, there is the book American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing (ReganBooks, 2001) written by Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, who are staff reporters for the Buffalo News in New York. In this book, Michel and Herbeck tell how McVeigh committed adultery, was a thief and used illegal drugs-acts that are, to put it mildly, not fruits of the Christian Spirit. Ditto, his mass murders, incidentally.

He Believed in 'Science'

Michel and Herbeck also tell how during the Gulf War McVeigh lied about attending church: "On Sunday mornings, the recruits were required to either attend church services or spend an hour cleaning the barracks. McVeigh, an agnostic, chose to clean the barracks until he found out that nobody took attendance at church. One Sunday, he signed up for church and just slipped away from the rest of his platoon. He found a field of tall grass and lay there, a little worried about snakes, but enjoying the opportunity to relax in solitude. The following Sunday, McVeigh signed up for church again. This time, he sneaked into an old abandoned barracks to kill time."

Another story. Michel and Herbeck tell how McVeigh once "paid a visit to the local Seventh Day Adventist Church, but he found that service bored him ... McVeigh had never been inclined to criticize people for their religious views, but he concluded that organized religion wasn't really for him. He believed that the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside of them."

But the smoking gun is a quote by McVeigh himself regarding what he believed. Michel and Herbeck say that McVeigh would tell friends, "Science is my religion." To worship at the altar of science is, of course, idolatry and not Christianity....
Timothy McVeigh was not a 'Christian' terrorist | Human Events | Find Articles at BNET

Whackjob Christians have blown up abortion clinics and killed abortion doctors in the past, all in the name of god.
Here's the facts:

Having fielded more than 5,000 emails from those commenting on the subject of Islam and terrorism, the most common alibi against Islam's complicity is "fundamentalist Christians are no better with their bombings of abortion clinics."
So even though abortion clinic bombings have nothing to do with Islam, since Muslims site as some sort of justification to the evil found in their religion, I decided to investigate just how many people had been killed in abortion clinic terrorism. What I found was that in 1993, Michael Griffin murdered Dr. David Gunn outside of his abortion facility. It was the first homicide associated with attacks on abortionists. In 1994, Paul Hill murdered abortionist James Barrett in Pensacola, Florida. On December 30th, 1994, John Salvi, a mentally handicapped and psychotic hairdresser shot wildly into clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts, killing two receptionists. He hung himself in prison.
Then, in January 1998, white supremacist Eric Rudolph bombed a Birmingham, Alabama abortion facility, killing an off-duty police officer. Then the last abortion related killing occurred on October 23rd, 1998, when an unidentified sniper shot and killed abortionist Barnett Slepian in his Buffalo, New York home
That means that three abortionists and three clinic employees have been killed by anti-abortion bombers/militants in the 29 years since Roe v. Wade made killing human embryos and unborn children legal. During this same time, Islamic terrorists have killed six-million people. You'd have to be ignorant and out of your mind to suggest that there is a moral equivalence here.
The National Abortion Federation posted its report on clinic violence from 1997 through 2003. It stated: "As in the previous four years, there were no murders or attempted murders of abortion providers or staff. There were also no bombings." A Washington Post article in 1995 confirmed: that only "two abortion clinic doctors and two clinic staff members had been killed" since Roe v. Wade in 1977, and that "there had only been 37 clinic bombings."
The most prolific clinic bomber, Eric Rudolph, was also the Atlanta Olympics' backpack bomber. He was a white-supremacist racist - not a Christian, fundamentalist or otherwise. David Hull, another prolific clinic bomber was a member of the Ku Klux Klan - a racist and Satanic sungod cult. Stephen Jordi, an active abortion arsonist, was a member of the white-supremacist Army of God. This anarchist group's "scriptures" include manuals on how to make a bomb, how to mutilate doctors, how to victimize healthcare workers, and how to be an effective terrorist. Experts believe that the neo-Nazi "Army of God" has been responsible for two out of every three clinic attacks. They are neither fundamentalists, nor Christians. They are anti-socialist fascists. Yahweh has an army in the sense of a command and control structure that serves His interests. He calls them "messengers" and we frail and mortal humans call them "angels." They are engaged in spiritual battles, not human ones.
While there are many Christian leaders of Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical persuasions, who condemn the murder of 50 million unborn infants, they all advocate peaceful protests. The bombers are almost always racist anarchists who are societal dropouts. Moreover, there isn't a single line of Yahweh's Scripture authorizing their behavior. And that sits in absolute contrast to Allah's recital where the core message is to fight and kill non-Muslims until the only religion and political system is Islam.
Most people would be astonished to know that pro-abortionists have committed nearly 500 murders since 1966 - and this does not include fatal partial birth abortions. For example, a pro-abortion advocate and Satanist, Eileen Janezic killed 51-year old pro-life activist minister and radio talk show host Jerry Simon - shooting him through a window of his home. After killing Simon, Janezic held police at bay with a pistol for six hours while spouting quotes from Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible.
In 1995 the out-spoken pro-abortionist Lavern Ward murdered Debra Evans and her ten-year-old daughter. He hacked the unborn child out of Debra's body. Then he kidnapped Debra's seven-year-old son, stabbing him to death.
In 1998, Pro-abortionist Byron Looper, who was running against pro-life state Senator Tommy Burks for a political office, shot Burks through the left eye with a large-caliber pistol, killing him. That same year, in Jackson, Mississippi the primary abortionist at the New Women's Clinic, Dr. Malachi Dehenre, murdered his wife, Nyesha, who worked with him. In 2001, Oklahoma City abortionist, John Hamilton strangled his wife, beat her over the head with a blunt object, smashing a hole in her skull, and then slammed her face repeatedly into the marble floor the their master bathroom. In 1998, a jury found pro-abortionist Alfred E. Smith guilty of murder in the death of his ex-girlfriend Deena Moody. Smith killed Deena because she refused to abort their preborn child.
In 1994, a jury convicted Los Angeles abortionist Alicia Ruiz Hanna of murder after Angela Sanchez, a 27-year-old mother of four, died at her Santa Ana abortion clinic. The abortionist tried to stuff Angela's body into the trunk of her car in full view of her children, who were watching from the abortion clinic's waiting room. In 1989, a judge sentenced Los Angeles abortionist Milos Klvana to 53 years in prison after a jury found him guilty of murdering eight newborn babies. In 1983, El Paso abortionist Raymond Showery murdered a five-pound viable baby who survived one of his third-trimester abortions. He was later charged with manslaughter after botching an abortion that killed Mickey Apodaca. So there is plenty of terrorism and murder associated with abortion clinics, but it's not being perpetrated by fundamentalist Christians nor pro-life activists
Prophet of Doom - Islamic Clubs - United States Abortion Clinic Bombings

There's a group that calls themselves "Joel's Army" that is full of whackjob Christians.
I never heard of that group before so I did some research.

The descriptions that I found about Todd Bentley don't seem like any Christian man that I know. The organization "Joel's Army" doesn't sound like it's following conventional Christian philosophy. If anything, Bentley's words and ways seem led by a Satanic spirit. I do agree that they sound "whackjob".

The U.S Military is full of whackjob Christians that think they're fighting for God in Iraq.
Do you have documentation for this statement?
Thank you, darkdog for getting my point across. Yes, few people as a group could do some serious damage. There are some far-right Christians who would want to change the USA constitution. They might seem harmless but once they get what they want (a change in the USA constitution) and they won't be harmless anymore.
Who exactly are these "far-right Christians", and what part of the Constitution do they want to change?

BTW, changes to the Constitution are called Amendments, and they are proposed and passed in ways set down by the Constitution itself. Anyone, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, atheist, can propose an Amendment but that doesn't mean it will happen. Amendments are not easy to pass.
And have you experience of this situation like that? I grew up in the Western, and I NEVER seen anyone will preach people with the a kind of the holy books. All I see is they respect each other, it's not matter if it is a religion or not. :dunno:
Yes I did. Once a year - assholes from jenovah's witness come to my house and bother me. They keep doing that for several years till I moved out. I simply point my shotgun at them and to quote Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino - GET OFF MY LAWN." :mad2:

Bold font - my opinion, they are NOT a Christian AT ALL and they just give our belief a bad name... EDIT: Rest of another religions, they just give their beliefs a bad name too.
don't feel offended. we are not bashing Christian religion. we are bashing the extremists. There are Buddhist extremists as well. Point is - we're trying to tell Foxrac that all extremists (regardless of religions) are equally bad.
that's ok. I'm just responding to your post about Christian extremists vs. Muslim extremists. why worry about oversea? we don't live oversea. so our concern here on American soil where there are bunch of Christian extremists and wacked religious fanatics/evangelists who have sex with virgin minors like Waco. This happens every year.
Exactly how widespread is this, and how often does it endanger the general American public?

Exactly when's the last time you heard of Muslim extremists' attack on USA soil (beside WTC)?
Thanks to the Bush administration's pro-active programs, many attempts were thwarted. :)
Wow, you people cling to semantics too much to support a point (muslim extremists are wrse than christian extremists).

Whatever. Continue to live in denial.

As for those crying that christians get attacked on here, what if we had a muslim member of AD? How do you think they'd feel about certain parts of this thread?

Again, whatever. The people who make the most sense are always the first to be banned.
...As for those crying that christians get attacked on here, what if we had a muslim member of AD? How do you think they'd feel about certain parts of this thread?
There should be no attacking of anyone's religion at AD, according to the rules.

Attacking religions when those attacked aren't allowed to defend themselves is certainly not fair.

Criticizing threats and behaviors is allowed.
Mod's Note:

The thread is :locked: due to swaying into religion discussion and as for attacking each other; That is a no-no.
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