Is Islam a Threat?

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Teresh said:
Get this: Kingdom of Heaven is fiction too.

You're not getting the whole story from a fictional film. Like it or not, the Crusaders *did* slaughter every non-Christian in Jerusalem when they gained control over it. Ignoring that fact does not mean that it didn't happen.
No, not "christians". And you don't know particular military of crusaders. And non christian slaughtered christians. The only problem is part of the story you got and getting the wrong idea about crusaders. Did you know there are christians was slaughtered by crusaders also. And not only that, there are still ongoing about islamic world different group killed each others is very similar. But like Billy Graham said like in Ireland, it is not called holy war and that's not what God taught us to be. And guess what? I just found out by friend of mine said the reason the people I met is different what you studied about islamics. Btw, I know what muslim and islam as muslim as people, islam as religion. But the reason they said they didn't believe same God we believe, because we believe Trinity, but they didn't realize that we also worship Jehovah. Its in the mixed. About btwn islam and muslim, meant to corso.

One thing you need to understand about Quran. Somewhere in the Quran that said it is only ok to kill others people if a group of enemies attacked the muslim families first before, they have the right to declare a war. They called it Jihad, means to come together as one Islam and fight for the holy war.

You need to remember the Crusade wars in 11th til 13th Centuries, Saladin called for a Jihad war against Catholic people in Jerusalem because they slaughted a thousand of Muslims. They did this to protect their people and took the land back until 1946. Mujahidn were permitted to protect their families from under attack by enemies. It could be either Christians or Jews. Another war like that was between Muslims, vikings, Magyars, and Eastern Orthox Byzantine Empire. It means they have the right to kill those people because the enemies attacked first.

Now you understand why they still have a giant problem in Israel because Israeli soliders kept shooting Palestinains. Now this expalins why the Palestinians kept fight back. Suggest you to rent this movie called Wall directed by Simone Bitton. It is a good movie and might give you a very different idea and view on those Palestinians.
Teresh said:
...Islam is based entirely on Judaism and Christianity.
No, it isn't. It is a perversion of Judaism and Christianity.

If Allah is the same as God, then why would the Muslims need the Koran? Why wouldn't they just use the Bible?

And the Christians who slaughtered every Jew and Muslim in Jerusalem during the Crusades, exterminated the Jews in Spain and later in Germany all worshipped Jesus as the Crusade God.
The Catholic Church instigated the Crusades and the attack on Jews in Spain.

Believe in Jesus or die. ..
That is NOT Christian doctrine; it is NOT in the Bible; that is NOT what is taught in Bible-believing churches, fundamental and even "mainstream".
Cane Corso said:
... My opinion, she has an excellent English writing and reading comprehension skills than you do.
High IQ and excellent English skills don't necessarily equate with spiritual wisdom and discernment.

Psalm 111
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

Proverbs 1
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 9
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
hottiedeafboi said:
Now I'm confuse, you said teresh is a she and other said its a he. Which is it.

I'm female.

CyberRed said:
Teresh, I don't worship Muslims' god.

Then you're not a Christian. You've just denied that you worship God. Does that not make you ?

CyberRed said:
Muslims' god and the true believers' God are not the same.

You're mistaken. I don't have to convince you of the fact that you are mistaken though. Indeed, you are content in your ignorance, so I would be unable to do so anyway.

CyberRed said:
I don't believe the same as you do.

I don't have a problem with your beliefs, I have a problem with the fact that you disrespect Muslims and disrpect God. If you're really a Christian, heck, if you're even really a Theist, stop denying the existence of God. If you deny God, and yet claim to have theistic beliefs, you're just lying to yourself.

CyberRed said:
I don't believe in Mohammed, either ... that's different god from the true believers'.

Mohammed is a prophet in Islam, not God.

CyberRed said:
Their doctrine is different from the true believers'.

So you feel that you have the authority from God to determine what GOD, the Absolute Authority in the universe, believes in? Wow. I bet you think you're God Incarnate too.

CyberRed said:
Both of Christianity and Muslims' doctrines are entirely different.

That's your naivete speaking. Muslims believe in Jesus, if you didn't know. Muslims regard both Hebrew and Christian scripture as canon and the Word of God.

CyberRed said:
They worship the Virgin Mary ( statue ).

You worship statues of Jesus, crucifixes, crosses, whatever. What's your point?

CyberRed said:
Hindu worship Shaman ( sp ?? ) statue.

It's spelled Brahma.

CyberRed said:
And, now I heard that Mormon worship Bail.

Mormons worship Jesus.

CyberRed said:
There's a Satan church and they worship Satan as their god. So, are you tellin' me that Satan and God are the same God as one eh ?

Sorry, but I'm a monotheist. I don't believe that there is a Satan because I believe in only one God. If you want to believe there is a such thing as a God of Evil, fine, go ahead, but don't claim to be a monotheist.

CyberRed said:
You can't say that I am not Christian, if I don't worship the same god as their god.

I sure can. If you don't worship their God, you don't worship your own God. Thus, you are not a practicioner of your own religion. That's both irrational and nonsensical, so why don't you just accept that God exists and that Allah is simply another name for God? Your other option is to reject your faith and that's fine too. Pick one or the other, but your current way of living, claiming to be a Christian but denying the existence of God is hypocritical and illogical.

CyberRed said:
I prefer to worship Jesus Christ, the Breathin' Word as my God. Jesus Christ is not a statue that I worship. I don't need to see somethin' to draw to. I believe in faith without seein' Him, knowin' that He is there/in my heart. He is right here beside me. I believe that He is always with me - never forsake me.

Muslims feel the same for God as you do.

CyberRed said:
Why it is necessary for other different religions to worship their statues as if, it don't talk, or see, or breathe, or anythin' that is livin' like THE REAL GOD is ?

Most of the major religions don't have idols... Idolatry is by and large disappearing.

CyberRed said:
I still don't agree with you things that you believe or say.

You don't have to agree with me, you just have to stop living a lie.

Reba said:
No, it isn't, and no, they don't.

The fact that you deny God does not make you right... Like CyberRed, actually, it makes you a liar to yourself.

Reba said:
"Allah" is NOT part of the Triune Godhead of the Heavenly Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So where does Adonai fit in there? Elohim? El? YHVH? Ein Sof?
hottiedeafboi said:
But the reason they said they didn't believe same God we believe, because we believe Trinity, but they didn't realize that we also worship Jehovah.

Jews don't believe in the Trinity either. Do they worship the same God?

Reba said:
If Allah is the same as God, then why would the Muslims need the Koran? Why wouldn't they just use the Bible?

Why wouldn't Christians just use the Tanakh? Oh, right, their religion is an "expanded" form of Judaism. Much the same, Islam incorporates Hebrew and Christian scripture into its beliefs as well as including the Qur'an.

Reba said:
The Catholic Church instigated the Crusades and the attack on Jews in Spain.

The Catholic Church is a Christian organisation. Accept that. Your religion is not without sin. I'm not whitewashing the history of any religion and nor should you.

Reba said:
That is NOT Christian doctrine; it is NOT in the Bible; that is NOT what is taught in Bible-believing churches, fundamental and even "mainstream".

Not *now*... But I can assure you the Crusaders and Spaniards (in 1492) thought differently.
Teresh said:
Jews don't believe in the Trinity either. Do they worship the same God?
The God that Jews worship is part of the Trinity. They might not accept the Son and the Holy Spirit but God is still the same God. Allah of the Muslims is a totally different entity. He is NOT part of the Trinity. Did Mohammed in the Koran claim that Allah is part of a trinity?

Why wouldn't Christians just use the Tanakh? Oh, right, their religion is an "expanded" form of Judaism. Much the same, Islam incorporates Hebrew and Christian scripture into its beliefs as well as including the Qur'an.
The Christian "New" Testament is a continuation of the "Old". The New Testament doesn't contradict or surplant the Old.

Matthew 5
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

The Catholic Church is a Christian organisation. Accept that. Your religion is not without sin.
The doctrines of the Catholic Church have never been my doctrines.

I don't trust in any organization or religion. I trust in a Savior.

Not *now*... But I can assure you the Crusaders and Spaniards (in 1492) thought differently.
Those were the doctrines and practices of only the Catholic Church.

I don't understand why you constantly keep mixing Christian believers and the Roman Catholic Church together. They are not one and the same, and they never have been. Are you trying to instigate a "Catholic v. Christian" bashing war?
Cane Corso said:
Reba said:
High IQ and excellent English skills don't necessarily equate with spiritual wisdom and discernment.
Reba said:
I think this comment sounds like a bit contempt to me.
How so?

I thought the comments directed at hottiedeafboi were rather rude and condescending.
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Teresh, some jews believe Trinity, but I always know about jewish worshipped bec, the OT and NT combined and matched the view and the as of plumbline is perfect straightdown. Cyber Red, hehehhe, in some you are right but there are some wrong also, its ok, since I know you, we always shared. And teresh, did you know that even christians who refuse agree with catholic been slaughtered also. The best way like I mostly use the word "some" instead particular one group make it appear stereotypical about them. Now, the rest of us, the war at Israel been going on over thousands of thousands of years, mostly for example, like Book of Judges, Elijah, Book of Jeremiah, since the rebellion of the jews which God allowed bec He gave them time, but still stubborn, and the war is still on ever since.
Cane Corso said:
... Somewhere in the Quran that said it is only ok to kill others people if a group of enemies attacked the muslim families first before, they have the right to declare a war.
So why do they torture and behead civilian contractors who are trying to rebuild their country, and pacifist aid workers who are trying to help Iraqi people, and non-combatant newsmen who are trying to tell the Iraqi story?

...Now you understand why they still have a giant problem in Israel because Israeli soliders kept shooting Palestinains. Now this expalins why the Palestinians kept fight back. ...
You have it backwards.

The Palestinians attacked first. The Palestinian leaders want to destroy Israel. The Palestinians are NOT in a self-defense mode.
Reba said:
The God that Jews worship is part of the Trinity. They might not accept the Son and the Holy Spirit but God is still the same God. Allah of the Muslims is a totally different entity. He is NOT part of the Trinity. Did Mohammed in the Koran claim that Allah is part of a trinity?

YHVH is *not* part of a "Trinity". There is only ONE God. Mohammed didn't need to claim Allah is part of the Trinity because Islam, like Judaism, does not have the concept of a "Trinity".

Reba said:
The Christian "New" Testament is a continuation of the "Old". The New Testament doesn't contradict or surplant the Old.

Matthew 5
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Neither does the Qur'an contradict or supplant Christian or Hebrew scripture.

Reba said:
The doctrines of the Catholic Church have never been my doctrines.

What's your point? I never said that they were your personal doctrines, just acknowledged that you put Christians on a high pedestal by ignoring the atrocities committed by them in the name of Jesus. I'm not blaming you personally for the mistakes of Christians five centuries ago. I'm looking for you to acknowledge that other followers of your religion have brought both great good and great evil to the world.

Reba said:
I don't understand why you constantly keep mixing Christian believers and the Roman Catholic Church together.

The Roman Catholic Church comprises the majority of the world's Christians, if you've forgotten. Are all Christians Catholic? No, but most are.

Reba said:
They are not one and the same, and they never have been. Are you trying to instigate a "Catholic v. Christian" bashing war?

No. I just think you need to acknowledge the status of your Christian brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church.

hottiedeafboi said:
Teresh, some jews believe Trinity,

Jews that practice Judaism do not believe in the Trinity as it conflicts with the Sh'ma, which is essentially the creed of Judaism. The Sh'ma is a simple prayer, only six words long: Sh'ma Yisrael! Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad! It means, "Hear, Israel! The Lord is God, the Lord alone!"

There is only one essential belief in Judaism and that belief is that there is only one God, a concept that is mutually exclusive with the idea of a Trinity. That belief is the essence of the Sh'ma and the core of Judaism.
Teresh, You are forgetting something ..... Judaism has commited crimes in the name of G-d too. You are acting as Judaism is innocent and Judaism sure as hell ain't innocent either, look through the Old Testament and look throughout jewish history killing Gentiles, another people the jews hated and did not like and more recently the jew that walked into a mosque in Jerusalem and machine gunned muslim worshippers who had nothing to do with terrorism and don't tell me there are no jewish terrorist organizations that commit crimes in the name of G-d. There are jewish training terrorist camps right here in the USA as well as all over the world and in Israel too. Judaism is no different than muslim terrorism or hinudi terrorism or sikh terrorism etc. You should know that by now. Stop acting so innocent and goody two shoes about Judaism and By the way you still have not answered me nor acknowledged to me that you were wrong and you have not admitted that the Quran is a violent book too.
Teresh said:
YHVH is *not* part of a "Trinity".
Yes, He is. Not everyone acknowledges that fact but that doesn't change His existence. The God of the Jews is the God of Christians.

If Allah is not one of the Trinity, then he is not the Christian God.

Neither does the Qur'an contradict or supplant Christian or Hebrew scripture.
The Koran contradicts the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, and doesn't acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and LORD and Savior. That's the big one, for starters.

What's your point? I never said that they were your personal doctrines...
Well, you did write "your religion"--I would say that's personal.

just acknowledged that you put Christians on a high pedestal by ignoring the atrocities committed by them in the name of Jesus.
Christians make mistakes and commit horrible sins of their own but there's no need to add other groups' sins on top of that.

I'm not blaming you personally for the mistakes of Christians five centuries ago.
I understand that, and I'm not taking it that way. :)

I'm looking for you to acknowledge that other followers of your religion have brought both great good and great evil to the world.
I'm sure Christians have been guilty of evil doings but it isn't fair to dump the sins of other groups on them in addition to their own sins.

The Roman Catholic Church comprises the majority of the world's Christians, if you've forgotten. Are all Christians Catholic? No, but most are.
The Roman Catholic Church comprises the majority of the world's Catholics.

Very few born-again Christians are members of the Roman Catholic Church. In order to be a Christian, one must accept salvation thru the grace of God only; if any other requirement (such as baptism or church membership) is added, then one is NOT trusting Jesus as Savior. Any church that requires any works of man for salvation is NOT a Christian church.

No. I just think you need to acknowledge the status of your Christian brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church.
I acknowledge that there are some Christians who remain members of the Catholic Church for various reasons (family pressure, ignorance of the doctrines, cultural influence, etc.). Those individuals are my brothers and sisters in Christ, but that doesn't make the doctrines of their church Christian.
Heath said:
Teresh, You are forgetting something ..... Judaism has commited crimes in the name of G-d too.

I never denied that. Jews have, at numerous points in their own canon, committed great crimes against humanity. Take Purim for example. The Jews were delivered from their Persian oppressors, how did they respond to that? By slaughering them en masse.

Heath said:
and don't tell me there are no jewish terrorist organizations that commit crimes in the name of G-d.

Um, I won't tell you that because there are such organisations in the world. They're not very big, but then again, neither is the Jewish people as a whole.

Heath said:
Judaism is no different than muslim terrorism or hinudi terrorism or sikh terrorism etc. You should know that by now. Stop acting so innocent and goody two shoes about Judaism and By the way you still have not answered me nor acknowledged to me that you were wrong and you have not admitted that the Quran is a violent book too.

Judaism as a religion has its quirks, though it's not any "better" as a religion than Christianity or Islam, yes.

You are wrong, however, in asserting that Judaism is a religion of terrorism (just like you are wrong in asserting that Islam is). There are no "religions of terrorism". There are, in every religion, people who do not understand the beliefs and twist and pervert the meaning of the religion to justify evil. I do not deny that there are Jews that do that just as there are Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. that do that.

Reba said:
Yes, He is. Not everyone acknowledges that fact but that doesn't change His existence. The God of the Jews is the God of Christians.

If Allah is not one of the Trinity, then he is not the Christian God.

The God of the Jews is the same as the God of the Muslims. If that is not the same God as is the God of the Christians then you're not worshipping the same God as they are.

Reba said:
The Koran contradicts the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, and doesn't acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and LORD and Savior. That's the big one, for starters.

Christian scripture contradicts the Sh'ma with the doctrine of the trinity. Maybe it's you who has the wrong idea of God?

Reba said:
I'm sure Christians have been guilty of evil doings but it isn't fair to dump the sins of other groups on them in addition to their own sins.

Then don't blame Islam for the evil doings of a few nutjobs who aren't really following the tenets of their faith.

Reba said:
The Roman Catholic Church comprises the majority of the world's Catholics.

Very few born-again Christians are members of the Roman Catholic Church. In order to be a Christian, one must accept salvation thru the grace of God only; if any other requirement (such as baptism or church membership) is added, then one is NOT trusting Jesus as Savior. Any church that requires any works of man for salvation is NOT a Christian church.

The Roman Catholic Church accounts for over a billion of the world's Christians, whereas Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism combined account for, at maximum, 900 million.
Well, catholism does believe much different what christian believes even that very early years, many people doesn't have Bibles and believe only priest and pervert the idea od the confession and ritual ideas. And we don't bow down before the crucifixion cross, bec it is idolarty. Like the cross at the protestant use, we don't bow before that cross. And now, we believe God alone and One and only God. But, what the problem is, they can't get the glimpse of the purpose of Trinity. Now, about Quaran and Bible, Quaran does not have a part of the idea like the Bible. In the old testament as many scholars, the high rate, studied, that old testament and the new testament go hand in hand seeing the point of the Messiah, but Quaran doesn't. Bec old testament mostly as noticed as sacrifices and talking about who will be born in virgin to receive God-Man and slaughtered many babies bec of fear the King is born and etc and no where in the OT matched what Quaran described. Yes, Mohammed is a great teacher and true, he didn't claimed to be god. But many followed his teaching which mislead just like judiasm. Now, understand this, this is what make a lot of since why Jesus is fully God and Son of God and Sacrifical Lamb. The reason is this, doesn't matter how well we live, but not doing, but the position of who we are in which without sacrificial lamb, we are in "death sentence", why? Bec God is Holy, and we aren't. Even Isaiah desctibed in chapter 6. We can't get the idea of His Holiness and how serious that is, the hot coal represent the Blood of Christ for our atonement. Without it, we are doomed. Like I said, by going to church, I do this and I do that and all of that does not mean I'm a christian, it is place my faith in Him. We worship One God and many didn't realize the idea how Trinity works and not mean 3 gods. God gave Himself and left His Glory to be here to become like us. Human try try try and think no way. Remember, doesn't matter how smart we all are, but God is far beyond that human couldn't reach. He is Omniscient God also called Infinite.
hottiedeafboi said:
In the old testament as many scholars, the high rate, studied, that old testament and the new testament go hand in hand seeing the point of the Messiah, but Quaran doesn't.

That's the opinion of *Christian* scholars. Jewish scholars would say that the Tanakh and Christian scripture do not go hand-in-hand. Muslim scholars would say that all three go hand-in-hand. I'm not saying which is right or wrong, but it's foolish to deny that one's religion will not have an impact in how one interprets the text.

hottiedeafboi said:
But many followed his teaching which mislead just like judiasm.

Jews aren't being "misled" because they practice a different religion. You seem to forget that Jesus was a Jew, and at that, a Pharisee of the School of Hillel.

hottiedeafboi said:
Now, understand this, this is what make a lot of since why Jesus is fully God and Son of God and Sacrifical Lamb. The reason is this, doesn't matter how well we live, but not doing, but the position of who we are in which without sacrificial lamb, we are in "death sentence", why? Bec God is Holy, and we aren't.

That's an incredibly fatalistic and negative view of the world. The Jews never believed that, Christians introduced that doctrine.
Teresh said:
That's the opinion of *Christian* scholars. Jewish scholars would say that the Tanakh and Christian scripture do not go hand-in-hand. Muslim scholars would say that all three go hand-in-hand. I'm not saying which is right or wrong, but it's foolish to deny that one's religion will not have an impact in how one interprets the text.

Jews aren't being "misled" because they practice a different religion. You seem to forget that Jesus was a Jew, and at that, a Pharisee of the School of Hillel.

That's an incredibly fatalistic and negative view of the world. The Jews never believed that, Christians introduced that doctrine.
You didn't think I knew Jesus was a jews? Of course I knew that. As I see, you focus one part and not get the whole message of the OT and but don't know how much history you know what's been happening the OT. Have to remember what God's purpose to bring us Home and the purpose of the sacrifice. The whole canon in the OT that lead the point of final sacrifice and that sacrifice is also for the future perparation oh His Kingdom and rule. You know, not all jews believe ressurections. And you know some believe live good lives would approve God. Remember Jesus knew them before He met them. Remember when Jesus was born, that's not His beginning life, He came down from Heaven to become man like us. Why? To die to take all our punishment upon Himself. Purpose? To bring us Home. That's just christian belief? No. Many jews believes and that's when all the prophets looking forward and been fulfilled. But, but, His reign is coming soon. Its all described in varies of places in OT. You focus on religion, I focus on the purpose of this life and what God 's plan is. Its good to have knowledge, but that isn't suffiecient.
Reba said:
Are Western Civilians Legitimate Targets in War?
By Kamran Memon
Civil Rights Attorney

"It is permissible to kill civilians who help to spread mischief through their political and financial support for American foreign policy."

"While God prefers restraint and patience, revenge is permitted."

"Attacks on civilians in democratic states are acceptable when civilians, who have the power to change their government’s foreign policy through the democratic process, continue to elect (or tolerate the election of) leaders who support American foreign policy. Civilians also pay the taxes that make American foreign policy and military attacks possible."

"Western Muslim civilians choose to live with and work with civilian targets of other faiths. In addition, many Western Muslim civilians deserve what they get because they have rejected their responsibility to try to change Western foreign policy towards the Muslim world."


When Are Muslims Required to Fight, And Against Whom?

Did you bother to read those articles? The first one - the one you quoted - is not a defense of violence, but rather an analysis of arguments made by people on both sides of the controversy. The second one is also a theological analysis. Posting it in the context you did shows incredible intellectual dishonesty.
hottiedeafboi said:
As I see, you focus one part and not get the whole message of the OT and but don't know how much history you know what's been happening the OT.

The Torah (and the rest of the Tanakh) is not the entirety of Jewish scripture. There is also the Talmud, the Midrash, the Responsa, the Mishneh Torah, the Shulkhan Arukh and others. Judaism didn't end with the completion of the Tanakh.

hottiedeafboi said:
The whole canon in the OT that lead the point of final sacrifice and that sacrifice is also for the future perparation oh His Kingdom and rule.

That's the Christian interpretation, though it's not sufficiently grounded in traditional Jewish teaching.

hottiedeafboi said:
And you know some believe live good lives would approve God.

That's pretty much the Jewish idea of salvation, yeah.

hottiedeafboi said:
Remember when Jesus was born, that's not His beginning life, He came down from Heaven to become man like us.

This is a theological difference, but I don't believe Jesus "came down from Heaven" anymore than any other previously nonexistant person comes from heaven.

hottiedeafboi said:
That's just christian belief? No. Many jews believes and that's when all the prophets looking forward and been fulfilled.

No, that is the Christian belief. In Judaism, the Messiah is something entirely different from what Jesus was.

hottiedeafboi said:
You focus on religion, I focus on the purpose of this life and what God 's plan is. Its good to have knowledge, but that isn't suffiecient.

Knowledge isn't sufficient in and of itself, but it's nonetheless important and not to be ignored.
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