Is Islam a Threat?

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LuciaDisturbed said:
The bible does encourage violence too.

So there.
Where dose 6the bible encourage violence. I am a christian and have read the bible. It encourages you to love your enimies and your neighbor as yourself.
I cannot say that i have read the Quran...Therefor i cannot say that it does/does not encourage violence, but I have read the bible, It dose not say to go out and hurt peple or anything like that. I know that it dosent encourage violence.
Reba said:
Born-again Christians believe that Jesus Christ wants us to go to all parts of the earth to spread the good news of salvation thru Christ. Thru teaching, doing good works, living lives of good example, patience, and showing a love for the people, Christians introduce Jesus to people of the world. Christians teach about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit convicts the souls of individuals unto repentance and salvation.

God and Christians rejoice when more people become saved.

God and Christians sorrow when people die in their sins without salvation.

Christians don't spread belief in Jesus by killing off non-believers. That doesn't make sense. The only way people can be saved for eternity is while they are alive, and salvation can't be forced.

Christians are rewarded by God for souls that they save from Hell.

Muslims believe they are rewarded by Allah for souls that they send to Hell.

That's the difference.
Amen :gpost: :gpost:
LuciaDisturbed said:
The bible does encourage violence too.

So there.

Show me what verses that says " encourage violence ". And, who encourages violence ?
CyberRed said:
Show me what verses that says " encourage violence ". And, who encourages violence ?

I can't show you the verses because I do not own a bible.

But when I went to church as a teenager, I was told that violence is encouraged
in wars and stuff like that. That includes lots of killings. So, there ya go.
LuciaDisturbed said:
I can't show you the verses because I do not own a bible...
You can use an online Bible site. It costs nothing. :D
Reba said:
You can use an online Bible site. It costs nothing. :D

Nah. Y'all should already know it if you are so well versed already anyway.

I'm not gonna waste my time reading the whole thing.
LuciaDisturbed said:
I can't show you the verses because I do not own a bible.

But when I went to church as a teenager, I was told that violence is encouraged
in wars and stuff like that. That includes lots of killings. So, there ya go.

You might want to start with these quotations. It is important to understand that when I plucked the below from my copies of the bible, I didn't have a thorough understanding of the circumstances and the actual intent for interpretation.

The quotations could mean entirely different non-violent things than what they actually appear to be. This is just like with the violent excerpts from the Koran earlier and Ismi's subsequent rebuttal.

Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.
Jeremiah 48:10

He that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.
Leviticus 24:16

These verses may or may not be "violent". They are, however, starting points to consider.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Nah. Y'all should already know it if you are so well versed already anyway.

I'm not gonna waste my time reading the whole thing.

This one will let you do a keyword search:

I highly recommend using the option to view verses in context--i.e. the whole chapter. Chapters aren't hugely long, I promise, but it's much better than taking stuff out of context. Endymion, you really should remember that... ;) :lol:

Sorry...had to take a poke at you, Endy. I like you too much. ;)
LuciaDisturbed said:
I can't show you the verses because I do not own a bible.

But when I went to church as a teenager, I was told that violence is encouraged
in wars and stuff like that. That includes lots of killings. So, there ya go.
My my, whata joke and accussation
There are purpose of wars, not by killing deliberately, but by protection. If we just laid back, we won't be here. We are human, God isn't. He knows what's best, not us.
Rose Immortal said:
I highly recommend using the option to view verses in context--i.e. the whole chapter. Chapters aren't hugely long, I promise, but it's much better than taking stuff out of context. Endymion, you really should remember that... ;) :lol:

Sorry...had to take a poke at you, Endy. I like you too much. ;)

I'm not sure if you're being facetious. Just in case ... I think Endymion is trying to make the point that those quotations are equivalent to the quotations posted earlier (by Heath, IIRC) in the sense that their interpretation and meaning may or may not be altered by context, but they appear at face value to promote violence and intolerance.

The suras are also not all that long - they range in size similar to biblical chapters.
I was mainly messing with him, yeah...but I do think your clarification is good for this thread. ;)
OK, let's give Islam equal time.

Here is a link that gives the Islamic viewpoint.

Also, I would like to read a post by someone who actually practices the Islamic faith. We here, as Christians, Jews, atheists, humanists, etc., have been giving our interpretations and views. I would like to know how a Muslim member of AD interprets the disputed verses.

What do the majority of followers and leaders of Islam believe, teach and practice about terrorism, suicide bombers, infidels, and beheadings?

Another interesting Muslim viewpoint:
Are Western Civilians Legitimate Targets in War?
By Kamran Memon
Civil Rights Attorney

"It is permissible to kill civilians who help to spread mischief through their political and financial support for American foreign policy."

"While God prefers restraint and patience, revenge is permitted."

"Attacks on civilians in democratic states are acceptable when civilians, who have the power to change their government’s foreign policy through the democratic process, continue to elect (or tolerate the election of) leaders who support American foreign policy. Civilians also pay the taxes that make American foreign policy and military attacks possible."

"Western Muslim civilians choose to live with and work with civilian targets of other faiths. In addition, many Western Muslim civilians deserve what they get because they have rejected their responsibility to try to change Western foreign policy towards the Muslim world."


When Are Muslims Required to Fight, And Against Whom?
Wow, how could these people ppushing so far to feed wrong point of view what the Bible has shown. Missing so many point and take advantage and twisting and mocking and try to put a bad picture to pervert the christian meaning. As for me, they know the truth, but resist and take advantage by destroying the true meaning of the christians. Most islamic out there think that is christian is all about by what America are doing by approve immoral way of life and not know that christians themselves are struggling and fight to keep true American moral values. But humanist constant to fight to make immoral value to take over this country.
hottiedeafboi said:
Wow, how could these people ppushing so far to feed wrong point of view what the Bible has shown. Missing so many point and take advantage and twisting and mocking and try to put a bad picture to pervert the christian meaning.

You have a problem with people misunderstanding Christianity, and yet you also pervert the meaning of Islam...

Make up your mind.
Teresh said:
You have a problem with people misunderstanding Christianity, and yet you also pervert the meaning of Islam...

Make up your mind.
That's an example of it. You know what I'm standing, I love my true Living Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. Thru spiritual battle and challenges, I stand firm by His power. The battle is not mine, but the Lord's. Oh how Great and Precious is my Lord who put up with me and enable me and teaching me His ways. May my God be the glory forever and ever.
hottiedeafboi said:
That's an example of it. You know what I'm standing, I love my true Living Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah.

That's nice. That doesn't give you the right to pervert the meaning of other religions. If you don't want people to misinterpret Christianity, do not do it to other religions, lest you will reap what you sow.
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