Is Islam a Threat?

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At first, Washington refuse participate communion and later he had. So there are different views and as of different studied of Washington's letters he wrote, it was like a journal.

No, it was a letter written by his Christian minister, Rev. Dr. Abercrombie, to a Christian evangelist. Rev. Abercrombie told him that he died a Deist, not a Christian. George Washington was unlikely to be a Christian.

Abe Lincoln was the same as well.

Here's an actual excerpt from Herdon to Mr Remsburg regarding Abe's beliefs:

"Before I wrote my Abbott letter, I diligently searched through Lincoln's letters, speeches, state papers, etc., to find the word immortality, and I could not find it anywhere except in his letter to his father. The word immortality appears but once in his writings.

If he had been asked the plain question, "Do you know that a God exists?" he would have said: "I do not know that a God exists."

At one moment of his life I know that he was an Atheist. I was preparing a speech on Kansas, and in it, like nearly all reformers, I invoked God. He made me wipe out that word and substitute the word Maker, affirming that said Maker was a principle of the universe. When he went to Washington he did the same to a friend there.

Mr. Lincoln told me, over and over, that man has no freedom of the will, or, as he termed it, "No man has a freedom of mind." He was in one sense a fatalist, and so he died. He believed that he was under the thumb of Providence (which to him was but another name for fate). The longer he lived, the more firmly he believed it, and hence his oft invocation of God. But these invocations are no evidence to a rational mind that he adopted the blasphemy that God seduced his own daughter, begat a son on purpose to have mankind kill him, in order that he, God, might become reconciled to his own mistakes, according to the Christian view.

The best evidence this side of Lincoln's own written statement that he was an Infidel, if not an Atheist, as claimed by some, is the fact that he never mentions the name of Jesus. If he was a Christian, it could be proved by his letters and speeches. That man is a poor defender of a principle, of a person, or a thing, who never mentions that principle, person or thing. I have never seen the name of Jesus mentioned by Mr. Lincoln.

Mr. Lincoln never mentioned the name of Christ in his letters and speeches as a Christian. I have searched for such evidence, but could not find it. I have had others search, but they could not find it. This dead silence on the part of Mr. Lincoln is overwhelming proof that he was an unbeliever.

While Lincoln frequently, in a conventional way, appeals to God, he never appeals to Christ nor mentions him. I know that he at first maintained that Jesus was a bastard, and later that he was the son of Joseph and not of God.

Lincoln was not a Christian in any sense other than that he lived a good life and was a noble man. If a good life constitutes one a Christian, then Mill and a million other men who repudiated and denied Christianity were Christians, for they lived good and noble lives."
Well, I wouldn't debate about this issues. And am not surprise like my time and before me know the history and like some senators and the President saying and like I see and my family before me said today they change the origianl history and appalling and as President said, its very challenging and tough bec of humanist has changing the meaning of the Constitution and seeing today our society immorality revealed and misinterpret the meaning of the Constitutions. So as we live today, these debates will be ongoing, so, regard what is going on, I stand my faith in the Lord and have the true freedom. But those I like what Paul wrote, tho I made mistakes and fall, in Book of Philippians, is to press on toward the finish line what God has put me in. PRESS ON!!! There is so much I face everyday challenges, obstacles and etc. Forget what's behind and look toward what's ahead of me. Smile
hottiedeafboi said:
they change the origianl history and appalling and as President said, its very challenging and tough bec of humanist has changing the meaning of the Constitution and seeing today our society immorality revealed and misinterpret the meaning of the Constitutions.

Oh god, you're so far off. You and Christians are the ones that are trying to rewrite the history of America and you JUST tried to make George Washington appear as if he was a Christian when in fact, he wasn't. Many Christians have tried over and over to "Christianize" our founding fathers and they have been refuted over and over by showing the writings of our founding fathers. You cannot refute their writings and their experiences.

Our founding fathers were not Christians that you want to believe they were. They believed Jesus was a good man and believed in morals BUT they didn't believe that the Bible was divinely inspired.

It's like Muslims trying to deny that Holocaust occurred and trying to rewrite history of Israel. Dishonesty is not something I tolerate. You just don't realize how much you're duped into believing lies.
netrox said:
Oh god, you're so far off. You and Christians are the ones that are trying to rewrite the history of America and you JUST tried to make George Washington appear as if he was a Christian when in fact, he wasn't. Many Christians have tried over and over to "Christianize" our founding fathers and they have been refuted over and over by showing the writings of our founding fathers. You cannot refute their writings and their experiences.

Our founding fathers were not Christians that you want to believe they were. They believed Jesus was a good man and believed in morals BUT they didn't believe that the Bible was divinely inspired.

It's like Muslims trying to deny that Holocaust occurred and trying to rewrite history of Israel. Dishonesty is not something I tolerate. You just don't realize how much you're duped into believing lies.
Well, like I said, I won't debate any further of this issues and no, you cannot accuse what christians are doing. And I just met old lady, that as she said american today is far more evil than her time, bec hers is sporadic, but today is widespread. And even she said there are some about washington and others, but as what today been taught about how america been founded and how it was started todays history has changed. So, as I agree with her, inspite of all of that, best is worship the Lord God Almighty thru Jesus Christ. As she said, which is so true, the more and strong faith in Christ, the more they will hate you. And I agree, bec I have seen it, even I don't have to say aword, but standing my faith. So, that's why, rather not debate any further of this, bec both side have an argumentive views and its been going on since not to long ago.
FYI, some former Presidents like George Washington himself and others after him were Freemasons/Illuminatis. Some of them were Christians like Abe Lincoln himself. I've noticed that those who were " Christians " like Abe Lincoln were killed by assissinators ( sp ? ), just because they were not Freemasons/or Illuminati. Everythin' was always about " conspiracy " like someone killed JFK and his other brothers. They were the ones who changed the history.
CyberRed said:
FYI, some former Presidents like George Washington himself and others after him were Freemasons/Illuminatis. Some of them were Christians like Abe Lincoln himself. I've noticed that those who were " Christians " like Abe Lincoln were killed by assissinators ( sp ? ), just because they were not Freemasons/or Illuminati. Everythin' was always about " conspiracy " like someone killed JFK and his other brothers. They were the ones who changed the history.

The Freemasons and Illuminati are different groups (unless you're claiming that Freemasons are pawns of the Illuminati, but then you're getting your info from a trashy, if funny, work of fiction [FWIW: I loved "The Illuminatus Trilogy"). Also ... we've only had four Presidential assassinations. Another four died of natural causes while in office, but I suppose you could call those an Illuminatus conspiracy if you wanted to be paranoid. Are you suggesting that we've only had eight Christian presidents?
ismi said:
The Freemasons and Illuminati are different groups (unless you're claiming that Freemasons are pawns of the Illuminati, but then you're getting your info from a trashy, if funny, work of fiction [FWIW: I loved "The Illuminatus Trilogy"). Also ... we've only had four Presidential assassinations. Another four died of natural causes while in office, but I suppose you could call those an Illuminatus conspiracy if you wanted to be paranoid. Are you suggesting that we've only had eight Christian presidents?

If, I wanted to be paranoid ? Gee - that's funny you are puttin' this way. FYI, I ain't no paranoid. I didn't say how many Christians they were. I am just sayin' that some of them were Freemasons... some of them were Illuminatis... some of them were Christians. All of them changed the history, BUT I do know alot about Freemasons and Illuminatis. Both of them are movers and shakers. Some of them were assassinators. For example : That man who killed Abe Lincoln -- that assassinator was Freemason himself. Abe Lincoln was not. Abe Lincoln was the one who signed to let the black slaves go free.

There were many issues goin' on in history. Same goes with religions that goes in war. I believe that there's secret societies involved behind the door. It's all about history... and the history repeats.
One of my main concerns about the perception is that Islam means "peace" when in reality, Koran does not support that. Koran commands that Muslims kill the infidels and non-Muslims. Koran clearly encourages it and keeps degrading non Muslims.

Are we that naive to think that Islam means "religion of peace" when in reality, it's a religion of violence?

People may point out that Christians have done atrocities and that is true but the New Testament never advocate such a thing and Jesus forbid that.

That cannot be said for Islam - Prophet Mohammad ENCOURAGES violence.

Additionally, should Islam be protected by the freedom of speech or religion guaranteed by the First Amendment? Would you support an organization that actively encourages violence? The freedom of speech/religion ends if a religion or speech specifically looks out to destroy that freedom.

You simply cannot have freedom if you hate freedom.

:ugh3: Salam It is obvious you have not read the Quran. May Allah bless you.:ugh3:
:ugh3: Salam It is obvious you have not read the Quran. May Allah bless you.:ugh3:

Hi Mohamed's wife, I actually have the Quran which I study and I found many disturbing things and I do not know how anybody can really read the Quran to their heart's content ? Look at verse 5:51 in the Quran ..... Tell me how you are going to make any friends like this if you have denounced us as your enemy then in another verse in the Quran it says somewhere, I know for a fact that it is okay for muslim believers to lie to people if it benefits Islam then what kind of god is that a god and that the only way a deity will allow you to lie is shaitan ....( satan ) and No God will ever allow you to lie or do things against your own conscience while shaitan will allow you to do that so who's god do you trust? I am a Deaf Christian and I do not see how Deaf people in islamic countries can be healed by Jesus Christ when Islam is overwhelmingly hostile to The Gospel of Healing so if a Deaf Saudi Arabian got healed by Jesus Christ through God then the Saudi government will behead him because he is a Christian and healed. To give you a better picture of the spiritual impact, Think how that must have been played out and worked out in the spiritual realm by God and satan in the Saudi kingdom ? with that Deaf Saudi Arabian ?
.................and No God will ever allow you to lie or do things against your own conscience..........
Now, refresh my memory...
How did the USA end up in Iraq??

"There are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq".... And this way said again and again. Even the re-born christian president vowed that this was true....

The twin-towers collapsed due to fire - Lie
A 757 hit the Pentagon - Lie
We care for our people - Lie
We bring democracy - Lie
USA is a democracy - Lie
I did not have sex with that woman - Lie

I have the feeling that in christian society lying is OK!

Cloggy, That sticker belongs on the Quran and Not on the Holy Bible.

Both books are beautifl stories, excellent myths... Nice guidelines....

And they work even better when they are not taken literally.
The problem is that when these books are quoted, commen sence has allready gone out of the window......

A truly wonderful book - if you would like to live your life after a book - is
"The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"
Now, refresh my memory...
How did the USA end up in Iraq??

"There are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq".... And this way said again and again. Even the re-born christian president vowed that this was true....

The twin-towers collapsed due to fire - Lie
A 757 hit the Pentagon - Lie
We care for our people - Lie
We bring democracy - Lie
USA is a democracy - Lie
I did not have sex with that woman - Lie

I have the feeling that in christian society lying is OK!


The KJV Holy Bible makes it really very clear lying is not permitted and a True Born Again Christian will not lie. While President Bush may be a Christian. He certainly is not a shining example of a very good Christian. There are many real life very good Christians that do and live by God's example. Also on our law books in the justice system what is that word perjury, What does perjury mean ? Lying is not tolerated even if it seems like it is being permitted. Lying will always backfire because things of the devil always backfire while the things of God never backfire.
The KJV Holy Bible makes it really very clear lying is not permitted and a True Born Again Christian will not lie. While President Bush may be a Christian. He certainly is not a shining example of a very good Christian. There are many real life very good Christians that do and live by God's example. Also on our law books in the justice system what is that word perjury, What does perjury mean ? Lying is not tolerated even if it seems like it is being permitted. Lying will always backfire because things of the devil always backfire while the things of God never backfire.
Lying IS allowed in your society. Just have a look around you in government.. Elections, 9/11, Iraq. Lying everywhere, and it is condoned.
Knowing about lying and not doing anything about is is probably just as much a sin.... So... "One nation under God" and the nation lies!!

By the way... The KJV version.... what is different compared to the original version...??? Or is it convenient interpretation....
We'll, the fact is christian doctrine taught us there lie shouldn't be any part of it. No, that is not a christian society to lie, if so, particular person will be held accountable before God if a person continue to do so. How many times the Bible says not to lie?
Hi Mohamed's wife, I actually have the Quran which I study and I found many disturbing things and I do not know how anybody can really read the Quran to their heart's content ? Look at verse 5:51 in the Quran ..... Tell me how you are going to make any friends like this if you have denounced us as your enemy then in another verse in the Quran it says somewhere, I know for a fact that it is okay for muslim believers to lie to people if it benefits Islam then what kind of god is that a god and that the only way a deity will allow you to lie is shaitan ....( satan ) and No God will ever allow you to lie or do things against your own conscience while shaitan will allow you to do that so who's god do you trust? I am a Deaf Christian and I do not see how Deaf people in islamic countries can be healed by Jesus Christ when Islam is overwhelmingly hostile to The Gospel of Healing so if a Deaf Saudi Arabian got healed by Jesus Christ through God then the Saudi government will behead him because he is a Christian and healed. To give you a better picture of the spiritual impact, Think how that must have been played out and worked out in the spiritual realm by God and satan in the Saudi kingdom ? with that Deaf Saudi Arabian ?

Salam, Some are not guided to Islam. May Allah have mercy on you.
Salam, Some are not guided to Islam. May Allah have mercy on you.
Why should Allah have mercy on him, why should God have mercy on you...

If there is only one God - as all of you believe - then:

God of Islam = God of Christianity = God of the Jews = GOD

The bible and koran and tora are all written by men. Based on stories that were commmen and related to that time.

It's only when people started to say that these were the words of God (or inspired by God) that trouble started.
Because, the only reason to say that is to CONTROL PEOPLE.... and it's working!!
Why should Allah have mercy on him, why should God have mercy on you...

If there is only one God - as all of you believe - then:

God of Islam = God of Christianity = God of the Jews = GOD

The bible and koran and tora are all written by men. Based on stories that were commmen and related to that time.

It's only when people started to say that these were the words of God (or inspired by God) that trouble started.
Because, the only reason to say that is to CONTROL PEOPLE.... and it's working!!

U have some interesting point here, may I ask u a personal question if it is allowed? Are u a believer or not?
U have some interesting point here, may I ask u a personal question if it is allowed? Are u a believer or not?
That's not a yes / no question...
Believer in what?
That's not a yes / no question...
Believer in what?

Believe in God or ???? alike mankind or science since u say alot things here and I do not know where ur stand right now.
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