Teresh : I'm female.
Then you're not a Christian. You've just denied that you worship God. Does that not make you ?
Yes, I am a Christian. I worship Jesus Christ, the ONE and ONLY God..... and, nothin' else. IF, you believe in all the names of one god such as Allah, Mohammed and others... then, you are a " whore " for bein' adultery with many religions.
You're mistaken. I don't have to convince you of the fact that you are mistaken though. Indeed, you are content in your ignorance, so I would be unable to do so anyway.
No, I am not mistaken and ignorance. You don't know my experiences with God in the past when I first found Jesus Christ in my life. You were not there to witness my experiences. It's too bad that you don't have ANY experience with God yourself. You don't experience Him personally.
I don't have a problem with your beliefs, I have a problem with the fact that you disrespect Muslims and disrpect God. If you're really a Christian, heck, if you're even really a Theist, stop denying the existence of God. If you deny God, and yet claim to have theistic beliefs, you're just lying to yourself.
Disrespect ?
THAT's their beliefs, not mine. I always believe that God exists. If, you don't have a problem with my beliefs, then you wouldn't insult me or accuse me sayin' that I am not a Christian or denyin' the existence of God. I am tellin' you that your beliefs is way, way DIFFERENT than mine and I don't insult you or accuse you in any way. It's just that I don't believe in what you believe in respectfully. And, of course, I still believe that Allah is a MOON-GOD they worship, not same as my God spiritually. I also believe that there's the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father all are workin' in ONE accordance. God is NOT a " thing ". He is the REAL LIVING Person in spirit.
Mohammed is a prophet in Islam, not God.
Mohammed is a false prophet. Just like Jesus warned about " anti-christ" in His Name. It's a vain of Mohammed to be a prophet.
So you feel that you have the authority from God to determine what GOD, the Absolute Authority in the universe, believes in? Wow. I bet you think you're God Incarnate too.
Wow ? You don't make sense. Jesus Christ is the Authority of all. HE was the ONE who DIED for ME. HE was the ONE who PURCHASED ME with His BLOOD. ALLAH - the Moon God DON'T died for me. It don't give me the life. Mohammed don't DIED for me, either. None of them are the Creator, except Jesus Christ Himself.
That's your naivete speaking. Muslims believe in Jesus, if you didn't know. Muslims regard both Hebrew and Christian scripture as canon and the Word of God.
You are contradictin' yourself with many conflict words to miggle all around. You don't know Jesus Christ personally nor to experience Him personally to understand without makin' accusation/insult. Muslims use Koran, not the Holy Bible. One day, you will be tremblin' at the Feet of God when you stand facin'. His Word will fly straight at your heart and it will split your soul in HALF to reveal WHO you really are.
You worship statues of Jesus, crucifixes, crosses, whatever. What's your point?
FYI, I don't have the statues of Jesus here with me...neither the crucifixes or crosses. Nada. Wanna me to spell somethin' out for you ? Okay, the word I will spell for ya. It's F A I T H. Just faith... simple said, simple done.
It's spelled Brahma.
Mormons worship Jesus.
Mormons' doctrines are entirely different, too. And, I don't believe in their doctrines as well.
Sorry, but I'm a monotheist. I don't believe that there is a Satan because I believe in only one God. If you want to believe there is a such thing as a God of Evil, fine, go ahead, but don't claim to be a monotheist.
I sure can. If you don't worship their God, you don't worship your own God. Thus, you are not a practicioner of your own religion. That's both irrational and nonsensical, so why don't you just accept that God exists and that Allah is simply another name for God? Your other option is to reject your faith and that's fine too. Pick one or the other, but your current way of living, claiming to be a Christian but denying the existence of God is hypocritical and illogical.
I just already said it all.
Muslims feel the same for God as you do.
Feel ? No. They MUST feel their own god by seein' the moon. I don't. Faith is somethin' that you don't SEE and KNOW that God is there.
Most of the major religions don't have idols... Idolatry is by and large disappearing.
You don't have to agree with me, you just have to stop living a lie.
Lie ? How would I lie ? I believe in Jesus Christ that He is really the Son of God and He is God. I don't lie about Him. He is the Truth, The Way and The Life.
The fact that you deny God does not make you right... Like CyberRed, actually, it makes you a liar to yourself.
So where does Adonai fit in there? Elohim? El? YHVH? Ein Sof?