Is Deaf Culture still High Context?

The minor problem is segmenting one's thinking into these categories useful? Excluding as used here in commenting computer wise..

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

You will never know.:roll:
Is computer comments real?

'Course they are. They exist as bits on a computer server in Dallas, Texas which are interpreted by your computer screen to be words which your eyes can read. That's just as real as the photons reflecting off of the keyboard sitting in front of me which my eyes interpret to be a keyboard.
Dr. Phil, there are living, breathing people typing the messages that appear on your computer monitor. For some reason, you have difficulty understanding that. Thus, you throw words and phrases at us. It's time for me to employ the "ignore" feature. Best of luck to you.
I am aware there are real persons here in this

Whether all comments keyed are from "actual experience" or "otherwise" interesting question to ponder.

Is it "prudent" to evaluate what is offered here- based on one's experience to some of the matters discussed?

Implanted =Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I am aware there are real persons here in this

Whether all comments keyed are from "actual experience" or "otherwise" interesting question to ponder.

Is it "prudent" to evaluate what is offered here- based on one's experience to some of the matters discussed?

Implanted =Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Since you have no real experience regarding Deaf culture all of your comments would fall into the "otherwise" category which also leads to the evaluation of "nonsense".
The import of my comment was being- actually bilateral deaf -does suggest some knowledge the actual condition/state of deafness as experienced. Valid?
Does the use of ASL "alter the actual condition of deafness"? I don't think so. Conversely my Cochlear Implant hasn't altered the state/condition of my deafness-so far.I don't think it will either.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-activated Aug/07
More can be generated re: High/low style of thinking however how valid it this in every aspect of one's life-across the board?
Is this suggestion high OR low style of thinking?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Okay let us try to clarify.

One of your problems on this board is you are a Low Context concrete thinker. You constantly want to know "Which is it?" and in fact it is neither -- It is almost always a bit of both -- It just leans a little more one way than the other at different times and places.

There is no clear cut dichotomy here between High Context and Low Context. You can point to each extreme as an example but no one person or one culture exists that does not include both.

Here is why.

Every human being has twin contextual needs. One is to fit in with a group, share mutual concerns and love: The other is to be an individual, respected for oneself and one's own accomplishments.

Communities, cultures, societies, and families, consist of a number of people who share similar contextual values.

Important -- Contextual thinking effects and affects every aspect of everyone's life across the board at all times.
The import of my comment was being- actually bilateral deaf -does suggest some knowledge the actual condition/state of deafness as experienced. Valid?
Does the use of ASL "alter the actual condition of deafness"? I don't think so. Conversely my Cochlear Implant hasn't altered the state/condition of my deafness-so far.I don't think it will either.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-activated Aug/07

Invalid when it comes to anything culturally concerned. And yes, ASL most definately alters the deaf condition.
I know that when I was in Missouri and my kids were young, we were part of the Head Start program. Due to my daughter's reactions to lot of of things and the struggles we had, it was suggested that I take a course titled "Parenting using the Love and Logic Principal". Head Start was sponsoring it, so I took it. The basic premise was: Instead of having an open ended question, ("Which sweater do you want to wear today?") provide 2 choices only, ("Do you want to wear your yellow or green sweater today?") This also helped when it came time to have daughter clean her room. She could not understand multiple step or open ended statements like "Clean your room". We had to make up a check-off list for her. It would go like this:
1. Put all dirty clothes into the hamper.
2. Put all baby dolls onto their shelf.
3. Put all Barbie dolls into the box under your bed.
4. Put all baby clothes into the dresser in the closet.
5. Put all of Barbie's clothes into the box under the bed.
6. Put all Lego's into the box for them.
7. Pull up your sheet and comforter and cover your pillow like Mommy does.
8. Set Cathy on your bed so she can rest. (Cathy was her teddy bear).

We had something like 20 different steps to have a clean room. Once a week she had the 20 step list for the top to bottom cleaning and daily she had the 12 step list for the general clean-up before evening games.

Granted, she had other learning and comprehension issues, but this, she got and could do. She still, at 17, needs a list of what to do so she can check it off. We are very big on plastic page protectors and dry erase markers in my house.

This is wonderful. You, a loving, caring parent, were looking for, and thankfully found, a way to communicate with your daughter that fulfilled your needs and hers. YOU adjusted your thinking and your methods to her needs.

This is often what has to be done because not every can adjust their thinking to our needs or what is easy for us.

This is why I believe all forms of reasoning should be given equal respect.

The above discussion is valid for children, however how valid for adults dealing with say: "hearing loss or deafness'?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Children are people first.

Adults are people first.

HOH are people first.

D/deaf are people first.

You have to look past your bias and see the humanity.

Asl Kristina says:

It is also valid for adults who are going through dementia. We had to write it out for my daughter as she had a hearing problem. I currently use the same principal with my mother at times and she is losing her hearing as well, only she will never admit it. Not that she is in denial, just that her dementia causes her to argue too much.
As well as adults who suffer from language dysfluency. Unfortunately, that includes a significant portion of D/deaf adults who suffered from language deprivation as the result of being restricted to an oral environment.


That is a crime.
Confusion is your friend when you take action to become "Un-confused." When you insist on staying in a state of perpetual confusion, it can be your enemy anytime you attempt to interact with others. I think we have a very concrete example of such here.:P

Most people, in my experience, fear confusion. They avoid it, pretend they do not have it, etc.

Then I read a book about various mathematicians in history -- And I noticed how many of them at some point in their thinking became so confused they approached breakdowns -- Until suddenly clarity struck and suddenly everything was obvious.

Based on this discovery which I thought of as an epiphany I launched myself into subjects that confused me until I felt my brain would explode -- All with the hope that I would suddenly experience the true simplicity, clarity, and obviousness of it all.

And it worked. Every time on every subject.

When my wife died and I was diagnosed as acutely clinically depressed I embraced it with the same fervor. I refused all medications. I literally locked myself in my house and attacked my depression.

And here I stand today. A stronger man than I have ever been.

Confusion is your friend.

Depression is your friend.

They are doors to a stronger, better you.
Now high vs low context thinking.... can anyone help me with this?

Humans are animals.

Having sex with animals is beastality.

Therefore every devirginized human has taken part of beastality.

Low or high context?

What is satire?
The minor problem is segmenting one's thinking into these categories useful? Excluding as used here in commenting computer wise..

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Quit segmenting.

When Socrates asked questions to show how people did not in fact know what they thought they knew he did not intrude extraneous material. He stuck to what the speaker was discussing.

If you are going to play Socrates please bone up on the methodology.
The minor problem is segmenting one's thinking into these categories useful? Excluding as used here in commenting computer wise..

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Is computer comments real?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

I am aware there are real persons here in this

Whether all comments keyed are from "actual experience" or "otherwise" interesting question to ponder.

Is it "prudent" to evaluate what is offered here- based on one's experience to some of the matters discussed?

Implanted =Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

The import of my comment was being- actually bilateral deaf -does suggest some knowledge the actual condition/state of deafness as experienced. Valid?
Does the use of ASL "alter the actual condition of deafness"? I don't think so. Conversely my Cochlear Implant hasn't altered the state/condition of my deafness-so far.I don't think it will either.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-activated Aug/07

Why is it that some of your posts appear literate and others do not?
Why is it that some of your posts appear literate and others do not?

Language dysfluency for $400, Berry? I learned this term tonight. So I thought I would take this opportunity to apply it.
Quit segmenting.

When Socrates asked questions to show how people did not in fact know what they thought they knew he did not intrude extraneous material. He stuck to what the speaker was discussing.

If you are going to play Socrates please bone up on the methodology.

:ty: And especially since he claims to have read so much regarding psychology and has extensive knowledge of CBT. Socratic questioning is used extensively.