Is Deaf Culture still High Context?

If the subject of "logic" was so clear-why are there so many different textbooks?

Not to think in logical terms- not sure if this is: high/low/fluid/solid whatever. Sorry- haven't met Prof confusion yet. What website can be accessed?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Low context cultures and high context cultures are a discussion of sociology and psychology....not logic. Did none of your sociology or psychology reading cover such?

Correct. But Low Context Cultures, just as Low Context thinking individuals, prefer logic... In fact as in our dominant hearing culture it is seen by most as the only path to true and correct thinking.

High Context Cultures, just as High Context thinking individuals tend toward the semantic model.

If we lived in a High Context Culture that refused to recognize the validity of logic we could very well be having the exact opposite discussion.

There is no ONE WAY to truth in thinking.
Classical/Formal logic curriculum has existed since Aristotle. The reason that there are so many logic text books is the same reason for so many calculus texts--it's a rigorous study that requires many practice problems.
As a discussion- interesting re high vs low vs fluid vs? on one's life?
How does the previous impact one's perception of being "deaf/Deaf"?

Implanted- Sunnbrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

A Low Context thinker would be most apt to react, "OHMYGOD I'M DEAF. Mylife isover. WhaddaIdonow?"

A High Context thinker would be more apt to say, "Okay, there are a few million D/deaf people in the world today and there have been a few billion before that. A lot of them must have made out okay. Now I need to find out how they did it."
Chapter 1 Lecture: High-Context & Low-Context Culture Styles

I researched this a little and found this to be the most understandable explanation to me.

Deaf culture looks more low context to me since saying exactly what you mean is very important.

I was amused to find out that low context thinkers prefer written communication about all other forms as it is so exact. :lol: That describes me.

What I love is that you hunted around until you found a way to understand what was being discussed. It also helps me improve my understanding.
Berry: In the real world-mine-I did NEITHER.:wave:
I immediately eliminated the possibility of my Hearing aid battery was dead. Just asked someone if they heard whistling- Yup. Next could an ear infection cause temporary deafness-checked in ENT clinic. No
Next step have St Michaels/Toronto ENT clinic refer me to Sunnybrook Cochlear Implant section. Done forthwith-Bilaterally deaf.-December 20, 2006.Appointment there Feb 4/07.

Supposed I was in "denial". courtesy computer screen diagnosis.

Note: I joined in July10. Right: missed lots of advice.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Deaf culture looks more low context to me since saying exactly what you mean is very important.

We have only discussed a couple of aspects of Low / High Context in culture.

A preference for logic or semantics is only one aspect.

We have not discussed the use of time,

Social relationships​


There's more.

There is a lot more.
I see you went to the source: anthroplogical psychology! Good for you! I was going to go to storage this weekend and see if I could dig out some of my old cultural and linguistic anthroplogy books to find an explanation, but you did a great job and saved me the trouble.

For those that think this is not an important issue...there is nothing more important that understanding communication of another. Without that understanding, communication does not occur. These are issues that I have to be aware of in practice, as different cultures must be communicated with and approached differently in order for therapy to be effective for them. Otherwise, misunderstandings occur, and no one benefits. Language has a huge impact on culture, culture has a huge impact on perception, perception has a huge impact on reaction.

I think I'm about to turn this into a lecture topic. Better just drop it.:giggle: But thanks for looking further, Bott.

You can lecture me anytime.
Beery: In the real world-mine-I did NEITHER.
I immediately eliminated the possibility of my Hearing aid battery was dead. Just asked someone if they heard whistling- Yup. Next could an ear infection cause temporary deafness-checked in ENT clinic. No
Next step have St Michaels/Toronto ENT clinic refer me to Sunnybrook Cochlear Implant section. Done forthwith-Bilaterally deaf.-December 20, 2006.Appointment there Feb 4/07.
Supposed I was in "denial". courtesy computer screen diagnosis.

Note: I joined in July10. Right: missed lots of advice.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Most people do neither. They do something in between.
Perhaps the hypothesis: high/low thinking not actualized in real life. New theory required?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Perhaps the hypothesis: high/low thinking not actualized in real life. New theory required?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

It is actualized.

A hearing child picks up nonverbal clues.

The parent says, "We have to have the house spotless because your aunt Matilda is coming over."

Child. "You don't like aunt Matilda?"

The parent snaps, "That is NOT what I said. Don't put words in my mouth."

The child has just been taught to be Low Context.

A full context parent might have said, "Honey, she is family, and we treat her with respect and we love her even if she is a bit difficult at times."

When a kid comes home from school and the parent says, "First you do your homework -- Then you can go out and visit with your friends."

Another lesson in being Low Context has been given:

Things come first. Success comes first. Friends, family, and loved ones -- They get fit into your schedule if or when you happen to have time.

A full context lesson might be, "Go play with your friends and after dinner I'll help you with your homework."

That is just a start.
More can be generated re: High/low style of thinking however how valid it this in every aspect of one's life-across the board?
Is this suggestion high OR low style of thinking?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I know that when I was in Missouri and my kids were young, we were part of the Head Start program. Due to my daughter's reactions to lot of of things and the struggles we had, it was suggested that I take a course titled "Parenting using the Love and Logic Principal". Head Start was sponsoring it, so I took it. The basic premise was: Instead of having an open ended question, ("Which sweater do you want to wear today?") provide 2 choices only, ("Do you want to wear your yellow or green sweater today?") This also helped when it came time to have daughter clean her room. She could not understand multiple step or open ended statements like "Clean your room". We had to make up a check-off list for her. It would go like this:
1. Put all dirty clothes into the hamper.
2. Put all baby dolls onto their shelf.
3. Put all Barbie dolls into the box under your bed.
4. Put all baby clothes into the dresser in the closet.
5. Put all of Barbie's clothes into the box under the bed.
6. Put all Lego's into the box for them.
7. Pull up your sheet and comforter and cover your pillow like Mommy does.
8. Set Cathy on your bed so she can rest. (Cathy was her teddy bear).

We had something like 20 different steps to have a clean room. Once a week she had the 20 step list for the top to bottom cleaning and daily she had the 12 step list for the general clean-up before evening games.

Granted, she had other learning and comprehension issues, but this, she got and could do. She still, at 17, needs a list of what to do so she can check it off. We are very big on plastic page protectors and dry erase markers in my house.
The above discussion is valid for children, however how valid for adults dealing with say: "hearing loss or deafness'?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Kristina, I use Love and Logic, too. Love it!
The above discussion is valid for children, however how valid for adults dealing with say: "hearing loss or deafness'?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

It is also valid for adults who are going through dementia. We had to write it out for my daughter as she had a hearing problem. I currently use the same principal with my mother at times and she is losing her hearing as well, only she will never admit it. Not that she is in denial, just that her dementia causes her to argue too much.