Individual voice ( woman and male)

...That's why for HOH or deafies w/ CI/HA... they prefer female voice. It's easier for us to hear. Male Voice..... ugh forget about it... it's so thick and heavy most of time and I can't understand anything what he's saying.
That's interesting. For hearing people, as we get older and our hearing dulls, we prefer male voices to female voices for clarity and appeal. To older ears, women's soprano voices tend to sound more screechy than men's mellow tenors and baritones. That's why men are used more often for radio and TV broadcasting, sports announcing, and movie narrations.
That's interesting. For hearing people, as we get older and our hearing dulls, we prefer male voices to female voices for clarity and appeal. To older ears, women's soprano voices tend to sound more screechy than men's mellow tenors and baritones. That's why men are used more often for radio and TV broadcasting, sports announcing, and movie narrations.

I was thinking the same, I find male voices far easier to hear because of the lower timber of their voices and also because their voices project further. Women often speak too high and softly for me.
Sometimes I am voice high loud :giggle: but my interpeter, I can hear you you are wrong spelling voice incorrect, they heard it my interpeter is weird on voice fast! I am surprised! she is very my friends! she funny comedy voice normal!
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Me Singing A Whole New World Disney's Aladdin Nick Pitera (Cover)‬‏[/ame]
A younger person's voice sounds stronger, perhaps faster, and more "full" in vocal tone. An older person might speak more slowly, perhaps have a "thinner" sort of quality to it. For a very old person - like over 80, not over 50 - the voice might be quavering and halting.

Those of us between 50 and 80 no doubt do sound different than what we did when we were young, but I'm not sure I can describe the difference. A man's voice might be more "gravelly," low-pitched and slow. A mature woman's voice sounds more commanding than a younger woman's. (Maybe because of all those years of saying "You kids stop that this minute!!)

A child's voice is usually very high-pitched. A teenager's voice might be deeper, but especially for girls, is likely to have a lot of inflections and verbal habits, like saying "like" or "you know" or having a rising inflection at the end of sentences to make them sound like questions even when they are not really questions. Usually an adult does not have those habits.

Very interesting!! :ty: I am wondering deaf people's voice does change too?