In the Year 2050…'re his daughter.

Heh heh...He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named right now is...Ravensteve1961!
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ravensteve1961 said:
oakley just for that you will be this when youre reincarnated.

oh my,my,my Dont i look soo handsome?
DreamDeaf said:
in 2050, there may be glide cars instead of gasoline-powered cars...
I am curious...what kind of power does a glide car use? :dunno:
DreamDeaf said:
in 2050, there may be glide cars instead of gasoline-powered cars...I'd be the first in line to buy one! Maybe transporters will be the preferred method of travel by then, too...Hey, TB, visitor coming over! After I spend some time at Nozobo and Oakley's condo in the wilds of Colorado-Arizona Desert... by then, St. Louis will have merged with Kansas City and swallowed Columbia...heh heh. New York City will become NYCAtlanticCity City. And Miami will have become Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Orlando City.

EEk...someday Los Angeles will have swallowed San Diego and Santa Bernandino and merged with San Francisco and endangering Seattle-Wacoma City!

In fact, in 2050, we will probably be living in USA City!!!

if that's true about USA City, then from old LA to old Wash DC will take about 2 week non-stop road trip :o
President Magastu & his first lady Cheri

Look what the children of Magastu & Cheri add the picture of their proud parents. :lol:

Liebling:-))) said:
Look what the children of Magastu & Cheri add the picture of their proud parents. :lol:


Whoa ! Magastu and Cheri are so beautiful couple !!! :jaw:

Good job! Be sure to send a copy to Cheri thru her email so she can print it out for her scrapbook!

ROFLMAO! Liebling:)))

It so true that we always into polities and both of us are democrats.. :lol:

No wonder, that Alex is not happy what his children runs Alex´s forum like this in 2050. E & LinixGold tried to convince him that it´s chlidren´s forum now. See what Alex`s & E´s children did to dirty Alex´s forum. :ugh2:






Complaint report to Moderator Ravensteven
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Liebling:-))) said:
Look what the children of Magastu & Cheri add the picture of their proud parents. :lol:


you are something, LIEBGIRL!! how in the world did you do that!?? i wanna LEARN!! :thumb:
Liebling:))), You do a very good creative job! Alex and E might be laughing their buns off right now. :giggle:
Liebling:-))) said:

No wonder, that Alex is not happy what his children runs Alex´s forum like this in 2050. E & LinixGold tried to convince him that it´s chlidren´s forum now. See what Alex`s & E´s children did to dirty Alex´s forum. :ugh2:






Complaint report to Moderator Ravensteven

:rofl: hahahahhaha Liebling OMG this is hilarious! hahaha