In the Year 2050…

Levonian said:
I'd say that's about the best looking bush that Steve's ever going to get.

That´s what I thought so! It look like that Steve´s in love with his future wife. :rofl:

Are you proud of your beautiful wife, Steve?
Malyoisch is become Joanne K. Rowling´s successful assistance. They become best friends since they work together to write 100th Harry Potter book and also sell 100th part DVD, too.

Malyoisch is a fithly wealth lady and proud of her own boss Joanne, that´s why she´s happy to add the picture of her with Joanne in London.

Gonna be ahead of my time.
Gonna kill this thread by just replying.
LMAO...... funny thread. :P *rolls up my sleeves*

By the year 2050......

Cheri can be found wandering dazedly around without clothes on the streets of (insert city name here). When asked, she was heard to be muttering something about having too much sauce after years and years. You didn't think I meant the BBQ kind did you? Though... she has left a legion of male admirers trailing after her with flowers and chocolate under arms.

Levonian was accosted by a team of chimpanzees razing him with rotten bananas angrily as he hobbled by on an African safari with the lovely missus... all simply because he made the chimps look bad at Alldeaf with all the lovely poetry and sweetness toward his beloved (and beautiful) wife.

Liebling dyed her hair green, and accused the great grandkids of trying to bleach it with chlorine after she tried to go blonde in an effort to mimic the infamous and beautiful twins at Alldeaf. Of course, it's time to change her medicine.... right before she realizes she is living in Morocco and making a living by mooning the royalty there, instead of being in Germany. Somebody catch that lady with the walker already!

Here's our lovely RavenSteve! What he doesnt realize is that he now lives in Africa and is living among the very same chimps that threw the rotten bananas at our poor Levonian. He expects to be congratulated on his upcoming wedding to one of the girls who threw the bananas the hardest. Yep. Time to change his medicine, too.

Malfoyish, Malfoyish... what can I say about that Slythern Queen? You see, a surprise came one day about 30 years before 2050 when coffeeeman found that his coffee was spiked with some GHB. Discovered too late one time too many, that is... which would account for the 20 Malfoys in addition to the three Malfoys already bred out of him. Miss Malfoyish is da Queen! Coffeeeman is currently babysitting 100 of his grandchildren in his mansion, all bought for by Malfoyish's smashing writing success. Malfoyish is currently on a world tour for her latest book, and was last seen in Norway.

Angel always had to clean up after Roadrunner's embarassing "accidents" when meeting other ADers. One wonders why... until explained by the flustered blonde, that her dear husband somehow realized that every ADer was out to get him, like friggin' Wiley E. Coyote and he had to make like Roadrunner... but shat instead and put out someone's eye with his flailing arms. Ah, yes, that sweet Angel is a saint... don't you forget it either!

Zesty makes a living flipping off the royalty in England. Though, you should see her outrunning the police with her motor wheelchair. Prince William was heard yelling, "Oh yeah? What time, you sexy GILF?" Unfortunately, Zesty is deaf and couldn't hear his open invitation. A sad day for Grannies I'd like to F.... wha... okay, I forgot this was supposed to be PG-13 for a minute! My apologies. *bows*

Alex can be seen tap dancing in Lord of the Dance, after the last Lord tap danced his way off the stage and broke a hip. When asked for his secret to being in tip top shape... he whispered mysteriously, "Posethics. And plenty of Viagra." Wait a minute what does Viagra have anything to do with tap dancing? I suppose we could ask Elyse, but that would be at the expense of our own sanity.... speaking of which, we haven't seen her outside of their master bedroom since 2014. This hafta gonna stay a mystery, ladies and gents.

Steel can be found reading hentai, and he is keeping the tissue company and the sperm clinic in business. Deaf258 is the CEO of that company, and sends Steel complimentary wine bottles every Christmas with a nice Christmas card. He also happens to have his own cooking show... eat your heart out, Jamie! Nozobo is the Vice President of that tissue company, and gets some fringe benefits too. He gets to ski in his shorts all he wants to... THAT would be a fringe benefit to anyone, too, you know. How often do you get to see a man's sexy and bare legs in winter? Although the Yeti has mistakened him for family now and then. Black bears and brown bears learn fast, and that's the good news. I doubt Nozobo wants to be some hairy bear's sweetheart... or does he?

Sweet little Meg, did you hear about her? She had 10 kids by bbnt, and Oddball is understandably upset with that. He escaped from her bedroom after being handcuffed and used as a sex slave for just a few years. Bbnt confusedly ran into Meg's arms literally, and another set of handcuffs... now Oddball can be seen chasing Meg with a stick.... and they both are using walkers. Hidden somewhere in the barracks underground, bbnt is still tied up with a dildo up where no sun shines. And he likes it!

Now this is an interesting piece of news... Katzie and Blackcat just acquired their 8th dream house somewhere in Taipei, and they travel all over the world as jetsetters. This is because they want to get away from home when Ally brings men, that they truly hate, home. The last guy, if you call that a guy, had a tattoo of a snake over his eyebrow.. a greasy mullet, along with a biker's fuzzy beard that was braided all the way down to his knees. He was always licking his lips while leering at Katzie-- mouthing the words: "MILF." Enough was enough when Ally hinted at them paying for a possible spring wedding and they haven't seen any new guys since that snake man with the greasy mullet. At least their second child is a darling, dating one of Malfoyish's children! Only if they knew......

Kuifje can be found with Kim, sitting on one of those hoverchairs, traveling across mountains when his last set of hips broke on a hike. The catch is that he has to still kiss Kim after Kim has eaten Vietnamese snail soup with a touch of fish sauce on slugs. Kim doesn't believe in brushing one's teeth, either.

Banjo's last letter to us revealed that he has found technology where he hooked himself up to a DVD player, and was able to watch movies all he wanted to without the annoyance of using a remote control and enable captioning when lying movie companies "forgot" to include that with the movie. The hooking is done via his balls to make it a very enjoyable viewing experience. Now you know what he uses instead of a remote control! With women, it is expected they use their milk forming teats. Good luck Bans!

Beowulf is known as the dirty ol' man who keeps Zesty in business in gay ol' England. Nuff said.

Oceanbreeze now chases after her grand nieces in a motorized state of the art wheelchair when they "break" her ancient Dell once again. The brats. Don't they understand? Dell IS hers, even if it's some fifty years old... dammit!

Fly Free is married to a wonderful woman who makes her heart sing... and unfortunately makes her stomach hurl with her bad cooking. At least she believes in brushing one's teeth!

Hmmm.. more to come. This lady needs her beauty sleep. :P Hold all the rotten tomatoes until then!
LMAO, really funny thread, Liza. *rolls up my sleeves* and will add more more more tomorrow.
Today is 1.17am, it´s time for me go bed! :fingersx:
Some people who trying to set me up with Ravensteve, Consider yourself block. :bump:

Opps! Didn't expect that huh? :mrgreen:
Liebling:-))) said:
Malyoisch is become Joanne K. Rowling´s successful assistance. They become best friends since they work together to write 100th Harry Potter book and also sell 100th part DVD, too.

Malyoisch is a fithly wealth lady and proud of her own boss Joanne, that´s why she´s happy to add the picture of her with Joanne in London.


Aaaahhh, HAHAHAHHAHA!!! Oh, Liebling. LOL. This is awesome. LOLOL. She's my hero, you know. I wouldn't have the fame and fortune I do if it weren't for her. Can't take all the credit, you know. I just make sure she includes plenty of Malfoys in her writing... :)

good post, Liza! Enjoyed the Great American Novel!

LIZA: Now in the darkest reaches of England, hunting down Malfoyish so she can be turned back into the beautiful gal she once was...not realizing that she's been beautiful all these years, no matter her age.
DreamDeaf said:

good post, Liza! Enjoyed the Great American Novel!

LIZA: Now in the darkest reaches of England, hunting down Malfoyish so she can be turned back into the beautiful gal she once was...not realizing that she's been beautiful all these years, no matter her age.

Liza is certainly beautiful enough! What would she possibly need from me?? *confused*
Once, bbnt gave Eternity a new set of kama sutra games for her birthday. Eternity was heard then rapping bbnt hard on the head (the one between his legs) with a walking stick..... and a stern look: "Too tame! I expected better from you, biotach. Go back to the porn store!"

Dreamdeaf is the president of Missouri after it seceded from the rest of States. She gives deaf people 50% rebate for everything if they visit Missouri... and as a result, MO has many deaf settlers. She also made bigamy legal... Long live President DD! We salute you! :lol:
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Malfoyish said:
Liza is certainly beautiful enough! What would she possibly need from me?? *confused*

Gee thanks, Malfoyish. LOL
I didnt know you were in England, girl, though!
Liza said:
Gee thanks, Malfoyish. LOL
I didnt know you were in England, girl, though!

Neither did I. Damn floo powder!!!! You NEVER know where you'll end up. At least it wasn't like last time, when I ended up in someone's trunk!
Well, my prediction does have Malfoyish as Head Mistress of Hogwarts, and that's in England, right???

Tsk...get on with the program!

Thanks, Liza, honey! I accept the position as Queen of Missouri with pride...heh heh.
Liebling:-))) said:
That´s what I thought so! It look like that Steve´s in love with his future wife. :rofl:

Are you proud of your beautiful wife, Steve?

he loves to playing with rubber balloons on the top of his wife. He may have a practice to boxer with that before he goes to bed. :eek:
ravensteve1961 said:
I wont marry cheri . We wouldnt get along cheri and i would look like this.
At least they are smiling at each other. :)
in 2050, there may be glide cars instead of gasoline-powered cars...I'd be the first in line to buy one! Maybe transporters will be the preferred method of travel by then, too...Hey, TB, visitor coming over! After I spend some time at Nozobo and Oakley's condo in the wilds of Colorado-Arizona Desert... by then, St. Louis will have merged with Kansas City and swallowed Columbia...heh heh. New York City will become NYCAtlanticCity City. And Miami will have become Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Orlando City.

EEk...someday Los Angeles will have swallowed San Diego and Santa Bernandino and merged with San Francisco and endangering Seattle-Wacoma City!

In fact, in 2050, we will probably be living in USA City!!!

and if Bushy Bush has his way, it will all be paved more trees, no more Old Faithful, no more Canada, no more Grand Canyon...*sob* All the trees will be in a museum...carefully preserved under double thick plexiglass.
DreamDeaf said:
It says here...

Oceanbreeze: Will be the new Lord You-Know-Who during Malfoyish's tenure as Hogwarts Head Mistress.

LOL I beg your pardon!! It is I who would conquer He-Who-Must-Be-Named! (Right after I finish tucking Malfy into her cell next to her beloved Lucius).

That is all. LOL