In the Year 2050…

kuifje75 said:
LMAO at all what you said, especially about me.
That house, Liebling, is soooo not me! LOL
Malfoyish, I would love to climb every mountain.
Liza, I have eaten Vietnamese Snail Soup with Kim, it's quite delicious.
LOL this thread cracked me up big time.

You might change your mind to live in caves/mountains one day. You never know!:lol:
LMAO, Banjo!

More pictures will come... of course Deafdream and Zesty will be including.
President Magastu and Lady Cheri donated luxury plane and cruise to AllDeaf owner to bastized “” on plane. AllDeaf owner use plane for AD cacus meeting every year.

AllDeaf owner send his plane to Europe then Australia, then world to pick Liza, members fromworld and Liebling up to meet AD members in Los Anglos Airport and then ship from LA to Hawaii to meet JavaPride there.


Liza is sleep in her bedroom at the plane: We all (AD members from the world) have each bedroom like this to comfortable ourselves.


Living room in the plane

Computer room in the plane – we need it to contact American AD members.

I will be back with the pictures of cruise soon and more pictures to surprise AD members..
It took AD members from the world 3 months to arrive LA to meet American AD members. AllDeaf owner gave us the offer what we have in his cruise.

Mr. And Mrs. Chimp with Banana recipes, Banana refreshment, selling their banana recipe books, also Mrs. Chimp´s banana porn book, too etc.

Katzie is well-known body and face artist and specialist with face make-up and paint AD members´s body, also selling body and face artist book, too. That´s what Katzie did to Zesty´s and Liza´s body. (see the picture of them in next post soon)


DeafClimber climbing up to cruise. He dont like to walk but climb and climb all the time. He still havent decide for AD gals yet but consider climbing.




Mr. & Mrs. Chimp´s banana resturant and banana specialist

Bar where Deafdream and MizzDeaf make their Christmas song. (you will see the picture of them in next post soon)


We cruise to Hawaii to meet Javapride there. JavaPride hosting for us there. :mrgreen:

more more more pictures of AD members come soon in next post.
Lieb..where you find this cruise ?? I'd like to know.. So I love to read the information about this... I hope this not joking... :)
Bullym0m said:
Lieb..where you find this cruise ?? I'd like to know.. So I love to read the information about this... I hope this not joking... :)

Honestly, I really dont know where it come from. I got it thru email chains.
i think it looks alike she made/added if she was a president/owner of that like Bill Gate Microsoft made by him, would be cool :thumb:
by then I will be grandmother of umm... dunno how many kids my daughters would have :mrgreen:
I have qq what 2050 will look like :dunno: better or worse ?? :Ohno: hope my daughters succesfully work and live well, also got handsome husbands :mrgreen: and wonderful family and beautiful children, my grandchildren, did I wish much, oh well, let's see ahead ;)
Liebling:-))) said:
Honestly, I really dont know where it come from. I got it thru email chains.


Uh,oh... Okay.. um... Damn email-chains... Oh well Thanks again! :)
Liebling:-))) said:
Mr. And Mrs. Chimp with Banana recipes, Banana refreshment, selling their banana recipe books, also Mrs. Chimp´s banana porn book, too etc.

Mr. & Mrs. Chimp´s banana resturant and banana specialist

Liebling, You did it again. You are going to very "RICH". :giggle:

That's so awesome!
Hey Mayflower/Lev...

Guess what, I forgot send you since......... nice parcel of your late wedding gift..

Btw, Here's for you....


Let's hope not rotten cake 4 u... Enjoy both of you guys!!!! CHIMPEZEEEE!
Liebling:-))) said:

I could not stay that place because I have a Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places. It will make me threw up. Weird !!

I could not sleep with celing lower at my face and also the wall side of my bed. I tend to put my bed in the middle of two side of walls. I could not wear pj pants cover my feet. I woke up at two a.m. to cut off the pj coverage my feet. I dislike to wear anything tight on my feet while I sleep.
Banjo said:
Malfoyish - Will be summoned by Voldemort to do some evil deeds. She's a death-eater, beware!

Now, now. I CAN see this happening. Now ya understand why it's vital to remain on my good side. ;)
There´re DreamDeaf and MizzDeaf of postwhoring songs in´s cruise. All AD members in the world scream on them “Love you, postwhoring”



More pictures will come soon. :mrgreen:
Levonian said:
This is a repost, but I can’t bump the original thread because I can’t find it.

If anybody cares, I finally found the original thread. Gotta put it in here to keep the record straight, since this thread is really a repost.
That thread is way old anyways, I like yours better ;)