In the Year 2050…

Cheri said:
That thread is way old anyways, I like yours better ;)
Thanks, but I still felt that it was proper to give credit to the original poster since it's a repost.
Levonian said:
Thanks, but I still felt that it was proper to give credit to the original poster since it's a repost.

You have such a great heart, I love that about you. :hug:
Liebling:-))) said:
DeafClimber climbing up to cruise. He dont like to walk but climb and climb all the time. He still havent decide for AD gals yet but consider climbing.


AHH ur right ! i wud scream where the fk rock is ! :cry: NAH.. I WUD SAY WHERE IS SWIMMING POOL ? !
Liebling:-))) said:
DeafClimber climbing up to cruise. He dont like to walk but climb and climb all the time. He still havent decide for AD gals yet but consider climbing.


AHH ur right ! i wud scream where the fk rock is ! :cry: NAH.. I wud say where is swimming pool ?!
I will be 64 years old, with lots of posts on here probably--if the forum lasts that long! :laugh2:

Glad I'm not currently one of the older members here... :laugh2:
gnulinuxman said:
I will be 64 years old, with lots of posts on here probably--if the forum lasts that long! :laugh2:

Glad I'm not currently one of the older members here... :laugh2:
*sobbing* I'll be around 68 years old...I don't think I will use cpu... it'll be evoluter instead of computer... heh
I will be 85, as my "wife" Mee will be 83 as she'll be use the wheelchair or walker. (CP Generations)
Hmmm...being 80 isn't that bad. :D I'll be a grayish-old-white-wolf in grandma's pajama! :P

hey, where is my VlAGRA ??


I need it very badly, I am afraid Mayflower will leave me.
I must say this is the hilarious thread! :rofl: :rofl: In 2050 I'd be 73 years old, Yikes! :giggle:

Is there any more predictions for some new comers here in AD? *curious*
I will be 63 years old :eek:

Jolie_77 (May 23, 2050)

Sequoias and Sweetheart (April 14, 2050)

Liebling (November 27, 2050)

Alex (October 31, 2050) Halloween Day :eek:


Heath (July 4th, 2050) He help his wife :)

I just kidding :lol:
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In 2050, USA will be nearly 500 million, and white non-hispanic would be around 51% and other minorities (mostly latino and white) would be around 49% but it was projection, not all are true though, hard to predict.
In year 2050, i will be 74 years old. I'll be probably riding around in mass transit instead of in cars, maybe a maglev train from Seattle to California? We'll be probably see more organic foods, holograms, fold-up TVs, up to 400+ million people living in the'll be tad bit crowded with bunch of futuristic skyscrapers clustering downtowns with bunch of heliports or something like that. We'll be also seeing futuristic clothings that we've never imaged before. Senior Citizens will be probably dancing in Hawaii on hovercrafts ;)
In 2050 i'll be 70 years old, prolly be proud of my grand mischeivous children hahah.