In the Year 2050…

Liebling:-))) said:
Kuiji75 is well known hiker and become millionaire through mountain designer. He build many mountions and caves as home. He will live in cave with his Kim like this.








my my you are being very creative this morning!! whats up with that!?? eh?
2050? Let's see...*counting on fingers and toes* .. I'll be in my 80's by then...

Let's see...

AD will still be AD, being postwhored every day by...

Cheri and Angel - our infamous Dyed Blonde Twins, who are now the BBQ Queens in the BBQ Hall of Fame.

RoadRunner - our "Super Mod", still locked in the closet.

Alex - still trying to live down the infamous Xmas songs written by DD

LinuxGold - still trying to live up to the image of St. LinuxGold.

Magastu - still going head to head with Taylor, who's his lover now.

Ravensteve - asking Cheri to marry him for the 10,000th time and still getting flamed.

MizzDeaf - still quiet, still around...watching us and laughing her head off at the silliness of us.

TweetyBird - still being chased by Slyvester the Cat and down to her last yellow feather.

Malfoyish - now in Harry Potter XXIV, still pining after Draco Malfoy.

Meg - still being chased by foot long dildos in her dreams.

... any more you wanna me name? Come on, give me names, Ill think of something.

Nozobo - married to Oakley, paid for Oakley's M2F change, enjoying all the great, great grandchildren and scaring them with DD's stories...
haha....I think They make a perfect couple!!

*running off and hide*

Yes I saw that and that would never happen over my dead body.
I laugh soooo hard when I read your post, DD!

Cheri and Ravensteven,

Dont forget to invite me to attend your wedding. :fingersx:
Liebling:-))) said:
I laugh soooo hard when I read your post, DD!

Cheri and Ravensteven,

Dont forget to invite me to attend your wedding. :fingersx:

Liebling; :madfawk: That would never, ever happen!
Cheri said:
Liebling; :madfawk: That would never, ever happen!

Never say never, Cheri......

I d love to be one of your bridesmaids but please make sure that the dresses are gorgeous and in lavender. No bows on my ass please
Liebling:-))) said:

Aww that was sooo darn sweet of you Liebling :aw: ...

Thanks sweetie :hug: ...btw, I saved that photo in my file.. will show it to RR later on
Meg said:
Never say never, Cheri......

I d love to be one of your bridesmaids but please make sure that the dresses are gorgeous and in lavender. No bows on my ass please

AMEN!! AND COUNT ME IN!! :giggle:
Lesseeee here...LOLOL....This is toooo hysterical, I tell ya!

By the time 2050 rolls around -

^Angel^ and Roadrunner will be married and will probably have adopted several more fur-covered children. Just to spite their friend Malfoyish, they also adopt a family of hamsters. Biting ones. :twisted:

Levonian and Mayflower finally escaped from the infamous research facility. Together, they have three baby chimps, all equally as precocious and intellectual as their parents. The girl chimp is as well endowed as her mother and the boys are as adorable as their proud Pop! ;)

Miss Delectable, will still be a few years younger than me, and just as delectable...the little troll! She'll still be writing in that LJ of hers - delighting us all with her daily adventures. Oh, and she'll finally admit that she's part Slytherin.

Liza will have 12 kids, and a cat to match each child. She's STILL a Slytherin. She's taught each of her children to be Malfoyish, too. I'm very very proud. *sobs joyfully*

BBNT will have taken up cross dressing while on his crusade to break Malfoyish into the habit of wearing those god-forsaken DRESSES. He develops a liking for them and can be found lounging on the deck in a red slinky mini while drinking root beer with whipped cream topping...

Liebling will have managed to find pictures to accomodate each and every AD member - including the one of BBNT in the pose mentioned above. ;)

Kuifje75 will have climbed every available mountain, and will be happily settled down with the man of his dreams - and in the home Liebling specified. He can be seen walking around only in a loincloth and has grown out his facial hair. His significant other loves it.

Cheri will either have married or mastered the art of installing batteries into the little vibrator collection she has on the side of her bed. Won't say how, but she somehow has a couple of daughters to show for it. Her elder daughter, Sheri, is now AD's resident flirt. The younger one, Keri - is having a love affair with the son of Alex and E.

Alex and E will be of course, married, and living in a gorgeous mansion, with over 20 bedrooms. Well, how else would they possibly be able to accommodate all of their visitors? Their aforementioned son, Rex, is now running AllDeaf, and his friends are his trusty moderators. Alex sometimes has to step in, though - Rex has a fondness for the ladies and sometimes shirks his duties. ;)

DreamDeaf has purchased water beds for each of the 20 bedrooms mentioned above. She insists on breaking in and christening each of them, though she takes a different AD oldie with her each night.

Oceanbreeze will still be our resident Gryffindor, and voice of reason. She is the one chosen to speak at any and all AllDeaf functions.

Ravensteve...who knows? The man is as predictable as a hurricane. Shifty as hell. He might still be here, or he might be lurking elsewhere. Pity 'em, I do. At any rate, he MIGHT HAVE come to terms with his hearing loss. Then again, maybe not??

Lianca lands a successful job as a co-writer on All My Children. She now lives in a posh Beverly Hills estate.

Zesty still has her zest for life. She is currently working on the Energizer Bunny commercials of 2050. Energizer batteries work best on dildos, did you know? ;)

I might have overlooked some of you - will be back and add more later. ;)

Way to go, Malfoyish!

The House of Slytherin salutes you and the House of Griffyndor hisses you!