In the Year 2050…

Cheri would be this.

Angel would be this

Sabrina would be this.

Alex would be this.

SCUBA would be this.

Beowulf would be this.

Vamp would be this.

bbnt would be this.
In the year 2050…

Sabrina will suddenly disappear from alldeaf when her Internet privileges are taken away by the administration of her nursing home. She will have to be permanently sedated after she repeatedly grabs male orderlies by the genitals, throttles her wheelchair to full speed, and tries to get her ‘prize’ back to her room before the nursing staff can catch her.

The most popular thread in the Current Events forum will be a debate as to whether or not a mistrial should be declared in the Robert Blake murder trial, especially since Blake died in the year 2035.

Beowulf’s newest conspiracy theory will involve whether Jenna Bush’s grandson conspired with the Freemasons and the Iluminati to conceal the Moon Colony’s discovery of a perpetual motion machine buried 10 miles below the lunar surface. LUNZ will think it’s a good theory, but won’t post anything because he’ll still be too busy looking for the stash he lost in the year 2040.

Deaf258 will leave alldeaf temporarily to host his own ASL cooking show on cable television. He will return to alldeaf after a tragic onstage accident involving an electric carving knife. He will spend the rest of his life postwhoring on alldeaf, endlessly trying to convince ravensteve to eat an entire box of hearing aid batteries.
Levonian will host his own TV Series Planet of the humans. When humans capture the apes and put im in cages.

Sorry no banana for you Levonian, You been a bad boy today.
Dr chimpo should Levonian get his banana?

I thought so, No banana for you!
o_O Ravensteve, why did you say Sabrina would be a PIG in the year 2050? That is very appalling and RUDE!!
Sabrina is a lovely woman!
All AD members been nuked by Nuclear War. :devil:
Me? Assimiated by Borg!
11 more years later, Phoenix launched and made first contact with Vulcans.

Just joking. Hit me if you dont like my joke.
Slaps Deathpit,Thats rude...No nukes would be used against us, You just dont know what kind of defense systems we have.
shezzbeav said:
o_O Ravensteve, why did you say Sabrina would be a PIG in the year 2050? That is very appalling and RUDE!!
Sabrina is a lovely woman!
Well,,,Somebody has the be the pig. Besides i didnt like what Sabrina said about me ether.
ravensteve1961 said:
Slaps Deathpit,Thats rude...No nukes would be used against us, You just dont know what kind of defense systems we have.

OW! :Owned:

You never know this war will happen someday....
In the year 2050…

Liebling’s obsession with the human penis will eventually drive her to possess the largest collection of male pornography in western Europe. She will be banned from alldeaf when she tries to upload her entire collection to its server, causing a catastrophic disruption of Internet service on the eastern seaboard and temporarily shutting down the New York Stock Exchange.

The Neptune Society will become alldeaf’s biggest sponsor, and Angel’s thread ‘Where Do You Want Your Ashes to be Scattered’ will have to be locked because of too much infighting and personal flaming.

Prostock, bbnt and Reba will all lose their hearing to advanced old age, and the name of the board will have to be changed to ‘Now It’s Really Alldeaf’.

Contact will be made with an extraterrestrial species, and tekkmortal will be become internationally famous when they apologize for abducting him.
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in 2050, sabrina will end up on an infamous joker card because she will always be remembered as a AD's joker:

I probably will be having great time in heaven by 2050 if I don't live to be 90. I am 44 today. Looking forward to being in heaven! :angel:
2050?? Hmm.. I'll be 65!! o_O
I shall be a grandmother by then :D
Contact will be made with an extraterrestrial species, and tekkmortal will be become internationally famous when they apologize for abducting him.

Tekkmortal wouldn't want me apologizing him if I abducting him. :naughty: