I don't really know where to begin. I have posted a few times about my 3 year old daughter and her sudden (or seemingly sudden) hearing loss this past December. You can find those posts in the "parents" section if you like. I am posting this question/rant/what-have-you in this section because I think that this would fall under Deaf/HOH culture and issues.
Quick background: we finally had the sedated ABR done yesterday and it showed a moderate/moderately severe loss in both ears. (The audiogram starts at either 250 or 500hz and around 40db and slopes down to the right ending around 2000hz and 80db- I didn't get a copy of it then but next time we go back I will ask for a copy for my records, I basically memorized the begin and end points because I wasn't sure if they would give us a copy right away.) Her right ear is slightly worse than her left ear, except a the highest pitch where the left ear becomes slightly worse than the right. The audiologist who did her test (we have not been assigned an actual audiologist for her yet) sounded confident that hearing aids would "fix" things and that she will be fine to go to a mainstream school and just need speech therapy.
My issues: I am really not sure how "bad" her hearing loss is. In terms of being hearing or being stone deaf, it looks like she falls in the middle- she would be considered hard-of-hearing. I want to keep taking ASL classes like I have been (through our state Deaf school- Florida School for the Deaf and Blind) and I really think it would be beneficial for her to learn it as well and have a good basis in ASL and speech. I still want to look into sending her to FSDB as an option, because I honestly think they would probably offer a better education to her than our local school district (we live in a pretty rural area) and they understand working with Deaf/HOH kids. I liked the ENT and the audiologist we saw BUT they both came across to me as being a bit "audist" (the ENT talked about how great advances in technology are and how it could make her basically hearing and something about deafness being a disability (I had stopped listening for the most part to keep myself from saying too much- I understand the concept of deafness being a disability and to an extent I think it does make things harder for some but I don't really look at it as a majorly limiting disability) and then the audiologist basically said that she wouldn't need sign language OR the deaf school, she would do perfectly fine with hearing aids and mainstream school). I don't know if I have been reading too much and have "over-sensitized" myself to the worries of dealing with "audism" for my child (the rest of our family is hearing in case you need to know or wondered) or what. Then I was talking to my coworker today and telling her about the outcome of the test. I started telling her about the "audism" that I picked up on and she said something to the effect that I seemed to be resisting the idea that my daughter's hearing wasn't "as bad" as I had prepared myself for it to be (I always plan for the "worst" in a situation).

I admit that since yesterday I have been fighting with myself about this idea "why are you still thinking of the idea that she should go to a deaf school and learn sign language- it's not "that" bad"... But I don't really think that my feelings are because I am in some weird way "disappointed" that she is not completely deaf... (Gosh this is hard to explain, and getting quite long- please bare with me and feel free to ask questions to clarify because I am really struggling with this right now!) I almost feel right now like it is going to be harder in a way for her to be hard of hearing than actually deaf because of issues like this. I am afraid that the hearing world will look at me like I am crazy for "imposing a deaf life (or something to that effect)" on a child that is "almost hearing". And I am afraid that the Deaf world is going to look at me as some kind of weird wanna-be or whatever, that is just looking for a reason to be a part of their culture (or something equally strange). I really feel like we are at an "in-between" space right now and I don't know what to do... SO- I guess I am just really looking to see what you guys think. Maybe there is someone on here that has been HOH like this as a kid and they have some insight into things. Or maybe you could just give me your thoughts on the situation (you can even call me crazy if you need to- if enough people do it then maybe it will help me make a decision

). I almost feel like I am spinning in circles faster than I was BEFORE we had the answers to how much of a hearing loss she has!!