Sorry Bottesini... I think I miss-said what I meant (or misinterpreted what was said previously)... NO, they didn't say that it was hard to deal with the
sound but that is the only way my brain could think at the moment to put what I was thinking... I really meant that it appears to be difficult at times to keep up with/deal with things when you have to rely on lip-reading and other visual cues without the aid of sign or hearing aids... And I know at some levels of deafness there are still
some sounds that come through, so I would think that if you did not have the aid of hearing aids and you were trying to concentrate on what little sound you
could possibly hear then it would be hard to deal with at times... I hope that makes more sense and clarifies what I meant. I am still quite new to all this and I guess at times I "speak" with a "hearing brain"

(you never really realize how much you speak in terms of senses until you are dealing with not having a sense or talking with people who are without that sense- I dated a guy that was blind once and it is comical to think of how often we say "see" when what we really mean is "realize" or "recognize", as in "see what I mean?". Any time I would say something like that he would reply "no, I don't, I can't see" or something equally silly.). I apologize if that comment ruffled some feathers or caused confusion- thanks for pointing out my mess-up
