Thank you all so much for the responses- they have really helped me understand things a bit better (especially your post, Deanne). I think you have also helped me strengthen my resolve to do my hardest to get her into FSDB instead of just settling with mainstreamed schools (at least until she is old enough to have a voice of her own in the matter). I think that by giving her both worlds it will make her stronger in many ways.
IMHO, if a Deaf or a Blind School (or another specialized school/program for low incidence ) is available for early childhood, a low incidence disabled kid SHOULD attend that type of setting, and then gradually transistion to the mainstream. The resources, training etc available at a specialized center based school tend to be a HECK of a lot better, then what would be available in your local district. Even when there's a special needs preschool available, it's usually a whole bunch of different special needs, and nowadays it would prolly be heavy on the mental disability, and autism kids rather then physically disabled, dhh, blind and low vision kids. Plus, most mainstream school preschools....heck most mainstream schools in general aren't really set up well for low incidence kids.