I posted something for you guys

Interesting supposition-considering I have been deaf since December 20, 2006-hardly humourous! Considering we have never met thus bones to "pick" irrelevant!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

No one is picking bones with you my friend. Simply step back and re read things. We do not look at our disability as something " humorous" but we look at it with humor. If you cannot be happy with who you are.. IMPLANT OR NOT! then whats the point. " WE" are deaf embrace it for what it is and find humor in it . You and I are both late deafend we know what it was like before. Lets look at things not so matter of factly and just go with the flow. With our implants we are " hearing" without them we are deaf. Live life to the fullest man and dont take things so matter of factly it will only hamper yourself!
As noted before; amazing-many thoughts expressed but the important thing-signature. Deaffy -you are right this is humourous!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I never stated it was. I simply said lets not dwell but progress in our thought processes . You got to embrace the good with the bad my man, I am deaf by nature.. But hearing buy man made... I take both in stride. I love being able to shun the world when I want.. but I also love being able to hone into those things once was a part of my life. Some of which was things that other on the board will never be able to be apart of... stop for one second phil and read what being said, and put it into perspective of those who are experiencing what we have gone through an also for those who never will be able to obtain what we have... Its not humor in a sense of degradation .. its humor as hey I left the water on or
Something so small.. You have got to look past what society wants from you.. You are deaf.. So am I but we cannot dwell on it.. We must show those who say
" He cant do that" WE can .. we can do anything our minds lets us to achieve... Beethoven is a huge inspiration to me. This man acomplished more than I could ever dream of, All I ask of you Phil is to relax and take in evertyhing you can from your fellow Deaffies... Yes we have implants..... but we are also deaf man. I love both worlds I am In . You live one life. Take it for what its worth to you. If you choose to take one route or the other thats up to you... But you will never be " hearing again" neither will I but I look at it as Im given a chance to try some things I never dreamed could happen to me as a DEAFFY, Please Phill look at things in a differnt light. WE are lucky to have what we have compared to those who have gone before us. Take heed in what thoughts come before u my friend .
Have I sought "counselling" re: increasing hearing loss to deafness- over the last 40 years? As previously mentioned before I took CdnHearing Society/Toronto Hearing Help classes since 1992 to 2007. They offered Speechreading/Coping with Hearing Loss in classes of 10 to 12 hours a couple times in the year. I actually took part on a York University/CHS study on how persons used CHS classes to cope with their Hearing Loss. Duly published in the Journal of Aural Rehabilitation. Thanks to CHS I was "processed very quickly" through the Cochlear Implant process at Sunnybrook/Toronto.
As mentioned before I did in actual fact read an "interesting" book; A journey to the Deafworld" Harlan Lane et al. re: "cultural deafness" ENT doctors and the deaf. How many here actually believe any of this? Cochlear Implants "instruments of genocide".
I have also mentioned before that I knew I would become deaf since 1992-after losing all hearing in Right ear. I measure 85 db loss in both ears then. From ENT tests-cancer or tumours etc which didn't explain the loss. Genetic! Yeah it happened on December 20, 2006. Enough for the moment

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Interesting supposition-considering I have been deaf since December 20, 2006-hardly humourous! Considering we have never met thus bones to "pick" irrelevant!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
You gotta be able to laugh at yourself.
Have I sought "counselling" re: increasing hearing loss to deafness- over the last 40 years? As previously mentioned before I took CdnHearing Society/Toronto Hearing Help classes since 1992 to 2007. They offered Speechreading/Coping with Hearing Loss in classes of 10 to 12 hours a couple times in the year. I actually took part on a York University/CHS study on how persons used CHS classes to cope with their Hearing Loss. Duly published in the Journal of Aural Rehabilitation. Thanks to CHS I was "processed very quickly" through the Cochlear Implant process at Sunnybrook/Toronto.
As mentioned before I did in actual fact read an "interesting" book; A journey to the Deafworld" Harlan Lane et al. re: "cultural deafness" ENT doctors and the deaf. How many here actually believe any of this? Cochlear Implants "instruments of genocide".
I have also mentioned before that I knew I would become deaf since 1992-after losing all hearing in Right ear. I measure 85 db loss in both ears then. From ENT tests-cancer or tumours etc which didn't explain the loss. Genetic! Yeah it happened on December 20, 2006. Enough for the moment

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

just out of curiosity.. what implant do you have?
instruments of genocide>>>> There's a reason why they say that. in our history, the Nazi forced sterilize deaf people so they can't make more deaf babies. I'm sure there still people who secretly hope we don't reproduce.
PFH: What implant do I have: Advanced Bionics-Harmony. Just crossed 3 years.
Having an Implant has nothing to do with Nazi sterilizing of anyone- as far as I am concerned. It deals with a different part of one's body! Ears aren't connected to one's reproductive "parts"!According to what has been posted here-most "deaf " babies come from Hearing parents. PFH can tell you the exact percentage!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Well genetic knowledge wasn't so certain- back then plus of course this thought-re implants to be used as a "genocide device" is nonsense! No connection-whatsoever- so it seems to me!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Well genetic knowledge wasn't so certain- back then plus of course this thought-re implants to be used as a "genocide device" is nonsense! No connection-whatsoever- so it seems to me!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

my parents passed the deaf gene to me and I passed it to my kids.
Well genetic knowledge wasn't so certain- back then plus of course this thought-re implants to be used as a "genocide device" is nonsense! No connection-whatsoever- so it seems to me!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I don't like talking about this sort of thing but just saying I understand where they are coming from.
You mean the authors of A journey to the DeafWorld-Harlan Lane et al? They are U.S. professors!
I am well aware that one of the 100 different "deaf" genes was passed on to me from my father. I could have passed it on to either of my 2 sons. To me this fact has nothing to do with a Cochlear Implant being an "instrument of genocide".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07