I decided to do something tonight...

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I decided to take a peek at STORMFRONT, omg what a horrible horrible site,, why any one in their right mind would want to associate with that spawning ground of wanna be NAZI's is beyond me,, :dunno:
Roadrunner said:
...it has been 10 minutes now---- :whistle:


I'm surprised at you!! Sometimes, I can't reply to some posters real fast because maybe I'm in the bathroom or getting something to eat or answering the door or anything. Or you never know that Heath may have gone to bed or take a nap....it depends on where he lives. I have no idea where he lives. (maybe he lives in Europe) So, you can't say to Heath "it's been 10 mins now".


hmmmmm...wow! what a debate for you and Heath.....ok...

I agree with Heath about immature college students in Germany.....I have been to Europe, Africa, China and all over the world many times with my family. Some of my siblings went to Europe like Germany, etc while they were a college student. They shared with me of their experiences. Being a college student, the college students usually tend not to take so serious and being immature - especially drinking BEER and not to take it serious by exploring and learning about the histories in Europe. To compare this....a college student is with his or her family on a family vacation to Europe and he or she is serious by learning about the histories like not immature. Some of my siblings shared with me of their experiences to compare (going to Europe with their college friends and going to Europe with their families). Perfect example, look at Fort Launderdale for the spring break and the college students were so wild, drinking, partying, drunk, etc....hard to explain... like my friend went to Fort Launderdale with her college friends and they were so wild like immature and the next visit to Fort Launderdale with her family, she was not immature, not wild because she was with her family so she can explore at the beach, fish, etc.

So, it's for the best when you go to Europe or Africa or anywhere you want to go by yourself or with your family rather than with your college friends. Sure some college students did explore but it depends on their behaviors like nerd college students then the nerd college students will learn much more than wild college students.

I personally prefer to visit a place with a family or with friends after college like more mature.

Ahhhh, yes yes....my deaf friend went on a cruise with her deaf friends (from Fla to Mexico) for the spring break and my friend was so disappointed that she did not explore the country in Mexico because she was wild with her friends, drinking, drunk, etc. She really did not see the country much. She wasted her money.

So, I know what Heath means. He has a good point. It's a very good idea for him to wait.

Momoftwo said:

I'm surprised at you!! Sometimes, I can't reply to some posters real fast because maybe I'm in the bathroom or getting something to eat or answering the door or anything. Or you never know that Heath may have gone to bed or take a nap....it depends on where he lives. I have no idea where he lives. (maybe he lives in Europe) So, you can't say to Heath "it's been 10 mins now".

You need to read all the posts more carefully. That post that RR had was not for Heath and you need to lighten up a little when you come across a humor in a post.
Heath, that is good that you decided not to go back to that site but you still need to work on your attitude whenever you talk negative stuff about Blacks, Jews, Mixed Race people, GLBs and so on.
ButterflyGirl said:
You need to read all the posts more carefully. That question was not for Heath and you need to lighten up a little when you come across a humor in a post.

I think RoadRunner meant that he was pointing to Heath because it seems clear to me.

I hope RoadRunner will say something related to this without lying or white lie. Truth is the best. No white lies.
GalaxyAngel said:
I knew it .. Heath ain't going answer to me.. You're not willing do anything yourself..

You're true color.. still out there!

I don't believe you anything if you still tempation ... weak power!

you're willpower.. How can you asking expecting them BELIEVE AND SUPPORT you..?

Prove to everyone? How?
Aren't you?

Still out there always "loop" goes coming back again habits.. still..

prove them everyone you're GIVING UP everything what you did!?

If you refused answer it all.. fine by me then.. means you have problem!

Everyone, wasting your time and trying to help.. but if you don't know himself real have probelm habits.. how can he speaking out his chest truth?


Your comments are pretty harsh because you said
you have problem!, etc. This is not working this way because it can cause Heath more flames - more angry, more fightings, etc. You used black or white. You should have used in grey area - more neutral, more kind
Momoftwo said:
I think RoadRunner meant that he was pointing to Heath because it seems clear to me.

I hope RoadRunner will say something related to this without lying or white lie. Truth is the best. No white lies.

Errrrr, RR was talking to Levonian. Levonian was saying that he will be googling up stuff and be back with information. This is what Lev said:

Got cites? If I remember correctly, the Nazis wanted to eliminate all deafies from das Vaterland, not just the Jewish ones. I’m goin’ a Googlin’ right now for proof. Bet I come up with something before you do.

Go back to first post and re-read the thread carefully, smile.
This saddens me - three of my best girlfriends are Jewish and my brother was married to a Jewish woman. I have heard so many sad stories about their family suffering in Europe. It really pisses me off when people say it was all lies - that it never happened. :pissed:

Pretty soon people will be denying that killings ever happened in Bosnia or in several countries in Africa such as Dafur. It makes my blood boils when I hear someone trying to deny history. :mad:

History is history period and no one can take that away from mankind.

You cant change history but you can change the future. :pissed:
Momoftwo said:

Your comments are pretty harsh because you said
you have problem!, etc. This is not working this way because it can cause Heath more flames - more angry, more fightings, etc. You used black or white. You should have used in grey area - more neutral, more kind

You're wrong..

you don't know Heath has been horrible to other people obession as racisit and jews what he did... He admit "Hate black people, hate jews, hate nazi, hate others" Excuse me.. What wrong w/him?? He should know better.. Welcome love neighbours that what God's word coming from JESUS.

Now He wanted to clean... tell everyone himself.. NOT YOU..

Prove himself show everyone.. being honest..
He want to stop using bad website what he did obession about..

You don't know whole thing what happend prevouis his post.. start page 1.. you'll read it yourself..

Im not here harsh him..
He has to speak himself.. NOT YOU.. get it!
I don't need you protection sheild for him as "knight rescued Heath" Get it..
Thank you!
CyberRed said:
I am askin' for " Constitution of the Germany " or somethin' like that... not in German language. Excuse me for misunderstandin'.

I prefer to see an image of their " constitution " of what it looks like along with their forefathers' names on it.

wow, Boult, thank you for provide the links here. Is that what you look for?

Freedom of speech (international)

I hope this link help you to search what you really want.


Other google link, you can look what you look for.

gnulinuxman said:
Sorry??? That site is very racist. It's time to CELEBRATE. AllDeaf is a better place anyway. We have more interesting things to talk about here than what skin color is the best. ;)

I didn´t know what what kind of site, he decided to quit until deafdyke´s post come... I understood clearly what Heath talked about after read deafdyke then other members´s posts...
Momoftwo said:

I'm surprised at you!! Sometimes, I can't reply to some posters real fast because maybe I'm in the bathroom or getting something to eat or answering the door or anything. Or you never know that Heath may have gone to bed or take a nap....it depends on where he lives. I have no idea where he lives. (maybe he lives in Europe) So, you can't say to Heath "it's been 10 mins now".


Roadrunner meant someone, not Heath. Please use common sense that Roadrunner made his post in sense of humor way.
Momoftwo said:

hmmmmm...wow! what a debate for you and Heath.....ok...

I agree with Heath about immature college students in Germany[.....]
Who are you, Heath's girlfriend?
Momoftwo said:

hmmmmm...wow! what a debate for you and Heath.....ok...

I agree with Heath about immature college students in Germany.....I have been to Europe, Africa, China and all over the world many times with my family. Some of my siblings went to Europe like Germany, etc while they were a college student. They shared with me of their experiences. Being a college student, the college students usually tend not to take so serious and being immature - especially drinking BEER and not to take it serious by exploring and learning about the histories in Europe. To compare this....a college student is with his or her family on a family vacation to Europe and he or she is serious by learning about the histories like not immature. Some of my siblings shared with me of their experiences to compare (going to Europe with their college friends and going to Europe with their families). Perfect example, look at Fort Launderdale for the spring break and the college students were so wild, drinking, partying, drunk, etc....hard to explain... like my friend went to Fort Launderdale with her college friends and they were so wild like immature and the next visit to Fort Launderdale with her family, she was not immature, not wild because she was with her family so she can explore at the beach, fish, etc.

So, it's for the best when you go to Europe or Africa or anywhere you want to go by yourself or with your family rather than with your college friends. Sure some college students did explore but it depends on their behaviors like nerd college students then the nerd college students will learn much more than wild college students.

I personally prefer to visit a place with a family or with friends after college like more mature.

Ahhhh, yes yes....my deaf friend went on a cruise with her deaf friends (from Fla to Mexico) for the spring break and my friend was so disappointed that she did not explore the country in Mexico because she was wild with her friends, drinking, drunk, etc. She really did not see the country much. She wasted her money.

So, I know what Heath means. He has a good point. It's a very good idea for him to wait.


You misunderstand Heath´s post. He did not point "German" immature college students but mention in general way "immature college kids". He mean something different than you thought. Please re-read Heath´s post carefully before you say something.

It´s hard to beleive that students from college are too immature to interesting any histories. Why they went to college to study for?

I see nothing wrong to have them to enjoy themselves for their break. Yes they deserve their break after long study. Yes, I was a student at college and enjoy myself during break time... and also enjoy myself to learn about histories as well. I have seen many students study any histories everywhere here in Germany.

Perhaps your sister involved with wrong crowds. :dunno:
Momoftwo said:
I think RoadRunner meant that he was pointing to Heath because it seems clear to me.

I hope RoadRunner will say something related to this without lying or white lie. Truth is the best. No white lies.

Watch out what you said.
Gemtun said:
This saddens me - three of my best girlfriends are Jewish and my brother was married to a Jewish woman. I have heard so many sad stories about their family suffering in Europe. It really pisses me off when people say it was all lies - that it never happened. :pissed:

Pretty soon people will be denying that killings ever happened in Bosnia or in several countries in Africa such as Dafur. It makes my blood boils when I hear someone trying to deny history. :mad:

History is history period and no one can take that away from mankind.

You cant change history but you can change the future. :pissed:

*nodding agreement*
I just woke up and I read some of the posts, some were very mature and some were very immature. Luciadisturbed, the reason I logged back on Stormfront was to say good bye to a few friends of mine but I found I was banned from that website forever and that is something that has never happened to me before. I am not going to respond to the immature posts. Momoftwo made some good points about the immature college kids that was what I was trying to say about and I suspect some of you guys read my posts but say some of the most stupidest things and laugh like hyneas when I am trying to explain something and then you try to turn around and give me excuses and scold me when you really don't know what is going on and I especially hate people who think they know what the hell they are talking about when they don't !!!!! Hate has saved my life on many occassions. I am not talking about your wild imagination that you think I go out and attack somebody on the street. I am much more law abiding than that and I don't do things like that. What I am talking about is blacks get on an evelator, I say " Go ahead " then the evelator closes then I wait and some more White people come and then I get on with the White people on the evelators. There are many things that I can do and I will never forget how being multi culture almost got me killed !!!!! Never gonna forget that !!!!! I help with petitions , talk to people and what you do not realize on Stormfront is that there are alots of different White groups that log on and this really was supposed to be a White Nationalist website. Here is what White Nationalist would look like if there weren't so many White groups on there and albiet many immature ones or wannabes etc. This is what White Nationalist would look like. Here are a few examples .... You do not need to log on to be a member. You can look at what I am talking about. Keep in mind various white groups do post on that thread but please take the time to really look through the 19+ pages of that thread then you will understand what White Nationalism really is all about.


Thank you for taking the time to be more mature about it.
Heath said:
the reason I logged back on Stormfront was to say good bye to a few friends of mine.

What friends? :confused: Your racism's friends?
Cheri said:
What friends? :confused: Your racism's friends?

If you think you are going to make me choose between friends then you are not a true friend yourself.
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