I decided to do something tonight...

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Well, heath I dont like you and you dont like me but I guess I am goin to say congrats for leaving the stormfront website.
Looking back on this thread and reading the various posts.... I really thought you would support me since I stopped going to Stormfront but this quickly turns into an agruement and now I realized something you guys will agrue with me no matter what because you want to make me out to be a bad guy and a hater when I am not those things at all. I really truly did think you guys would support me but I see that is not the case at all and you all have a very active and a wild imagination and you do not want to listen to me when I have something to say and you guys fly off the handle and hurl insults at me and try to talk like you are intelligent when in fact you really talk like an asshole when I am trying to explain things here and I listen to both sides and just the fact that I thought you would support me and I find out that is NOT VERY TRUE AT ALL.
Steel X said:
Well, heath I dont like you and you dont like me but I guess I am goin to say congrats for leaving the stormfront website.

Now that is more positive.
Heath said:
Hi, I decided to do something tonight. I stopped hanging out at the Stormfront website and I really hope I am doing the right thing. I stopped not because of AllDeaf but for my own personal reasons.

Thank you and God Bless
Why did you even go there in the first place? I am glad you left it, but still, what were you doing there in the first place?

By the way, the girl in my avatar is Jewish. :P (I am Catholic myself, though.)
Liebling:-))) said:
I'm sorry but I hope everything work out for you.

I agree to disagree with your posts but I'm still enjoy to learn to understand where you come from and read your posts.
Sorry??? That site is very racist. It's time to CELEBRATE. AllDeaf is a better place anyway. We have more interesting things to talk about here than what skin color is the best. ;)
Colorless soul is even better. :rofl:
Well hey there! Congrats on leaving Stormfont. I could careless much about that forum because I don't go there. It was good to know who you are and stuff. I appreciated for you taking your time to explain to us what you stand for and what you're trying to do.

...and friendship has no color either.
Heath said:
Looking back on this thread and reading the various posts.... I really thought you would support me since I stopped going to Stormfront but this quickly turns into an agruement and now I realized something you guys will agrue with me no matter what because you want to make me out to be a bad guy and a hater when I am not those things at all. I really truly did think you guys would support me but I see that is not the case at all and you all have a very active and a wild imagination and you do not want to listen to me when I have something to say and you guys fly off the handle and hurl insults at me and try to talk like you are intelligent when in fact you really talk like an asshole when I am trying to explain things here and I listen to both sides and just the fact that I thought you would support me and I find out that is NOT VERY TRUE AT ALL.

I do support you leaving Stormfront...its just hard to believe that's all. If you did leave Stormfront, I am really happy about that. Unfortunately you are going to still get shit for a while until you'e proved to all of us that your leaving Stormfront was for real and that you are changing. It's just how life is.
Glad you have left that site Heath. You did the right thing! Having hate must be a big burden.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Nooooo.....they exterminated ALL deaf people...as well as gays and lesbians and gypsys and other groups.....not just Jewish people.....

Brush up on your history.

Sorry to jump in on this one,,,,,, the nazis exterminated any one that was not perfect ie,deaf ,blind or physically disabled...in the UK the deaf boys were castrated and the girls given hystrectomies... so there would be no more inbreeding ......there was a 2 hour documentary on BBC interviewing the survivors and they were all Jews as well and they all have dealt with different degrees of depression and not being able to be a daddy or a mommy EVER.. they have to be content sitting back watching their bros and sisters having kids./grand kids/great grand kids ....what is the connection ??? The Nazi's told the school to do it or else,, :mad:
Liebling:-))) said:
Of course it´s not just jew but polish, polities, gypsies, gays, etc. They received different color of badges then Nazi will know where they come from.

That's right...for example gay/lesbians were forced to wear pink triangle badge in the camps.
Heath said:
Stormfront just blocked me from being able to log on for a few mintunes. I am not allowed to post on there anymore at all. :confused:

Wait, you said that you weren't gonna go to that site anymore, and you just tried going back there?

I knew it.
Heath said:
The prison camps orginally started for jews and not for the disabled at first. You know that.

You need to read and listen to the events that happened before WW II came onto the world stage to really understand what happened.

Jesus Christ is jewish and an Israelite. He was not black at all.

Jesus Christ's message would be the same, Repent of your homosexuality and accept Jesus Christ into your heart and do what God says, read the Bible and do not listen to what man says. Turn away from sin and live right for God.
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James 5:9;&version=63;
LuciaDisturbed said:
That's right...for example gay/lesbians were forced to wear pink triangle badge in the camps.

actually being in Holland I have been more up close and "personal" with the "doings" of the Nazi germans,, any one sporting any sort of triangle, was eventually exterminated...My in laws DETEST any one who is German, and the Germans tend to come to Holland OFTEN,, My MIL and her family were thrown out of their home just cause the Germans could do that back in the late 30's ..they took over their home and made it a headquarters, the house my partner and I live in now was also occupied by the German officers,, there is alot of bad blood between the Dutch and the Germans,, even tho the Dutch monarcy married Germans .. :thumbd:
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