I decided to do something tonight...

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Stormfront just blocked me from being able to log on for a few mintunes. I am not allowed to post on there anymore at all. :confused:
Heath said:
Liebling, Part of it is true and part of it is propangada. You have to remember you are living in a judazied Germany today.

propangada? Judazied? :ugh2: Do you want to say what I know is a misleading information?

You are from England and are married to a German man.

Don´t forget that I live in Germany for almost 22 years. I am still living here in Germany.

My German husband´s family and relatives had been experienced during Nazi time.

Way too many people can make up stories about Germany then people say this is believeable, and things like that.

wow *speechless*

Do you mean that your Grandparents are the one who tell you the truth? My hubby´s family, relatives and many people are liar?..

Do you want to claim what the people/surviors who had bad experience during Nazi time are liar or what?

You and I are not born at Nazi time but my hubby´s family and many people... They have no reason to make up stories because every stories have been repeat same for years...

I believe German history during that time is so distorted but strangely enough, German history before WW II started is fine and it was not a judazied Germany at all.

You can´t deny German history is so distorted because they are true! Becareful what you say when you visit Europe one day.

See this link


Health, I didn´t know that your Grandparent are German. I don´t understand because you asked me to help you with translation sometimes. Didn´t your parents teach you about German language when they learn from their German parents? I hope you don´t mind me to ask you question.
Liebling:-))) said:
propangada? Judazied? :ugh2: Do you want to say what I know is a misleading information?

The truth is somewhere in between.

Don´t forget that I live in Germany for almost 22 years. I am still living here in Germany.

My German husband´s family and relatives had been experienced during Nazi time.

wow *speechless*

Do you mean that your Grandparents are the one who tell you the truth? My hubby´s family, relatives and many people are liar?..

You do not understand, I am not saying your family lied or anybody lied. What I am saying is that the propangada since WW2 has been full of lies and there is money to be made on the Holocaust and many different things. People profit from it and the truth really is somewhere in between. World governments are playing a propangada game and it affects people worldwide so you really have to consider what the government is really saying or is not saying. The truth is somewhere in between.

Do you want to claim what the people/surviors who had bad experience during Nazi time are liar or what?

You and I are not born at Nazi time but my hubby´s family and many people... They have no reason to make up stories because every stories have been repeat same for years...

I never said that the holocaust survivors were lying. The problem lays with what the world governments are saying about the Holocaust and the propangada behind it. That is the problem.

You can´t deny German history is so distorted because they are true! Becareful what you say when you visit Europe one day.

See this link


Why do you think the jews have a need to arrest people who simply have different point of views. People in Germany should be allowed to think what they want and the jews espouse freedom but they really don't espouse freedom and they arrest people who find holes in the Holocaust story. I have heard many different things about the Holocaust and someday I am going to visit Germany and see alots of beautiful Germany then I will set time aside to visit the Holocaust for myself without an immature crowd of college kids who think they know everything and are quick to hurl insults and talk like they belong in an intellectual social circle when they really don't know what the hell they are talking about and they refuse to listen and focus on what another people have to say. I have heard so many different things that I remember about the Holocaust. I am not sure what to believe about the Holocaust and that the truth probably lays somewhere in between and oh by the way if you think I am going to march around with a nazi armband and light candles or anything like that. It is not gonna happen. That is simply your fantansy and your imagination running wild. I will just visit Germany on my own time and see for myself. I don't have German guilt that the jews so much want to harrass and lay the blame on me because I am of a different generation so they can not lay the German guilt blame game on me because I will not buy it nor fall for it at all. Like I said there is big money to be made on the Holocaust and the propangada that goes along with it. That is the problem.

Health, I didn´t know that your Grandparent are German. I don´t understand because you asked me to help you with translation sometimes. Didn´t your parents teach you about German language when they learn from their German parents? I hope you don´t mind me to ask you question.

Yes, My grandparents spoke German and I forgot most of it. I am going to take a crash course in German when I am in college and maybe I will visit Germany during college but I am pretty sure the college kids will act very stupid and immature if I joined to go on the tour to see Germany and they will act like total idiots and not be able to act mature about it so I probably will go on my own time alone to see for myself.
That's gays, Jews, the disabled (all disabled, not just the deaf).
Off the top of my head, I remmy reading that the concerntration camps started for disabled people.
Oh and Heath, if the Jews are so powerful then how did they manage to get killed in such large numbers?
You still haven't adressed my first post in this thread.
You talk of Jesus......Did you know that many Biblical Scholars think that Jesus was BLACK or another non Causiaon minority?
What if you get up to Heaven and find out that Jesus is a black man?
You also gloss over the fact that many of the people who Jesus hung out with when He was here on Earth, were the maligned and the fringes of society.....If Jesus was here today, He would be with the minorities, the GLBs, the Jews ( and speaking of whcih...........JESUS was a Jew Himself!)
and so on!
as long they are Nazi Sympathizers. If they are not, they will be killed. I do recalls that some Deaf Germans did escape German to avoid sterilization or death. Those Deaf Nazi Sympathizers supports sterilization so they themselves got sterilized anyway
deafdyke said:
Off the top of my head, I remmy reading that the concerntration camps started for disabled people.
Oh and Heath, if the Jews are so powerful then how did they manage to get killed in such large numbers?
You still haven't adressed my first post in this thread.
You talk of Jesus......Did you know that many Biblical Scholars think that Jesus was BLACK or another non Causiaon minority?
What if you get up to Heaven and find out that Jesus is a black man?
You also gloss over the fact that many of the people who Jesus hung out with when He was here on Earth, were the maligned and the fringes of society.....If Jesus was here today, He would be with the minorities, the GLBs, the Jews ( and speaking of whcih...........JESUS was a Jew Himself!)
and so on!

The prison camps orginally started for jews and not for the disabled at first. You know that.

You need to read and listen to the events that happened before WW II came onto the world stage to really understand what happened.

Jesus Christ is jewish and an Israelite. He was not black at all.

Jesus Christ's message would be the same, Repent of your homosexuality and accept Jesus Christ into your heart and do what God says, read the Bible and do not listen to what man says. Turn away from sin and live right for God.
Boult said:
as long they are Nazi Sympathizers. If they are not, they will be killed. I do recalls that some Deaf Germans did escape German to avoid sterilization or death. Those Deaf Nazi Sympathizers supports sterilization so they themselves got sterilized anyway

In the first few years of the Nazi regime, I remember a Deaf German telling me and Remember he lived through those times. Deaf Germans were fine and left alone. The Nazis visited the jewish deaf school and killed them all in the schoolyard and it was not until much later when Hitler visited the camps and heard how the jews complained, not fair why us, why not them as in the Pharisee tradition then what really ruined it was that Hitler ordered Deaf people into the camps just to sastify the jewish's complaints. I asked the Deaf old timer if those who were Deaf Nazi sympathizers steriled themselves and he said no. It was only for the Deaf jews. Nobody that was a Deaf German got sterilzed in the camps because there were strict standards to be followed and the Nazis did not change the rules without permission. The Deaf German told me how concerned he was with the t.v. newspapers and the media brainwashing and distorting the truth when he knew the truth because he lived through those times. You have to remember everything gets filtered through the jewish propangadists first before they release what happened and even those who are not nazi sympathizers or anything like that often times find things that don't add up and they choose to either say something or say nothing at all.

For example I saw somewhere that the jewish prisoners were made to cut their hair off to make German Army uniforms and I thought that really was way off the wall because the Nazis saw the jews were an unclean people much like a leper would be and there is no way the Nazis would have allowed the jewish prisoners to cut off their hair to weave German army uniforms. My suspicisons were confirmed when I got to see a knock off copy of the German army uniforms then I saw the real deal and I felt the material and I could tell that the geninue article was made with love and honor. I was told German ladies made those German army uniforms with love and honor during WW II. There is no way the German army uniforms would have been made by jewish prisoners. I just laughed when I saw that on the Orpah tv show and I realized there is something seriously wrong with this picture. I could not put my finger on it but I knew somehow that was propaganda and my suspicisons were confirmed when I got a chance to compare the knock off German army uniforms with that of the real geninue German army uniforms. Like I said the problem is the propangada and there is alots of money to be made off the Holocaust.
you guys it doesn't matter where you get the information even if you look it up on the net there will be many different infomation and can't tell which is true... There are millions of info and the story changes all the time........
Cassbugs said:
you guys it doesn't matter where you get the information even if you look it up on the net there will be many different infomation and can't tell which is true... There are millions of info and the story changes all the time........

This is true. It's also true that we also won't change Heath's mind. This is why I said my peace, and left this thread. It's pointless to argue with someone so set in their ways.
Heath said:
You do not understand, I am not saying your family lied or anybody lied. What I am saying is that the propangada since WW2 has been full of lies and there is money to be made on the Holocaust and many different things. People profit from it and the truth really is somewhere in between. World governments are playing a propangada game and it affects people worldwide so you really have to consider what the government is really saying or is not saying. The truth is somewhere in between.

You didn't mentioned Government in your previous post but "many people" which mean is many people including family or anybody.

I did not talked about government in my previous post but many people which mean is friends, family, relatives, and survivors.

For your information, Governments do not play propangada games but show their respect on survivors and their experiences.

See yourself what you said "many people" .

Heath's previous post
Way too many people can make up stories about Germany then people say this is believeable, and things like that. I believe German history during that time is so distorted but strangely enough, German history before WW II started is fine and it was not a judazied Germany at all.

"I beleive" ? :ugh2: People, who experienced in Nazi time, not you, me or anyone. I beleive survivors because they repeated their stories for years and experienced in Nazi time.

I watched TV orginial document about Hilter once a year. Yes many people people were fear to death before WW II started, not fine what you think. Many people were very happy to be free from Nazi after WW II over.

I never said that the holocaust survivors were lying. The problem lays with what the world governments are saying about the Holocaust and the propangada behind it. That is the problem.

Yes, you have.

You said in your previous post
Way too many people can make up stories about Germany then people say this is believeable, and things like that.

Of course many people were holocaust survivors and told us the story about their experiences. Oh yes, many people were victims of Nazi's time BECAUSE they live in Germany. They have no reason to make up their stories.

Why do you think the jews have a need to arrest people who simply have different point of views.

Simple answer:

Proof is Proof, period. People can't deny the proofs, originals, etc.

People in Germany should be allowed to think what they want and the jews espouse freedom but they really don't espouse freedom and they arrest people who find holes in the Holocaust story.

It's no problem for anyone to allow to think what they want but sell the books or preach to deny holocaust stories to the public and world is illegal. Its about respect since we know it's them who experienced as holocaust survivors and also victims during Nazi time. A lot Germans show their respect on them including Governments as well.

I have heard many different things about the Holocaust and someday I am going to visit Germany and see alots of beautiful Germany

If you visit to Germany is always welcome to see original camping, photos, etc. Very original...

If you want to see original film about camping then go to R.A.F. museum in England and also have Holocaust museum with original clothes as well. I went there dozen of times because it's only 10 minutes walk from my home to R.A.F. museum.

If you want to see camping in Dachau which 2 hours away from my area. It's not just Dachau but more camping in Germany... Berlin, etc.

then I will set time aside to visit the Holocaust for myself without an immature crowd of college kids who think they know everything and are quick to hurl insults and talk like they belong in an intellectual social circle when they really don't know what the hell they are talking about and they refuse to listen and focus on what another people have to say.

Heath, it's not nice of you label college kids as immature because they are interesting to focus histories which good. They know thru their German generations... Your post sounds that your Grandparents are the one who knows everything than "immature college kids" who have German relatives from their generation. I met survivors in real life because I live in Germany for 22 years. Do you want to continue that we are immature to know everything about Holocaust? Remember, each person who have different view what they know and what they learn etc.

I have heard so many different things that I remember about the Holocaust. I am not sure what to believe about the Holocaust and that the truth probably lays somewhere in between and oh by the way if you think I am going to march around with a nazi armband and light candles or anything like that. It is not gonna happen.

Excuse me, your post make no sense to me. There're original everywhere in Holocaust. Everyone in the world knows it.

Your post sounds that you support Nazi to Jews, Right?

That is simply your fantansy and your imagination running wild.


I will just visit Germany on my own time and see for myself. I don't have German guilt that the jews so much want to harrass and lay the blame on me because I am of a different generation so they can not lay the German guilt blame game on me because I will not buy it nor fall for it at all. Like I said there is big money to be made on the Holocaust and the propangada that goes along with it. That is the problem.

Of course you are welcome to see Holocaust camping in Germany... They open for tourists in the world to see.

Now I would like to ask you question. I heard that there're Holocaust museum somewhere in Washington? Right? Why can't you go there?

I am going to take a crash course in German when I am in college and maybe I will visit Germany during college but I am pretty sure the college kids will act very stupid and immature if I joined to go on the tour to see Germany and they will act like total idiots and not be able to act mature about it so I probably will go on my own time alone to see for myself.

Why make you think that college kids act very stupid and immature when they are interesting to learn anything at college? For your information, I saw many American tourists around here in Germany. They shows their interesting on German cultures etc.
Lieblin' --

I am curious to ask you -- do you have somethin' like Constitution of the United States in German ? Let me show you the link what it looks like :


If, you have one like this in German but, a little different than United States... can you provide the link here for me ? I would like to read what they have for German.
CyberRed said:
Lieblin' --

I am curious to ask you -- do you have somethin' like Constitution of the United States in German ? Let me show you the link what it looks like :


If, you have one like this in German but, a little different than United States... can you provide the link here for me ? I would like to read what they have for German.
see this.. they have link to constitution in german
wait a min I think I misunderstood.. I guess you want US Constitution in German Language?

If that's what you want then why not use Google then go into preference and select German only then type U.S. Constitution and they all will be in german :)
I am askin' for " Constitution of the Germany " or somethin' like that... not in German language. Excuse me for misunderstandin'.

I prefer to see an image of their " constitution " of what it looks like along with their forefathers' names on it.
Liebling, I will respond to your post tommorrow morning because I am very tired it is 3:30 a.m. and fyi I do not support the nazis or anything like that. I just want to see America get better from the social ills that have been afflicted upon our nation and restore the blessings we had from God upon our nation. You understand ?
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