I admit that I..... *p4*

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i admit that i lust for pete wentz hahaha :)
I admit that I am not sure what is smileypad. Can you PM me what is Smileypad? :thumb:
I admit that I cleaned out the trash and put new trash bag and collected soda cans/bottles in bag so I can take them for recycle to get some $. Not a lot but better than sitting and overflow! :lol:
I admit that I cleaned the bathroom with bleach last night upside down -- wall to wall and still smelling bleach through my nose and mouth. :ugh2:
mama and deafmonkey..

Use your common sense...

you'll find smileypad!
I admit that I'm going to play dictionary here.

:hitit: to "hit it" with someone means to have sex with that person, usually used by a man concerning a woman. "I'd hit that" is a less common but widely used synonymous phrase.

:wiggle: oh and...

I admit that I am looking forward to paycheck tomorrow. Though I'm going to need many paychecks to pay off waterheater, and few other things. :dizzy:

I admit that I'm so annoyed with my hubby for fooking up the drywall. I've plastured it for the 3rd time in 3 days now. Hopefully tomorrow for the 4th time is the last time I'd have to do it. Gewdness...

I admit that I am :zzz: but I am not gonna go bed till 10 30 to 11.
I admit that I am home from going to roller skate for my son and his friend.
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