I admit that I..... *p4*

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I admit i m watch DOOL hope that Carrie and Austin are back together one day!
I admit that I am PISSSSSSSSED at the TV!!! I have to wait till 7 for DOOL!! UGH!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Prez BUSH!!!! :pissed:

LovelyBlkGal said:
I admit i m watch DOOL hope that Carrie and Austin are back together one day!
I admit that I know I have to wait till 7! Yes but I want to watch it NOW!!! GRR! Prez Bush pissed me off! I hate when there is a speical news cut off!

LovelyBlkGal said:
I admit that you can wait till 7pm watch DOOL that ur chance :applause: Mama2AFTIV
Mama2AFTIV said:
I admit that I know I have to wait till 7! Yes but I want to watch it NOW!!! GRR! Prez Bush pissed me off! I hate when there is a speical news cut off!

I admit i know how you feel i been there when tv soap was cut off by stuipd prez bush *smh*
I admit that I misses chatting with Tweetybirdie on line, since she is now at her mother's house helping her set up her new computer for her mother. I miss you, TB! :hug:
I admit I'm sorry.. I'M SCARED still... :Ohno: of inhaler...
*staring sitting watching the inhaler* right beside me..
I felt alike pulling my hair..
My body still not ready adapt this one...
I admit to suggest you to talk with DHB65. He also use the inhaler.

GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm sorry.. I'M SCARED still... :Ohno: of inhaler...
*staring sitting watching the inhaler* right beside me..
I felt alike pulling my hair..
My body still not ready adapt this one...
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm sorry.. I'M SCARED still... :Ohno: of inhaler...
*staring sitting watching the inhaler* right beside me..
I felt alike pulling my hair..
My body still not ready adapt this one...

I admit that there is nothing to be scare about, My dad use an inhaler and it doesn't harm him at all. Trust me, just take one and see how it feels. ;)
I admit that I cleaned my son's room...soo much better now! And I also did vaccumed and clean Living room and I did dishes...I sweated my self out! A lot more to do tomorrow....Ugh! :ugh2:
Cheri said:
I admit that I misses chatting with Tweetybirdie on line, since she is now at her mother's house helping her set up her new computer for her mother. I miss you, TB! :hug:
I admit that i misses chatting with cheri too but we will chatting more tonight.. Mwahies..:hug:
I admit that i does to hope this inhaler that doctor gave GA will help to make her feel better .. please use it smile ... i know but dont be scare .. you will get used do it ,

take care
I admit I'm done inhaler... My hubby grins at me.. and stare me... force me do it
Uh okay.. I inhale.. tasty nothing .. *hmmmm*
My hubby->
I admit the first time I used the inhaler for my respiratory infection was a year and half ago and I was scared of using it as well. I was glad I used it up because I could breathe better afterwards. Galaxy, if I could do it, so can you! Please get well soon!
I admit that I am FULL from dinner! YUMMIE! And now I am :dance2: to watch DOOL on SoapNet! :giggle:
Aw thanks Mama2AFTIV and TweetyBird

I admit that I will be alright but might will be depression again later. :ugh:
Sweetheart said:
Aw thanks Mama2AFTIV and TweetyBird

I admit that I will be alright but might will be depression again later. :ugh:
i admit that i say if u need me then pgr me anytime.. :hug:
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