I admit that I..... *p4*

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I admit that Im glad that TweetyBird will be there for me :hug: TweetyBird
I admit that I hope Sweetheart will be okay! Call me or page me anytime if you need to vent! :hug:

Sweetheart said:
Aw thanks Mama2AFTIV and TweetyBird

I admit that I will be alright but might will be depression again later. :ugh:
I admit that it is not a problem for ya to talk to me on IM or on VP. :) I can be there if you need me! :hug:

Sweetheart said:
I admit Im glad that Mama2AFTIV will be there for me too! :hug:
I admit that Im really pleasure that you would be there for me, Mama2AFTIV :hug: and I will im you or call you or whatever like that when I need you.
I admit that I am tired! :zzz: LOL! I will go to bed when my bf leaves for work at 10 30.
I admit that I hate to getting headache when I become upset or piss off or depression or stressful or whatever like that.
I admit to suggest Sweetheart to take some Aleeve and lay down for a while. :hug:
I admit that I am getting soo :zzz: ! So good night to you all! Sweet dream and don't let bed bug bites you. :lol:
I admit I'm having a good day. I look forward to tomorrow and day after tomorrow lol
I admit we're hiring a wedding planner to do our wedding and it's FREE!! :mrgreen:
I admit that I want to tell ^Angel^ she is very lucky that her wedding planner is free of charge :thumb:
ButterflyGirl said:
I admit that I want to tell ^Angel^ she is very lucky that her wedding planner is free of charge :thumb:

Aw I had to thanks my other sister cause if it wasn't for her finding it in the newspaper then I might have done this wedding all by myself :-o ...

I admit I really love my family because they're such a great helpers!! :mrgreen:
I admit I'm glad hearing ^Angel^'s comment about wedding planner.. Yes I agreed w/you have wonderful your family who have great handy help you.....
I admit that Im thinking abt to buy picture frame then put few pictures of Lucy to remember her, do it sounds good?
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