I admit that I..... *p4*

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I admit that I am relaxing now. :thumb:
I admit I have nightmare last night couldnt get Tara Rose McAvoy out of my mind that I just dont believe I have walked on and by railroad for many years in my childhood to visit my grandparent til 1992 they passed away :( my mind keep remembering "took off the bus right there's train station like many path to walk for 5 km I dont remember how often did I check on forth and back if train is coming, but I do remember when I saw train is coming I was on the bridge there's balcons people move there to wait I felt it really loud and quake on the bridge, many to tell about railroad, I may be half country girl and half of city girl I was attending at the deaf school and raised with my parent in big city, when fall/winter/spring and summer break sometimes weekends I went to grandparent.

last night I tried to chat with someone to laugh with to forget my past
I admit that I hope FreeWoman77 will feel better tonight and sleep good tonight wink
I admit i feel bad for GalaxyAngel is feeling nervous about her inhaler for her
pneumonia but im sure she will be just fine and hope she will have speedy
recovery too!!

I admit Im hungry already and its only 10 till 4 pm...geez...oh well, i didnt have much lunch,just a couple bites of turkey lunchmeat...heh...hubby says we will go out to eat at gook errr .. i mean Chinese restaurant yuuummmmmy! Its a buffet type of restaurant..very good too...cant wait....oh crap...my tummy is growling...lol!
I admit that i have been stupid as had bad sense of humors, i better go hiding the closest till the day i dies ... :(
I admit that some people cannot live by their words. When you say something, stand by it, keep your word and mean it too. (Generally figure of speech) :mrgreen:
I admit that I am worry about my son but now he is away with a friend for the weekend. I also admit that I am drinking my beer since I brought it last week.
I admit that I got my a$$ up and cooked dinner! BBQ beef (homemade way, its sort of like sloppy joe)

I admit that I feel like go to
but not myself! ha ha
I admit, I'll make sure I hide ALL the steak from Cheri.... :eek2:
I admit I ve a great time w my family to shopping today and oh boy there snowing!
^Angel^ said:
I admit, I'll make sure I hide ALL the steak from Cheri.... :eek2:

Why is that ? R u afraid she'll use it up all steak ?

I admit I'm first time won the 1st place Qualifiter.. Pokerstars offered me entry partciaple WSOP. I turned it down and want get W$ credit into my account. Let it W$ credit build it up til w$1,000 over.. I'll register for WSOP tourney game. :D
wow.. awesome.... I just paid 2 dollars buy in... and played... pay another
"Add-on charge me another 2 bucks.." reason want get more chips.. (chuckles) when reaches I earned it pretty awful lot of money chips.. called me Congrats w/my email..
My eyes wide open... Here's...

My email
Pokerstars say...
PokerStars Tournament #21202741, No Limit Hold'em
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $2.00
351 players
Total Prize Pool: $2122.00
Target Tournament #21202075 Buy-In: $33.00
64 tickets to the target tournament

Tournament started - 2006/03/16 - 20:45:00 (ET)

Dear GalaxyAngelz,

You finished the tournament in 1st place.
You qualified to play in Tournament #21202075 and are automatically
registered for it.
See Tournament #21202075 Lobby for further details.

If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be
with 33.00 W$. W$ can be used to buy into any qualifying special
PokerStars event.
Thank you for participating.

I admit that I made cabbage, noodles and corn beef today for dinner, my boys didn't like the cabbage, They said "Ewww Mom, what's that?!" I said, I found it out on the yard and decide to cook it. They had their face looking like this >> :eek2:

I told them, I'm teasing you guys, It's cabbage! :giggle:
I admit that I have to go to work in half an hour :(
I admit that I miss somebody special who stole my heart :)
I admit that I'm in a happy mood right now. :whistle:
I admit that I am so tired! I baked alots of cupcakes for my baby nephew's party and he is excited about his party.

I admit that I have a little of green hands. *made green icing and what a mess!* lol
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