I admit, Part 12

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I admit that why you are
?? :lol:

I admit that i
why im think of that
I admit I'm feeling under the weather today...:(

I admit i feel for you.. i am feeling under the weather too as it is raining here .. i mean it was.. but now is clearing up.. sigh.. but chilly.. bed sure sound nice.. perfect? hehe.. :hug:
I admit that we got nutty weather! GRIN!

i admit we did have rainy weather here this morning.. but now clearing up..

i admit that i still blue monday blah!

i admit im still blue too.. :(

I admit I agreed with you! I feel Monday BLUE! BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!

i admit me too.. :(

i admit that umm, nah better for women day out together and have fun! *grin*

i admit why not??? hehe.. lets go out and have fun .. Whooo hoooo!! hehe.. :giggle:
I admit the rainy weather is so depressing, LOL
I admit that I'm glad the "CI may decrease your IQ" thread is locked because it raised my blood pressure!
I admit that I had bad and good day today. I went to fill the medicard. They turned me down because of my husband's income. We will find our own health insurance. ahh
I admit that I am getting over with this huge virus attack thingy that I got this morning! Sure pissed me off, made my day lousy, thanks with lousy weather making it worse. Flunk my work cause I need break!!!
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