How the heck do i get a job if i can't hear? ALSO...hearing aid question...

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Jillo you are not being as professional as you portray yourself to be.

I recommended sharyn to seek professional help.

I am not the one going around in the mystery machine playing Fred and Thelma. It is a game to you. Perhaps you have failed to see your own behavior.
Jillo you are not being as professional as you portray yourself to be.

I recommended sharyn to seek professional help.

I am not the one going around in the mystery machine playing Fred and Thelma. It is a game to you. Perhaps you have failed to see your own behavior.

No, dear, perhaps you have no concept of professional, ethical obligation. As you are not in the profession, you really have no idea what you are talking about. And again, I recommended several times in this thread that the poster continue with her counseling. Likewise, you are relatively uninformed regarding the diagnosis and treatment of a somatiform disorder. You are attempting to second guess me, and you really do not have the expertise to do so.

You are also ignoring the fact that this poster has already sought professional help. She does not need a recommednation to do so. She needs to be told, in no uncertain terms, that members of this forum will not assist her in finding excuses not to continue with mental health care that she so obviously is in need of.

I am sorry if you think I am being harsh, but before you can make that judgement, you need to understand the very nature of the illness this woman has been diagnosed with. Creating a situation whereby she is receiving additional secondary gains from continuing in her illness is not beneficial to her. Nor is permitting her the opportunity to deflect from the primary goal of her treatment beneficial.
Jillo you have no clue as to who I am just like I have no clue to who you are so now do not second guess me. I know what to expect from a professional.
So don't insult my intelligence.

So I end my conversation now.
Jillo you have no clue as to who I am just like I have no clue to who you are so now do not second guess me. I know what to expect from a professional.
So don't insult my intelligence.

So I end my conversation now.

You are the one that began the second guessing. And, obviously, in this case, you do not know what to expect from a professional. In order to know what a professional would do in any given situation, you must have the diagnostic and treatment information that a professional has. You do not.
Quite obviously, Hermes, you are way out of your league and are totally unfamiliar with the behaviors that accompany somatization disorders.

I am confused, if you believe her word and think she has conversion disorder then why are you telling she looked up for it and tried to connect it her story later on? Is looking up what conversion disorder is and trying to connect it to her story a symptom of conversion disorder?

Its not our job to make remote diagnosis . If she really needs professional help saying it in one post without turning her into a target should be enough. I believe she finds it difficult to get help while she can not hear. Since her deafness is recent, she probably doesnt know how to communicate with people yet, nor her rights as a deaf person. Getting psychological help is difficult even while you can hear. If anything, people who are experienced in it should make suggestions on how she can get healthy professional help as a deaf person now.

Psychologists I know gain their patients trust first before forcing them to face with the problem that caused their disorder at the first point. Being immediately tough on her, making her feel unwanted has no excuses.

So if anybody has any experience I am curious too, how can she get professional help while she can not hear nor can understand sign language? Would any psychologist accept her? Or is there professionals specialized dealing with these kind of situations?

I believe this thread will go a more positive direction if we focus on these subjects, and I hope she still follows it here.

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OMG, I can't believe I'm part of this. Now look what we have done. We mean no harm sharyn350z but it was your case against our which is the reason we are like this because, sharyn350z. I just want to point out your story from my perspectives. Because there were missing puzzles that bothers me. Sorry sharyn350z for putting the weight on your shoulder. We shouldn't have judge you in the first place.
Conversion disorder: the modern hysteria -- Owens and Dein 12 (2): 152 -- Advances in Psychiatric Treatment

"Conversion has been attributed to many different mechanisms. One influential theory, dating back to Ancient Greek physicians who thought the symptoms specific to women, invoked as their cause the wandering of the uterus (hustera), from which the word hysteria derives. The term conversion was first used by Freud and Breuer to refer to the substitution of a somatic symptom for a repressed idea (Freud, 1894). This behaviour exemplifies the psychological concept of ‘primary gain’, i.e. psychological anxiety is converted into somatic symptomatology, which lessens the anxiety and gives rise la belle indifference, where a patient seems surprisingly unconcerned about their physical symptoms. The ‘secondary gain’ of such a reaction is the subsequent benefit that a patient may derive from being in the sick role."

"Psychoanalytic theories
Psychoanalytic explanations of conversion disorder emphasise unconscious drives, including sexuality, aggression or dependency, and the internalised prohibition against their expression (Hollander, 1980). A classic paradigm of this theory is the case of Anna O., who was treated by Freud (Breuer & Freud, 1895). Physical symptoms allow for the expression of the forbidden wish or urge but also disguise it. Other psychoanalytic explanations focus on the need to suffer or identification with a lost object (Ford & Folks 1985). An analytic therapist would attempt to treat a conversion disorder by helping the patient move to more mature defence mechanism"

Learning theory
In a model that emphasises the shaping of behaviour by the environment, conversion symptoms are seen as maladaptive operant behaviours that act on the environment to produce reinforcing consequences (secondary gains). Conversion disorder is then sustained by the effects of these behaviours (McHugh & Slavney, 1998: pp. 223–237). The therapeutic implications of this theory are that it is important to alter the patient’s belief by means of counter-suggestion and to take psychosocial measures to reduce the external benefits associated with the sick role. The aim of behavioural approaches is to ensure that the patient gains more from relinquishing symptoms than from maintaining them"

Although I have sympathy for the OP, suggesting that she continue here is counterproductive and more likely to harm her that help her.

In conversion disorder it is hard to treat because pathology of the disorder makes the patient want to hold on to it. That seems the point she may have gotten to in therapy, so she is running away and looking for a less sophisticated audience than her therapist.

Any attention you give her will reinforce her behaviour. She needs to be in therapy, not in a deaf forum.

You will hurt her instead of helping her, if you continue to give her any sort of attention.
OMG, I can't believe I'm part of this. Now look what we have done. We mean no harm sharyn350z but it was your case against our which is the reason we are like this because, sharyn350z. I just want to point out your story from my perspectives. Because there were missing puzzles that bothers me. Sorry sharyn350z for putting the weight on your shoulder. We shouldn't have judge you in the first place.

Glad to see you understand what was going on in this thread.

She was exploited on a public thread.
Some may say she brought it onto herself.

If she is in dire need of help. The professional on this thread should have PM her. And go from there. Not to continue to exploit them. And used their professionalism on a public forum. That is why I am upset by this.
Glad to see you understand what was going on in this thread.

She was exploited on a public thread.
Some may say she brought it onto herself.

If she is in dire need of help. The professional on this thread should have PM her. And go from there. Not to continue to exploit them. And used their professionalism on a public forum. That is why I am upset by this.

I guess we went too far...
We all make mistakes. I hope she sees this and get the proper help.
Glad to see you understand what was going on in this thread.

She was exploited on a public thread.
Some may say she brought it onto herself.

If she is in dire need of help. The professional on this thread should have PM her. And go from there. Not to continue to exploit them. And used their professionalism on a public forum. That is why I am upset by this.

How can the professional here can PM the OP if the op doesn't have a PM feature yet?
I am confused, if you believe her word and think she has conversion disorder then why are you telling she looked up for it and tried to connect it her story later on? Is looking up what conversion disorder is and trying to connect it to her story a symptom of conversion disorder?
You are making an assumtption regarding my post that is entirely innacurrate. That is not what I said.
Its not our job to make remote diagnosis .
It is not your job to make a diagnosis at all. And a remote diagnosis was not made. Information regarding a diagnosis was shared by the OP.
If she really needs professional help saying it in one post without turning her into a target should be enough. I believe she finds it difficult to get help while she can not hear.
Again, your assumption is incorrect. Mental health care for the deaf is indeed available. You fail to comprehend that her deafness is not her problem. It is a symptom of her problem, and is a somatized manifestation of a mental disorder.
Since her deafness is recent, she probably doesnt know how to communicate with people yet, nor her rights as a deaf person. Getting psychological help is difficult even while you can hear. If anything, people who are experienced in it should make suggestions on how she can get healthy professional help as a deaf person now.

You seem to fail to understand that her deafness will go away when her mental disorder is treated.
Psychologists I know gain their patients trust first before forcing them to face with the problem that caused their disorder at the first point. Being immediately tough on her, making her feel unwanted has no excuses.
I am not her therapist. We do not have a terapeutic relationship.
So if anybody has any experience I am curious too, how can she get professional help while she can not hear nor can understand sign language? Would any psychologist accept her? Or is there professionals specialized dealing with these kind of situations?
The answer to all of these questions is "yes".

I believe this thread will go a more positive direction if we focus on these subjects, and I hope she still follows it here.-

This thread does not need to go in any direction. This is a seriously ill woman, and the musings of those who are not qualified to deal with that simple fact have no business advising her, as you are in very real danger of, in fact, making her illness worse, and creating the secondary gains she is seeking and those that reinforce her need to remain ill. And that is my whole point. She is not asking for friendship. She is asking for treatment advise. The only treatment advise that is appropriate given the circumstances is that she return to her therapist and continue with her therapy. As stated earlier, it might provide you with a sense of having been a better person, but in fact, you are endangering the mental health of this poster by encouraging her behavior.
How can the professional here can PM the OP if the op doesn't have a PM feature yet?

:hmm: true. I have forgotten about that.

But the professional still should not exploited the person.
Conversion disorder: the modern hysteria -- Owens and Dein 12 (2): 152 -- Advances in Psychiatric Treatment

"Conversion has been attributed to many different mechanisms. One influential theory, dating back to Ancient Greek physicians who thought the symptoms specific to women, invoked as their cause the wandering of the uterus (hustera), from which the word hysteria derives. The term conversion was first used by Freud and Breuer to refer to the substitution of a somatic symptom for a repressed idea (Freud, 1894). This behaviour exemplifies the psychological concept of ‘primary gain’, i.e. psychological anxiety is converted into somatic symptomatology, which lessens the anxiety and gives rise la belle indifference, where a patient seems surprisingly unconcerned about their physical symptoms. The ‘secondary gain’ of such a reaction is the subsequent benefit that a patient may derive from being in the sick role."

"Psychoanalytic theories
Psychoanalytic explanations of conversion disorder emphasise unconscious drives, including sexuality, aggression or dependency, and the internalised prohibition against their expression (Hollander, 1980). A classic paradigm of this theory is the case of Anna O., who was treated by Freud (Breuer & Freud, 1895). Physical symptoms allow for the expression of the forbidden wish or urge but also disguise it. Other psychoanalytic explanations focus on the need to suffer or identification with a lost object (Ford & Folks 1985). An analytic therapist would attempt to treat a conversion disorder by helping the patient move to more mature defence mechanism"

Learning theory
In a model that emphasises the shaping of behaviour by the environment, conversion symptoms are seen as maladaptive operant behaviours that act on the environment to produce reinforcing consequences (secondary gains). Conversion disorder is then sustained by the effects of these behaviours (McHugh & Slavney, 1998: pp. 223–237). The therapeutic implications of this theory are that it is important to alter the patient’s belief by means of counter-suggestion and to take psychosocial measures to reduce the external benefits associated with the sick role. The aim of behavioural approaches is to ensure that the patient gains more from relinquishing symptoms than from maintaining them"

Although I have sympathy for the OP, suggesting that she continue here is counterproductive and more likely to harm her that help her.

In conversion disorder it is hard to treat because pathology of the disorder makes the patient want to hold on to it. That seems the point she may have gotten to in therapy, so she is running away and looking for a less sophisticated audience than her therapist.

Any attention you give her will reinforce her behaviour. She needs to be in therapy, not in a deaf forum.

You will hurt her instead of helping her, if you continue to give her any sort of attention.

Thank you, Bott. That is my whole point. What these posters are suggesting is a danger to this woman's mental health and will not, in any way, assist her in her recovery. They very much need to realize that they have stepped into a situation for which they have neither the knowledge nor the expertise to deal with.
Glad to see you understand what was going on in this thread.

She was exploited on a public thread.
Some may say she brought it onto herself.

If she is in dire need of help. The professional on this thread should have PM her. And go from there. Not to continue to exploit them. And used their professionalism on a public forum. That is why I am upset by this.


The harm that is being done is in encouraging her to continue posting, thus reinforcing the secondary gains she receives from staying mentally ill.

And the professional on this forum has done exactly what a professional in this situation should have done: pointed out the cognitive distortion and recommended that she continue to seek counseling with her therapist. It was not possible to do it in a private manner, and the poster herself brought it into a public format. If I am walking down the street and see a scizophrenic in the middle of a psychotic break, I do no attempt to initiate treatment. I do what is necessary to deal with the immediate situation.
:hmm: true. I have forgotten about that.

But the professional still should not exploited the person.

I exploited no one. The poster made the choice to post in a public forum. I dealt with the situation as it presented itself.
Thank you, Bott. That is my whole point. What these posters are suggesting is a danger to this woman's mental health and will not, in any way, assist her in her recovery. They very much need to realize that they have stepped into a situation for which they have neither the knowledge nor the expertise to deal with.

Welcome, Jillio.
Yes Bottesini, but she didnt come here telling her problem. She was asking questions about finding job. She told us her problem once people started to question her. Even then she said she can not get help anymore because she can not hear. I think its natural for a person who recently became deaf being confused about how to seek help. So whats wrong with answering these questions for her?

Is telling what her options and rights are while seeking professional help something that helps her hold more to her condition? Do you think we hurt her further if we talk about her chances of employment as she requested?

I am not sure if you are saying we should ignore her forever no matter what the subject is, or if you are saying people who target her condition should stop paying attention to her on that and leave it to professionals.

Thank you for sharing the information


Counseling helped a bit, but now i can't get it cuz i can't hear.

The harm that is being done is in encouraging her to continue posting, thus reinforcing the secondary gains she receives from staying mentally ill.

And the professional on this forum has done exactly what a professional in this situation should have done: pointed out the cognitive distortion and recommended that she continue to seek counseling with her therapist. It was not possible to do it in a private manner, and the poster herself brought it into a public format. If I am walking down the street and see a scizophrenic in the middle of a psychotic break, I do no attempt to initiate treatment. I do what is necessary to deal with the immediate situation.

Correction: schizophrenic.

I don't see why I wouldn't agree with you. And I don't see why we could encouraging her to continue posting since she read what happen in our posts. I think we are being a little harsh in this matter and not able to trust her regarding of her story. She wanted us to trust her and encourage her on the situation she had be going though.
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