How the heck do i get a job if i can't hear? ALSO...hearing aid question...

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I exploited no one. The poster made the choice to post in a public forum. I dealt with the situation as it presented itself.

That's what we all did.
Yes Bottesini, but she didnt come here telling her problem. She was asking questions about finding job. She told us her problem once people started to question her. Even then she said she can not get help anymore because she can not hear. I think its natural for a person who recently became deaf being confused about how to seek help. So whats wrong with answering these questions for her?

Is telling what her options and rights are while seeking professional help something that helps her hold more to her condition? Do you think we hurt her further if we talk about her chances of employment as she requested?

I am not sure if you are saying we should ignore her forever no matter what the subject is, or if you are saying people who target her condition should stop paying attention to her on that and leave it to professionals.

Thank you for sharing the information


Again, Hermes, by telling this woman how to live her life as a deaf person only reinforces her staying ill. She is not a deaf person, and there is no need for her to live her life as a deaf person. She is a mentally ill person who needs treatment for a Conversion Disorder that has already been diagnosed by a mental health professional. Teaching her coping mechanisms to live as a deaf person would live reinforces her illness. When her Conversion Disorder is treated, she will no longer be deaf. Her deafness is no more than a psychological creation.
Yes Bottesini, but she didnt come here telling her problem. She was asking questions about finding job. She told us her problem once people started to question her. Even then she said she can not get help anymore because she can not hear. I think its natural for a person who recently became deaf being confused about how to seek help. So whats wrong with answering these questions for her?

Is telling what her options and rights are while seeking professional help something that helps her hold more to her condition? Do you think we hurt her further if we talk about her chances of employment as she requested?

I am not sure if you are saying we should ignore her forever no matter what the subject is, or if you are saying people who target her condition should stop paying attention to her on that and leave it to professionals.

Thank you for sharing the information


Hopefully you won't start whining again that I am picking on you by responding to you if you chase me around talking to me.

She can certainly get help without hearing. Professionals do treat conversion disorder. She already was treated while not hearing to the point she could walk. She is running from treatment because she is not ready to let go of the deafness.

I am saying people with conversion disorder do manipulate and find attention satisfying.

She needs to work on her problem with a professional. We can make her worse. She will get a form of satisfaction if we respond. So we should not respond.

I hope that is clear enough
Correction: schizophrenic.

I don't see why I wouldn't agree with you. And I don't see why we could encouraging her to continue posting since she read what happen in our posts. I think we are being a little harsh in this matter and not able to trust her regarding of her story. She wanted us to trust her and encourage her on the situation she had be going though.

Excuse me. I am typing rather quickly because by continuing to discuss this situation as you are doing, you are creating harm for this woman. If the rest of you want to try and make yourselves feel better and more useful by enabling this woman to stay severely ill, that is your business. I will not do so under any circumstances. You are all out of your league. You do not know what you are dealing with here, and as a result, your very well meaning intentions are creating a harmful situation for a seriously ill woman. She doesn't need encouragement. She needs treatment from a qualified mental health professional, not a bunch of uninformed people attempting to play armchair therapists without even a basic understanding of the nautre of her illness. The very fact that you are so unaware of how your actions are negative indicates that you have no business attempting to deal with this woman's problems.
Hopefully you won't start whining again that I am picking on you by responding to you if you chase me around talking to me.

She can certainly get help without hearing. Professionals do treat conversion disorder. She already was treated while not hearing to the point she could walk. She is running from treatment because she is not ready to let go of the deafness.

I am saying people with conversion disorder do manipulate and find attention satisfying.

She needs to work on her problem with a professional. We can make her worse. She will get a form of satisfaction if we respond. So we should not respond.

I hope that is clear enough

You are absolutely correct, Bott. Thank God someone understands the basic nature of this disorder, and is willing to do what is best.
We all agree on one thing she is in need of a Md and professional help.

I have never denied that. I am just appalled by how some of the posters can talk about her illness as if it is a they know her. And know what she need based on a few post.
We all agree on one thing she is in need of a Md and professional help.

I have never denied that. I am just appalled by how some of the posters can talk about her illness as if it is a they know her. And know what she need based on a few post.

I am appalled by those who have no knowledge of this particular disorder, the clinical features of such, the therapuetic reccomendations for such, and the recognized symptomology of such think they are qualified to step into that position.
I exploited no one. The poster made the choice to post in a public forum. I dealt with the situation as it presented itself.

I am glad this is not a verbal conversation and everything said is loged in written. You didnt even believe her, you said you suspected her looking up for what conversion disorder was and trying to connect it to her story. Plus you paid her most attention so I am not sure how our couple posts are so dangerous for her while the professional is writing two pages in this thread.

If it is indeed bad for this person to get any attention, you were far away from following your own professional advice.

Anyway, I guess nobody wants to talk about employment options. This thread will probably get locked soon.


Jillio said:
That's my whole point, Nathan. It is almost as if she looked up conversion disorder and concocted her story to us around it.
I am glad this is not a verbal conversation and everything said is loged in written. You didnt even believe her, you said you suspected her looking up for what conversion disorder was and trying to connect it to her story. Plus you paid her most attention so I am not sure how our couple posts are so dangerous for her while the professional is writing two pages in this thread.

If it is indeed bad for this person to get any attention, you were far away from following your own professional advice.

Anyway, I guess nobody wants to talk about employment options. This thread will probably get locked soon.


You still don't get it, and that is just more evidence that you are totally unqualified to address this posters problems. Employment as a deaf person is not the issue she needs to deal with because she is not a deaf person. She is a mentally ill person who has somatized her pychological issues into a physical symptom. She needs treatment for her mental illness, not employment advise.

And we can only hope that the mods lock this thread soon, so you will stop contributing to her illness. Inf act, I will recommend just that.

MODS: Please lock this thread before the OP is led down a path that will make recovery more difficult than it already is.
Hopefully you won't start whining again that I am picking on you by responding to you if you chase me around talking to me.

No you are welcome to answer it since I quoted from you. I am not sure why you pick words like "chasing me" , "whinning" though. There is no need to bring your own hostility into conversation. My post didnt have any personal comments towards you. Can you please PM me if you have more personal comments to add.

Excuse me. I am typing rather quickly because by continuing to discuss this situation as you are doing, you are creating harm for this woman. If the rest of you want to try and make yourselves feel better and more useful by enabling this woman to stay severely ill, that is your business. I will not do so under any circumstances. You are all out of your league. You do not know what you are dealing with here, and as a result, your very well meaning intentions are creating a harmful situation for a seriously ill woman. She doesn't need encouragement. She needs treatment from a qualified mental health professional, not a bunch of uninformed people attempting to play armchair therapists without even a basic understanding of the nautre of her illness. The very fact that you are so unaware of how your actions are negative indicates that you have no business attempting to deal with this woman's problems.

I understand what you are saying jillio, we have indeed no business with her whatsoever, she came here for a reason and no I don't create harms against others, like you say the poster made the choice to post in a public forum and my based on my perspectives. And I can only agree that she is in need of professional help.

That is all. I rest my case.
I understand what you are saying jillio, we have indeed no business with her whatsoever, she came here for a reason and no I don't create harms against others, like you say the poster made the choice to post in a public forum and my based on my perspectives. And I can only agree that she is in need of professional help.

That is all. I rest my case.

Thank you. I'm sure that you did not intend to create harm, but if posters continue to validate her illness, she will only become more ill. I nam sure that you meant no ill will. However, it can be unintentionally created when one does not know what they are dealing with. And that is not directed specifically at you.
Mod's Note;

The thread is getting out of hand and to the point where some members are in a squabbling match. So, with that, the thread is closed.

Also, I want to add this - There will be some actions taken upon this.
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