How the heck do i get a job if i can't hear? ALSO...hearing aid question...

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It is best to wait for an explanation I think. Who knows, she might be nothing more than someone seeking attention. Time will tell.

That would be my suspicion. And I am basing it on my clinical training.
Why do I get the feeling she won't logging here anytime soon??? Not to mention the fact we are exposing her?

Especially if you googled it, i forgot to add the name "Tim Sheehan Teacher Whitman Middle School Child Porn" because then you'd get the idea about who did this to me. it sucks and it is just TOO coincidental that it happened right before I was scheduled to go to trial as a witness against him. In June 2008 he eventually pled guilty to a lesser class 3 felony posession charge and is now a registered sex offender and cannot ever teach again (thank goodness for the kids). You would think that this would have set me free but it didn't. I mean it took some of the pressure off, but after that i think i just buried my head in the sand. Then my grandma suddenly died, AND i am trying still to taper off all the pain and other meds i was on after my pelvic fracture. Oh yeah, I also got into a car accident (not my fault thank God) and lost my job, plus my family is too embarassed to really discuss the abuse i was witness to. GEE, i can't think of a better reason to "get" a conversion/somatization disorder. I'm also a perfectionist and guess you can tell by all my admissions that it's been a ROUGH two years. I just don't know if this "deafness" is real or not. Could it be constricted muscles in my head and neck, reduced blood flow? nerve damage? ototoxic drugs? When real deaf people try to "pop" their ears, do they "pop" like when you get off an airplane? Mine are permanently stuck and will not pop anymore. All i hear is the ringing and nothing else. It's got to be psychological, there are too many contributing factors here to just suddenly no deaf. It's horrible. I appreciate your help. Seriously though, can you pop your ears when you plug your nose and blow? I feel that I cannot because something is swollen in there and pressing aginst the ears causing the hearing loss. Audiologists and ENTs are not very nice about my questions, they just say "you need hearing aids" or "you must have nerve damage" and two minutes later they are out the door. I'm going nuts here and am nearly agoraphobic from all the different events compiled in my brain. it is no wonder it shut off.
WOW im so sorry

I guess i never should have breached the subject. some of your comments seem to me that i am "vindictive??" I never reported any abuse because i had to stick it out until they got the warrants. he liked me because i look like a boy and he admitted as much. i liked him and wanted to help him but it all got to be too much for me so i left. im very confused and only wanted to ask about hearing aids but i do know that before this ever happened i had back pain from a stressful job at work and decided to just trust you guys and hope you would help a confused person. never mind. i only came out to the press after it was over because people were saying "well, where is she if she is so innocent?" and so i came out and said who i was. i had/have nothing to hide. but speculation and meanness is not what i came here for. im a pretty messed up person who was used by a person who enjoyed exactly what he got caught with and physically acted it out on me. sorry if you dont think that is bad. im about as messed up by it as you could be, hence my staying away for so long. thanks anyways. ive seen enough negative press about myself, i just never expected it here. i just lost my hearing and am confused as to why and if it could be from trauma or not. forget it. i'll go back to being ashamed.
be persistent. Just because you cant hear doesnt qualify you as stupid. If you know your shit, i dont see why that cant be discounted in your favor. Even deaf people are capable of amazing first impressions.
Well people assume and made an @** out of themselves

Sad that you have to be ashame. Nothing to be ashamed of Sharyn.

If you need someone to talk to PM me.
She was here to ask some questions and see if she could get any help, why did she become a target suddenly? For one reason or another, isnt it obvious she is going through some hard time and putting her on target, turning this into another interrogation doesnt help at all?

Most people here are not like this Sharyn. If you stick around a little bit you will see there are lots of people who can genuinely listen to you when you want to talk to someone. I dont think you should be ashamed of either. I hope you wont let them scare you away and I will see you around.

Be Well
Especially if you googled it, i forgot to add the name "Tim Sheehan Teacher Whitman Middle School Child Porn" because then you'd get the idea about who did this to me. it sucks and it is just TOO coincidental that it happened right before I was scheduled to go to trial as a witness against him. In June 2008 he eventually pled guilty to a lesser class 3 felony posession charge and is now a registered sex offender and cannot ever teach again (thank goodness for the kids). You would think that this would have set me free but it didn't. I mean it took some of the pressure off, but after that i think i just buried my head in the sand. Then my grandma suddenly died, AND i am trying still to taper off all the pain and other meds i was on after my pelvic fracture. Oh yeah, I also got into a car accident (not my fault thank God) and lost my job, plus my family is too embarassed to really discuss the abuse i was witness to. GEE, i can't think of a better reason to "get" a conversion/somatization disorder. I'm also a perfectionist and guess you can tell by all my admissions that it's been a ROUGH two years. I just don't know if this "deafness" is real or not. Could it be constricted muscles in my head and neck, reduced blood flow? nerve damage? ototoxic drugs? When real deaf people try to "pop" their ears, do they "pop" like when you get off an airplane? Mine are permanently stuck and will not pop anymore. All i hear is the ringing and nothing else. It's got to be psychological, there are too many contributing factors here to just suddenly no deaf. It's horrible. I appreciate your help. Seriously though, can you pop your ears when you plug your nose and blow? I feel that I cannot because something is swollen in there and pressing aginst the ears causing the hearing loss. Audiologists and ENTs are not very nice about my questions, they just say "you need hearing aids" or "you must have nerve damage" and two minutes later they are out the door. I'm going nuts here and am nearly agoraphobic from all the different events compiled in my brain. it is no wonder it shut off.

Please continue with your counseling.
I guess i never should have breached the subject. some of your comments seem to me that i am "vindictive??" I never reported any abuse because i had to stick it out until they got the warrants. he liked me because i look like a boy and he admitted as much. i liked him and wanted to help him but it all got to be too much for me so i left. im very confused and only wanted to ask about hearing aids but i do know that before this ever happened i had back pain from a stressful job at work and decided to just trust you guys and hope you would help a confused person. never mind. i only came out to the press after it was over because people were saying "well, where is she if she is so innocent?" and so i came out and said who i was. i had/have nothing to hide. but speculation and meanness is not what i came here for. im a pretty messed up person who was used by a person who enjoyed exactly what he got caught with and physically acted it out on me. sorry if you dont think that is bad. im about as messed up by it as you could be, hence my staying away for so long. thanks anyways. ive seen enough negative press about myself, i just never expected it here. i just lost my hearing and am confused as to why and if it could be from trauma or not. forget it. i'll go back to being ashamed.

Please continue with your counseling. There is not much help that you can receive from a deaf forum at this point. Your problems require professional help.
She was here to ask some questions and see if she could get any help, why did she become a target suddenly? For one reason or another, isnt it obvious she is going through some hard time and putting her on target, turning this into another interrogation doesnt help at all?

Most people here are not like this Sharyn. If you stick around a little bit you will see there are lots of people who can genuinely listen to you when you want to talk to someone. I dont think you should be ashamed of either. I hope you wont let them scare you away and I will see you around.

Be Well

This woman's problems are far beyond the scope of a chat forum. She is in serious need of professional help, and this forum is not the place for her to get it. The onlything that will occur here is that she will be enabled to continue with her illness. That does not help her.
I guess i never should have breached the subject. some of your comments seem to me that i am "vindictive??" I never reported any abuse because i had to stick it out until they got the warrants. he liked me because i look like a boy and he admitted as much. i liked him and wanted to help him but it all got to be too much for me so i left. im very confused and only wanted to ask about hearing aids but i do know that before this ever happened i had back pain from a stressful job at work and decided to just trust you guys and hope you would help a confused person. never mind. i only came out to the press after it was over because people were saying "well, where is she if she is so innocent?" and so i came out and said who i was. i had/have nothing to hide. but speculation and meanness is not what i came here for. im a pretty messed up person who was used by a person who enjoyed exactly what he got caught with and physically acted it out on me. sorry if you dont think that is bad. im about as messed up by it as you could be, hence my staying away for so long. thanks anyways. ive seen enough negative press about myself, i just never expected it here. i just lost my hearing and am confused as to why and if it could be from trauma or not. forget it. i'll go back to being ashamed.
I really don't care for all of the speculation either. When it started I played devils advocate erring towards the benefit of the doubt.

My best advise to you is to continue to seek the advise of the medical community. There are many reasons for your symptoms and it should be a process of elimination. You can go to many websites and do a complex symptom analysis to see the causes. Conversion/somatization is only one possibility and it could be purely coincidental that this happened while you went through the events you did. Keep pressing on to rule out other possibilities. This is in my opinion what the doctors should be doing. Unfortunately the insurance companies dictate what the doctors can do but you should keep pressing them to rule out the other possible causes.

All the best!!
This woman's problems are far beyond the scope of a chat forum. She is in serious need of professional help, and this forum is not the place for her to get it. The onlything that will occur here is that she will be enabled to continue with her illness. That does not help her.
This woman's problems are far beyond the scope of a chat forum. She is in serious need of professional help, and this forum is not the place for her to get it. The onlything that will occur here is that she will be enabled to continue with her illness. That does not help her.

Maybe she just wants someone to talk to.

Your previous comments were uncalled for. What happened to you jillo? I thought you were a professional. You put of all people should not use a victim to spread your glory of posting spectulations. If anyone to be ashame it is you. Insted of trying to do an online dianosis you should have told her to seek pro help in the first place.

She can not hear, For whatever reason
She came here asking about jobs and hearing aids.
Sharyn please continue on seeking medical help and get a professional to talk to. But meanwhile my offer still stand. PM me if ya just want to chat.
Once upon a time this thread was about a recently deaf person having difficulty finding a job and using hearing aids. It ended accusing her being fake and questioning her sanity.

Is there anybody wants to go back to original topic or should we just let the thread go instead of hurting her more?

Maybe she just wants someone to talk to.

Your previous comments were uncalled for. What happened to you jillo? I thought you were a professional. You put of all people should not use a victim to spread your glory of posting spectulations. If anyone to be ashame it is you. Insted of trying to do an online dianosis you should have told her to seek pro help in the first place.

She can not hear, For whatever reason
She came here asking about jobs and hearing aids.

Yes, babyblue, I am a professional. And the professionals have already determined that there is no physical cause for this posters deafness. She has already been diagnosed with Conversion Disorder. Without a physical cause for her deafness, hearing aids will not benefit her. As a professional, I have urged her to continue with her counseling. As a professional, that is what I am ethically bound to do. I didn't make the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. Her mental health care professional did. I stated numerous times that this poster needed to continue with cousneling, and that she was in need of serious mental health services. Perhaps you failed to notice that.

The primary goal for this person is to deal with the issues that are creating her somatization of phychological symptoms. That must be accomplished first. Aiding and abetting her somatization might make you feel like a better person, but it will not benefit this individual in the least, and will, in fact, prevent her from making the progress necessary for recovery.
Once upon a time this thread was about a recently deaf person having difficulty finding a job and using hearing aids. It ended accusing her being fake and questioning her sanity.

Is there anybody wants to go back to original topic or should we just let the thread go instead of hurting her more?


You are failing to recognize that the poster, herself, has already stated that she had a diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. No one has accused her of being fake. Conversion Disorder is a very real illness. However, the symptoms she is experiencing are not physically induced, but are psychologically created. This forum, and particularly those members of the forum that have no knowledge or expertise in either the treatment of nor the diagnosis of somatiform disorders are totally unable to assist her in her recovery, and in fact, will simply create a situation that allows her to remain ill.
I am sure this will help her finding a job or her recovery :

That's my whole point, Nathan. It is almost as if she looked up conversion disorder and concocted her story to us around it. And it is also somewhat of a coincidence that we have a thread going on the ototoxic effects of Vicodin, and that is the medication that she claims to have been taking.

jillio said:
If she comes back. I think she has already accomplished her intended purpose.
I am sure this will help her finding a job or her recovery :

Quite obviously, Hermes, you are way out of your league and are totally unfamiliar with the behaviors that accompany somatization disorders.
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