How are you feeling today?....

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There are much cheaper anxiety prescriptions available out there! Maybe see about going to a walk in clinic. Since you have been diagnosed with anxiety, see if your previous doctor will give you a letter stating your diagnosis. Usually you can go to a clinic ( Here we have places like Walgreens that have walk in clinics with P.A.s, ARNP's and doctors that usually just cost a $50.00 copay to walk in and see one.) Taking that letter in should be enough if you are experiencing anxiety or withdraws to get them to write you a script for a treatment medication for another anxiety script. Really, it depends on the severity of your anxiety, the licensing of that particular medical professional and what your previous doctor is willing to do. Honestly if you have a previous script from your last doctor, that is really your best bet, and most doctors don't fill 30 days at a time, they give you a few months at a time ( x amount of refills before x date for example ) Ask if he will move it to the generic. Even then, Lexapro shouldn't be THAT expensive. :shock: It's been out for a long time and there IS a generic for Lexapro called Escitalopram. It works just as well and most patients report no difference. As far as the price is concerned, I do not believe that you have been checking around or someone has lied to you. I checked in multiple states, including my own ( known for higher medication costs ) with no insurance and the cost for name brand Lexapro runs around $100 - $125 dollars. Lexapro Prices, Coupons and Information - GoodRx Those are just some stores ( known for higher prescription costs as well, walmart is usually cheaper.) The cost for the generic version Escitalopram I'm sure is much much cheaper. You just have to do some digging around, but the generics are always cheaper than the name brands. Good luck to you, hope it helps.

P.S. ( Other similar drugs to Lexapro that are FAR cheaper that you can find for around 6 - 10 bucks a month if you're interested I can get you a list... they are highly recommended for the treatment of chronic anxiety.) :)

you know, you really speak out alot, i cant do this, im terribly shy , even slightly ashamed of having a depression...but I have to take 1 tablet a day just to to function ok ...and still have to put in effort to 'grow and be happier' blooody hard not fun.....but having a break from study this year haven given me a good breather....and am sort of 're-discovering' my inner-peace that i haven't had for like 30's been shitty for some parts of it, and its sort of just happened because people don't get it, they 'think' its my personality (ie as a grumpy asshole), far from the truth, they are just incredibly unaware that they are VERY judgmental! and unfair to expect me to be always fun duh! I am human you know.. but duh i don't know now, like I've forgotten whats it like to have close friends, its so foreign i not trying to say i have it worse, or trying to play a pity violin, nope! just saying its depression's effects isn't just what arises from inside the brain as you say (and are correct) chemical imbalance, but also what happens outside, that is how people relates and responds....almost like a kind of an invisible racism....whatever
i honesty don't see it going to improve much, i live with it, but ultimately I do and am 'friends' with myself....and am quite happy with what I've done in life and what I'm doing now, not so happy when i start thinking about Deaf issues....or anything of the's gone to shit...kind of like learning to be an Ostrich.....that way I'm happy....
A bit annoyed

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uneasy it I had alots of muscle sparsm and twitch leg and arm.. alots. I have ADHD is serious. I have serious ADHD. I have alots of ADHD is very serious impossible. I have no idea what is happened. I have suffer anxiety I think so problem on muscle sparsm. doctor said muscle sparsm serious. I am no idea what I am figure out muscle sparsm cause really uneasy. I am very surprised first times never heard it is very complication medication is very risk level. It is very risk I always avodiance always usually to opposite to odd. serious It is very risk anxiety increase. is very more increase made of neruobiochemical and expertiment to specialist nurse. failure it is tragic is very really uneasy gain made of serious. made of follow to up the thems. I think so complex. neuro wont doesnt' work better impossible to medication all serious it is very serious.

Sometimes doesn't work better. it is very suck unbelieve it psychiast is very implication... made of suffer to worse. made of worse they wont give to medication they refusing to medication. they disagree to me. they so serious easy sparsm muscle. I dont understand why made of no idea serious that is hardest to complication.
I hope you feel better soon. :hug:
:wave:Travis I hope so too!

Reba you did a lot of work that one day ...the firewood, mulch, stones....glad you were able to do that, maybe you felt a sense of accomplshment?

:hug: to you and Travis!
:wave:Travis I hope so too!

Reba you did a lot of work that one day ...the firewood, mulch, stones....glad you were able to do that, maybe you felt a sense of accomplshment?

:hug: to you and Travis!

Thank you. :)

I feel better if I keep physically busy. Today I'm going thru all my books, notes, periodicals and CD/DVDs relating to interpreting, ASL, Deaf history/culture, etc. I want to donate them. Since I can't interpret anymore, I don't want these materials to be wasted. There's probably a couple thousand dollars worth of items.
:aw: wow, that's an amazing donation.... I'm touched at the idea of it. I hope some of the people who end up with these realize what a gift it is...
Tired. My father had a heart attack Friday and I've been shopping around during errands and going back and forth to the hospital. I'll be taking off tomorrow and Tuesday to help my mother and make sure my Dad is comfortable. It's been a lousy weekend and hard to absorb everything that has happened. Hopefully he can come home Tuesday after they run more tests.
Tired. My father had a heart attack Friday and I've been shopping around during errands and going back and forth to the hospital. I'll be taking off tomorrow and Tuesday to help my mother and make sure my Dad is comfortable. It's been a lousy weekend and hard to absorb everything that has happened. Hopefully he can come home Tuesday after they run more tests.

Hope everything goes well....I, too, am bringing in a relative that has been sick for 6 months to help out the family....Getting things ready and extra food (mainly soups)...soft foods, etc.
Like a bunch of little scalpels are dicing my throat. I hate getting a terrible cold just as the awful winter ends.
Tired. My father had a heart attack Friday and I've been shopping around during errands and going back and forth to the hospital. I'll be taking off tomorrow and Tuesday to help my mother and make sure my Dad is comfortable. It's been a lousy weekend and hard to absorb everything that has happened. Hopefully he can come home Tuesday after they run more tests.
Wow, that's a lot of stress. I hope your dad has a full recovery.
Hope everything goes well....I, too, am bringing in a relative that has been sick for 6 months to help out the family....Getting things ready and extra food (mainly soups)...soft foods, etc.
Like a bunch of little scalpels are dicing my throat. I hate getting a terrible cold just as the awful winter ends.

Uh, oh. I hope spring pollen season doesn't get you, too.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry to read about your dad's heart attack, Lau!

Botti, hope you feel better soon! Maybe your furry housemates will be cuddly with you and help you feel a but better!
Hub and I just got over bad sinus infection and I also got laryngitis.
I hope you feel better soon. :hug:

I do sure I am will soon as take time possible patient. soon sure. take an time few time suffer I am very suffer very suffer hugs. really suffer really uneasy you know I do suffer is very alots of made of patient. I will patient wait for see soon longer. I hope better soon patient....
Thank you. :)

I feel better if I keep physically busy. Today I'm going thru all my books, notes, periodicals and CD/DVDs relating to interpreting, ASL, Deaf history/culture, etc. I want to donate them. Since I can't interpret anymore, I don't want these materials to be wasted. There's probably a couple thousand dollars worth of items.

:wave:Travis I hope so too!

Reba you did a lot of work that one day ...the firewood, mulch, stones....glad you were able to do that, maybe you felt a sense of accomplshment?

:hug: to you and Travis!

Thank hugs., Dogmon I am really problem. I am very expect I am not sure what is very happened I am very understood. I am very difficult alots of really working to patient expect; I think so problem on pretty difficult rough. you know I do alots of caregiving specialist to nurse soon. it is very complication. I am not sure what is very doing I figure out rare to medication system team roles. I am scared risk. I I will soon insecure. Nurse do can do it professional made of good them. I hope be insecure regain is very best quality wise them. easy twitch is serious. this very month is very serious. Nurse bit longers. I don't know why longer 6 months is very patient psychiast so what wait for approval agree. It is very complication. it is very specialist made of alots of health system... it is very difficult.. made of sure health quality. Hope be better health.. Won't be failure Hope be made of sure implication.
Hope everything goes well....I, too, am bringing in a relative that has been sick for 6 months to help out the family....Getting things ready and extra food (mainly soups)...soft foods, etc.

Watch out that you don't offer something they don't want to eat! What my Mother used to suggest (and would at times fix for herself) was enough to make me gag. But what the hospital had labeled as "soft" following surgery seemed like normal food. What I had to fight them for was to get them to read (we marked a menu) that I wanted tea rather then coffee which I never want.
Sure hope everyone's patients do very well and have quick recoveries.
Well, my Dad is in good spirits and we'll see what the doctor's plan to do. The worst part is he can't eat after midnight and they won't take him until noon....

The good thing is I got the Netflix account started on his iPad so he's going through Season 2 of The Walking Dead, which is at least keeping him entertained....:D
So tired...just got back home since Thursday. Feeling good to be at home. :)
Tired. My father had a heart attack Friday and I've been shopping around during errands and going back and forth to the hospital. I'll be taking off tomorrow and Tuesday to help my mother and make sure my Dad is comfortable. It's been a lousy weekend and hard to absorb everything that has happened. Hopefully he can come home Tuesday after they run more tests.

geez that can be stressful, hope you are well and coping, I trust you are, and best of luck for his recovery....
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