How are you feeling today?....

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Good idea. Usually they give you their card and it has the numbers on them to call as many people have reactions to all kinds. The office I use have 24 hour number to use
Good idea. Usually they give you their card and it has the numbers on them to call as many people have reactions to all kinds. The office I use have 24 hour number to use

Mine is through the rehab center here, so I know he isn't in now anyway and I wasn't given a card. I think I am going to just stop taking the pills since these feelings are too intense.
Honestly, awful... But that's cuz I've been dealing with unbalanced/tinnitus/vertigo for the past 3 months... Thankfully going to ENT in June (was originally for October??)... But other than that...
Awesome! Excited! I feel great :)
I am trying to deal with having colorful floaters in my line of vision. Right eye only. Yesterday I had high blood pressure which is not normal for me. I thought that was the reason but I have the floaters today and my blood pressure is low. I use to get these right before I had a seizure so I am not driving and after a busy last two days I am laying down. My doctor is on vacation but if it continues I will send her an email for when she gets back.
I hope you get the answers you need soon. :hug:
Feeling a little pissed off, but there's not much I can do. Also feeling relieved since we found out what was wrong with my dog. She was having the runs for a day, then same day, passed blood. Took her to the ER vet and after checkup and testing, she has hookworms. Problem is, she takes a preventative to protect against that. Vet says it's a highly concentrated amount. Said it had to come from contracting with another dog and the only way would be loose dogs pooping in our yard. $289 bill later and I have special food for 2 weeks, antibiotic for a week and special medicine for 3 days.
Feeling a little pissed off, but there's not much I can do. Also feeling relieved since we found out what was wrong with my dog. She was having the runs for a day, then same day, passed blood. Took her to the ER vet and after checkup and testing, she has hookworms. Problem is, she takes a preventative to protect against that. Vet says it's a highly concentrated amount. Said it had to come from contracting with another dog and the only way would be loose dogs pooping in our yard. $289 bill later and I have special food for 2 weeks, antibiotic for a week and special medicine for 3 days.


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KristinaB said:
Believe what you will. Creature was not in a fenced in yard. Creature had no fence. Creature attacked the whole neighborhood. Creature's family did not obey leash laws.

I am done and out. I will never mention anything about family, home, anything again on this forum.

Feeling a little pissed off, but there's not much I can do. Also feeling relieved since we found out what was wrong with my dog. She was having the runs for a day, then same day, passed blood. Took her to the ER vet and after checkup and testing, she has hookworms. Problem is, she takes a preventative to protect against that. Vet says it's a highly concentrated amount. Said it had to come from contracting with another dog and the only way would be loose dogs pooping in our yard. $289 bill later and I have special food for 2 weeks, antibiotic for a week and special medicine for 3 days.

:wave: Welcome back.... :lol:
Feeling a little pissed off, but there's not much I can do. Also feeling relieved since we found out what was wrong with my dog. She was having the runs for a day, then same day, passed blood. Took her to the ER vet and after checkup and testing, she has hookworms. Problem is, she takes a preventative to protect against that. Vet says it's a highly concentrated amount. Said it had to come from contracting with another dog and the only way would be loose dogs pooping in our yard. $289 bill later and I have special food for 2 weeks, antibiotic for a week and special medicine for 3 days.

Ouch. Emergency vets can be quite expensive. Glad you have all the meds you need for your dog.
Since I cant sleep, and my every waking thought for many months has been over the same person, I'm trying to work out my feelings by writing creatively based on how I feel. When I read it, to me it sounds like crap, but maybe it can illustrate how I feel at this moment to some degree?

Will I ever see your face, feel your warm embrace, hear your voice or be at your place? Is it truly the end or will I see you again?

The time were apart my essence whatever it may be is in torment and agony and without you, I will surely cease to be. My every thought remains the same no matter what, I'm thinking of you.

Our love may never be, but I feel there's something there and hope no matter the strange situation we can try our hand to be. You give me reason to be that's always eluded me.

I used to think love did not exist, but it seems to me it could be, but it remains intangible to me.
Well, I finally saw a psychiatrist and was prescribed Zoloft, but it's not helping my anxiety, I feel it's making it worse and it's been giving me thoughts like suicide. I think I'm going to stop taking this stuff. I want to tell the psychiatrist, but I'm afraid if I do this place will either kick me out or put me on suicide watch, both which won't help me at all.

I'm thinking about just not taking the prescribed pills anymore. I'll still have bad anxiety, but I won't be thinking bad thoughts like suicide.

Common side-effects of Zoloft... it's an antidepressant. All they will do is prescribe you another antidepressant more than likely. Zoloft blows weenies... Before they hit me with the Bipolar Rapid diagnosis, they kept giving me all those antidepressants and put me on that junk... worst medication on the face of the planet. I have seen people with depression on that crap and it still blows. Very rarely do I hear of people who enjoy Zoloft. Not to mention the sexual side-effects of it! :mad: Tell them what it is doing to you, so they can put you on another antidepressant... period.

Not to mention that stuff takes 4-6 weeks to take full force on you. If you're starting to feel it in the beginning and it hasn't been 4-6 weeks, change it while you're starting. Nobody ever gets the medications right the first shot / shots. Everybody including psychs know this... it's all about trial and error. Antidepressants are supposed to take away suicidal thoughts, not increase / create them... :shock: *facepalm* I should hardly think they'll throw you out for that. Putting you on suicide watch for having thoughts of suicide... do we reaaaaaaaaaaally think that's a bad idea? :hmm: Just until they get you on something else and that passes? :squint:
I've been on it a few days and it isn't taking any anxiety away, it's making it worse and giving me bad thoughts.

Being on a medication a few days typically 99.9% of the time won't hurt to abruptly stop taking it... thankfully. The only time it will typically hurt to stop taking medication immediately is when you are on something more than 6 weeks ( psychiatric drugs ) because that is about the time it takes to build in your system. Also, when it comes to involving drugs to control schizophrenia or doses for certain antidepressants over the dose of 200 mgs per day. ( Which if you're on something less than 4 weeks isn't usually typical ) Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor to say omgerd do not under any circumstance abruptly stop taking this pill for any reason omgerd. Zoloft won't do anything to abruptly stop taking it. Lots of people experience negative side-effects with that antidepressant... it doesn't have very good reviews... sadly. :(

If you are feeling very lethargic... and sleep a lot... a medication typically given out here for people with virtually zero side-effects ( antidepressant ) is Welbutrin. It has an amazing success rate and one of the lowest side-effect rates of any antidepressants out on the market. ( It is also pretty cheap and has a generic available ) Just something to talk to the psychiatrist about in a conversation... Should you want to... or whatever. :dunno: You of course, should always do research on anything your prescribed! I always look up anything they give me in a bottle, whether I know a bit about it or not... peoples reviews are helpful about anything. ( I'm also not one of those people like some who thinks I get every little thing like others.. if you're one of those, you might not want to read forums... :ugh: :laugh2: )

If they prescribed you Zoloft solely for anxiety and nothing else.... he's a ninny... as it has a low success rate for treating just anxiety... :ugh: and a high rate of sexual side-effects and suicidal thoughts / actions being an antidepressant. In my personal experiences... that medication is the devil! :mad: Good luck! :aw:
If you are feeling very lethargic... and sleep a lot... a medication typically given out here for people with virtually zero side-effects ( antidepressant ) is Welbutrin. It has an amazing success rate and one of the lowest side-effect rates of any antidepressants out on the market.

Hmm.. this is interesting... I don't want to go into why here though...
Only thing I've ever taken that has helped me with not only physical pain, but things like anxiety was weed, but I haven't smoked any since early April. Zoloft was making me picture myself eating a bullet. I was in an almost constant panic attack and found myself without any appetite at all. I felt a little better once I stopped taking it, but now things are back to normality, which isn't really that good.

I am feeling hopeful on some tiny level since I came out to my father on Friday and wasn't disowned and hoping my mother will be the same way, because I'd like to just be myself always, not put on a facade every time I go to visit them.

I'm also applying for my legal name change Thursday afternoon after class, so I'm hoping my ticket doesn't prevent it, but the court said it shouldn't, they told me they'll just update the name on the ticket.
Only thing I've ever taken that has helped me with not only physical pain, but things like anxiety was weed, but I haven't smoked any since early April. Zoloft was making me picture myself eating a bullet. I was in an almost constant panic attack and found myself without any appetite at all. I felt a little better once I stopped taking it, but now things are back to normality, which isn't really that good.

I am feeling hopeful on some tiny level since I came out to my father on Friday and wasn't disowned and hoping my mother will be the same way, because I'd like to just be myself always, not put on a facade every time I go to visit them.

I'm also applying for my legal name change Thursday afternoon after class, so I'm hoping my ticket doesn't prevent it, but the court said it shouldn't, they told me they'll just update the name on the ticket.

I think (with no professional background to really know) that being out to your family could make a very big difference.
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