No way will I support CI for children. CI caused complications. Ok, you can go to the hospital where there's a nursery room - use your imagination: Think of a doctor usin' a knife to carve up on a deaf child's head while this child don't know what's goin' on. Of course, doctor will give this deaf child some anthesia ( sp ? ) to numb the pain. This deaf child will probably cry when she/or he wakes up. Somethin' hurt inside ? or ___ . You fill in yourself. It takes away a deaf child's natural senses - maybe, she/or he confuses or maybe, she/or he gets sick, vomittin'. Think it is alright to do that ?I don't!
I feel sorry for future CI small children when their hearin' parents put a " bionic " device stuff in on their " deaf " child to become a bionic kid to be able to hear. I feel it is NOT right to create a real livin' and normal deaf child to become a robot livin' creature. Yikes ! Hate to think of that. I feel soo sorry for the deaf child when their hearin' parents DON'T think of the deaf child's welfare. That deaf child is NOT a guinea pig!
Rick, you just don't's yet another case about not seeing the forests for the trees.
I do not know too many parents of CI kids IRL. However I DO know MANY parents of special needs kids in general! This "healthy normal attitude" is VERY VERY common in the whole disabilty spectrum, from dhh kids to blind/low vision kids to wheelchair users. Granted the "healthy normalism" isn't blatent.....but I mean from "oral sucesses" who are encouraged to mostly be a part of the hearing world, to blind/low vision kids who are encouraged to use their residual vision to the max, and not concentrate on the "crutch" of Braille, it is THERE! Believe me...........I have lived it. And its' not something that existed now and is just in the past. I see it every day on my special needs kids listservs! Parents are still devastated emotionally by relatively mild disabilites in their kids (ie physical issues, but no mental issues) Many of them STILL have baggage about the trappings of disabilty, and think "oh if Wittle Smashlie doesn't need to use what I think of as special needs tools, everything is fine and dandy!"
How many of those parents have actively introduced their kids to ASL and Deaf culture? How many felt a secret relief that their kids wouldn't "need" to use "special" methods? How many of them have boasted of how well their kids are doing in the hearing world? Do you see what I'm getting at now? It's audism so inherent in the hearing world, that you don't even realize what's going on! It's just like white privilage basicly!
Oh, and while I don't think they are robots, I do think there's some merit in them being called gunia pigs. Especially if they are oral onlyized. End hearing results from CI are pretty much a crapshoot. Yes, some people do get pretty good hearing, but most get hearing that varies as to its qualities.
But what about the view of the woman described in the original post?
You are 100% correct. This lady had no idea what she was talking about. I mention this many times, cochlear implants are not for everyone. Take Shel, she is happy with who she is and there no need to implant her because she is happy. A cochlear implant can be a very valuable tool but it is not miracle. This lady was not an informed person she knew about the implant. Being that she is not infomred or educated, she has no idea what she is talking about.
The cochlear implant has been very successful for my kids because I was informed, I did everything in my power to help my children. I have seen the implant not be as successful as possible because parents did not do the work they needed to do or though the implant was a miracle.
But what about the view of the woman described in the original post?
What about it. Go back and re-read the post and you will see that what we are being told is the author's perception of what she overheard (remember that the author is HOH so can you really be certain that she heard the entire conversation correctly?). We are also getting her perception filtered through her personal bias against cochlear implants and I will bet that she is also against mainstreaming.
Still, what we are being told is that after observing a child in the mainstream with a ci she was obvioulsy impressed and thinks that the child possesses the skills to make it in the mainstream. What was her crime? That she used the word "normal" to describe the child, please get a grip!
Poor choice of words absolutely but that should not overshadow the fact that this teacher was obviously impressed by this cochlear implanted child.
Funny, the use of the word "normal" sends some of you into a rabid frenzy, jumping on this woman's remarks like dogs in heat but calling children "robots" and "guinea pigs" and accusing their parents of not caring about them elicits no response.
And sometimes it is not the fault of the parents, but simple variables in the results that can't be accounted for. But the point is, that woman was responsible for assessing the needs and the progress of a child with a CI. Not only was she very offensive in the way she talked about this child, I find that when an educator functions under the assumption that a CI has just made a deaf child a hearing child, and therefore does not need any other accommodations, that child will be woefully under served educationally. And because she is an educator, she has a responsibility not to disseminate misleading information. I find her behavior unethical.
Jillo and Shel,
I was wondering what your thoughts were on what Cheri and Maria said. Honestly I am not looking for a fight, I really want to know what you feel about what these 2 ladies have said. Especially the part of CI kids being robots or how we CI parents are not looking out for child's welfare.
Jillo and Shel,
I was wondering what your thoughts were on what Cheri and Maria said. Honestly I am not looking for a fight, I really want to know what you feel about what these 2 ladies have said. Especially the part of CI kids being robots or how we CI parents are not looking out for child's welfare.
FYI, I am against CI itself, not your deaf children. Understand ? I really wish that the company DON'T invent that CI in the first place.
Did you read the link I just provided ? Did you read what the risks are ? I don't think it is helping at all. If the company KNEW about what the risks are, then they wouldn't have invented it. ASL will last long time because ASL don't have any risk. The future will always have ASL, but CI ?
I remember when I was a child wearin' HAs, I felt that the purpose of it was for my hearin' parents. They EXPECTED me to talk with voice for THEM. When it comes to me, I felt out of league, because I am NOT hearin' like my parents with my HAs. It was different. I was in my own " deaf " world.
I believe that CI children will feel the same way that they HAVE to speak FOR the hearin' people in despite of themselves bein' deaf. They have to put aside " deaf " and put themselves in " hearin' " for the hearin' people, because of CI for what it is representin' to. CI for who ? For hearin' parents and people, of course. That's one thing I opposed.
Actually as an armchair language geek I've noticed that the language used to describe CI has changed.My only interest is that the attitude from the general public is that CIs make deaf people normal as if we arent normal to begin with along with the idea that ASL is not needed.
I believe that CI children will feel the same way that they HAVE to speak FOR the hearin' people in despite of themselves bein' deaf. They have to put aside " deaf " and put themselves in " hearin' " for the hearin' people, because of CI for what it is representin' to. CI for who ? For hearin' parents and people, of course. That's one thing I opposed.
FYI, I am against CI itself, not your deaf children. Understand ? I really wish that the company DON'T invent that CI in the first place.
Did you read the link I just provided ? Did you read what the risks are ? I don't think it is helping at all. If the company KNEW about what the risks are, then they wouldn't have invented it. ASL will last long time because ASL don't have any risk. The future will always have ASL, but CI ?
I remember when I was a child wearin' HAs, I felt that the purpose of it was for my hearin' parents. They EXPECTED me to talk with voice for THEM. When it comes to me, I felt out of league, because I am NOT hearin' like my parents with my HAs. It was different. I was in my own " deaf " world.
I believe that CI children will feel the same way that they HAVE to speak FOR the hearin' people in despite of themselves bein' deaf. They have to put aside " deaf " and put themselves in " hearin' " for the hearin' people, because of CI for what it is representin' to. CI for who ? For hearin' parents and people, of course. That's one thing I opposed.
I agree. I think my kids are very successful with their implants. They do good in school but they are not out there alone they have their accommodations. Plus they have a mom that is a teacher and supports them at home with whatever they need. They are still deaf even with the implant.