Excuse me please, I know what mock is about. I do not see that you MOCKED Cheri but ACCUSED Cheri for insult hearing parents and then call her liar there...
Thank you Liebling for bringing all that up

. starting this controversy again, sigh..

I thought we were finally past that, but hmm, no

Remember I told you if I think you are wrong I will point that out. I do think you are wrong here, so:
Here's what
Most hearing parents are too lazy to spare the time and day to learn sign language as another form of communication with their child. They always seem to find the easy way out as having their child to reply on speech only because of that, that's what kind of language of communication they use in the household.
(from memory) here's what Fuzzy posted:
Most deaf parents are too lazy to spare the time and day to learn speech as another form of communication with their child. They always seem to find the easy way out as having their child to reply on sign only because of that, that's what kind of language of communication they use in the household.
this is NOT even
my post. - this is
mocking Cheri post in response.
then Cheri went into
another thread and wrote:
Fuzzy posted in another thread about how deaf parents are lazy for not giving their deaf children an option for an implant. Since when in this world that we all must be hearing?
this is not what Fuzzy POSTED - this is what Cheri posted and Fuzzy mocked.
Fuzzy doesn't even think either one is true!!
Fuzzy doesn't think MOST HEARING parents are lazy, and Fuzzy doesn't think MOST DEAF parents are lazy!!
Cheri was making it look like this was Fuzzy idea. It was not Fuzzy's idea - it was CHERI's idea to write about lazy parents.
Where in the MOCKED post am I saying about deaf parents not giving their deaf children an option for an implant, anyway?
At this point, I was upset, called Cheri liar and manipulator, yes, I regret that now, and in reply Cheri wrote something about this "being written in response to somebody else's post, and apologized. I chose to accept it. Okay then.
This is last time I explain about that, and for future accusations please see this post.
and then advise her here to let the past go.
what does Cheri past have to do with the quotes?
Cheri parents are not MOST parents - only two parents.
I only want to remind you about your posts at other CI thread to convince you about our past experience with our hearing parents for not expose both world. Don´t pretend that you has no clue what I talking about.
I do not pretend

- I have no idea what are you talking about.
You denied our posts to defend hearing parents
You didn't defend hearing parents, I did.
because your parents are hearing until one hearing poster shared her bad experience with her Deaf parents for not expose her to both world.
I have no idea because I DON'T REMEMBER and have no clue what you mean

!! perhaps if you reminded me about it I would reply.
You SUPPORT her and over her Deaf parents. You didn´t say anything about our bad experience over hearing parents like what you did to a hearing poster at other CI thread.
Again I have no idea

, and I am not lying

- please show me the posts so I can know what do you mean.
I won´t let you to belittle me and twist my post... Pretend that you has no clue what I am talking about.
I truly don't have a clue

, and it's sad how just because you don't like me you don't believe me.
you should not base your jugdment on likes or dislikes.
You kept on repeat, repeat, repeat and can´t accept that we see different as you and defend hearing parents.
You and others accused MOST hearing parents of being lazy parents.
But really,
how many bad hearing parents do you
know personally? Even if you knew 100 bad hearing parents, you don't know every hearing parent of a deaf child in every village, every city, every country, every continent which could be other such 100.000 parents. You don't get to know all who do everything for their deaf children.
So how can you judge "MOST parents are bad" if you don't know them ALL?
How do you calculate that "most", then ?
From ALL the hearing parents of a deaf child I knew personally, MOST of them signed to their children OR at least used "homemade" gestures for communication.
And then I knew one mother - widow also - with a deaf kid whom she protected so fiercely! - shoud would kill for him - and yet she didn't signed. But she did everything for him. and would do anything for him.
I think my parents as parents of two deaf kids did their absolute best at the time.
Calling MOST parents lazy just because they didn't use sign language IS insulting.
Cheri was speaking in her post about not using sign language.
Most hearing parents are too lazy to spare the time and day to learn sign language as another form of communication with their child. They always seem to find the easy way out as having their child to reply on speech only because of that, that's what kind of language of communication they use in the household.
I have different opinion about that.