Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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have u noticed I disappeared off into cat dream land? good nite ADers! :bye:
OldNavyGirl said:
have you noticed, magatsu is popular with his PM LAND... its always FULLL FULL FULL


Have you noticed that Magatsu is a woman's guy there, swamped with PMs from beauties. :rofl:
Have you noticed that wildfire let seq have TOF....walking out the door...slap the door....start a new life!!!
Have you noticed that i dropped my jaw for what wildfire says to me?


Have you noticed that i am ready to whack wildfire's head when he gettin home from work tonight since i didnt know that he posted ... *laughing* ?
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY just woke up and sniffin around here? *YAWN* stretch my wolf body out of cave :lol:
Have you noticed that I'm :confused: about what's going on with Wildfire.
dont worry , i think wildfire is just kidding around!!! :) .... damn him. i know his ways! :) .. hehe!!! he does know that we playin around and foolin each other!! he dont mind at all !! he does know that we dont takin serious.. it just for fun!

TongueOnFire said:
dont worry , i think wildfire is just kidding around!!! :) .... damn him. i know his ways! :) .. hehe!!! he does know that we playin around and foolin each other!! he dont mind at all !! he does know that we dont takin serious.. it just for fun!


Have you noticed that he got me :Owned: ha ha....
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY got :confused:?? and whine cuz WILDFIRE slam door caught my tail right there is it broken?? :lol:
Have you noticed I must be a Dutch Boy cuz I'm always trying to stike my finger in a dyke... :naughty:
Have you noticed that i was watching DOOL somehow i fall asleep on couch and just got up?


Have you noticed that i wrapping white bandage on PUnky's tail since wildfire slammed door on his tail ?
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY exciting TOF take care of my tail? WOOF WAGGIN

Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY relaxin since off work ? YAY GOOD :)
Have you noticed that Punky is in good mood cause he gettin rest today from work :D
Have you noticed that TOF isn't online on my AIM buddy. I even IMed you but it said u aren't online, pffffft.
Have u notice TOF being invisible to SEQ? OHHH got invade by UFO :lol:

Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY enjoy relax and good mood? YEPPIE TOF OFC I AM ;)
have you noticed i only online for short time.....library is closing up in 15 minutes :(
Have you noticed that I turned my AIM on about half hour ago , boo seq.. hehe?


Have you noticed i am glad that Punky is resting for night... wink


Have you noticed that RedWolf is sad , he hates being online so shortly .. just hang in there .. :)

:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:
Have you noticed this thread died out for a few hours, let's return and scream!
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