Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY :hug: MLKSHKGRL? cuz she has bad day AWWW
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY :hug: MLKSHKGRL? cuz she has bad day AWWW

:kiss: Have you noticed that PW just made me smile and cry at the same time....thank you PW I really needed a friend just now.
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY pleasured accept thank from MLKSHKGRL? NO PLM it will be my pleasure to cheer u up ;)
have u notice that TB come in here and catch yall doing hot!!??? tsk tsk!
mlkshkgrl said:
I could never be pissed at you....


Instead of beating the shit outta you can we do this instead?
have u notice that she say sweet!!! awwww??
TweetyBird said:
have u notice that she say sweet!!! awwww??

TY TB...den is my bestest buddy...he is my heart...I could never ever be mad at him...
mlkshkgrl said:
TY TB...den is my bestest buddy...he is my heart...I could never ever be mad at him...
have u notice that TB is uddy how ur feeling??? :hug:
mlkshkgrl said:
I could never be pissed at you....


Instead of beating the shit outta you can we do this instead?

Then we can...

Haven't you noticed i'm all choked up.. :cry: :Oops:
Have you noticed then we can :lick: :69: :buttsex: :bj:
Have you noticed that i whistling @ CC and MSG while they make out .. hehe
DreamDeaf said:
Angel :giggle: I'm an only child in my family!!!!!

Aloha DreamDeaf ! I am new to AD member and just let you know that I been join member of AD today and I am clumsy to learn processing to use this conversation and I found the info.from BANJO Mr.Movie Guy been posted message on Yahoo HOAXES and I just not realize that MSN deaf chat been shut down and referral to all deaf people join member of AD at no cost and I never heard of AD in my life and I told my deaf friends and they did not know about it and it is new to us my screen name is DreamyHawaii and you want to know about Hawaii here it is www.alohafriends.com there is a lot of info. includes move to Hawaii and find a job and lots of info.etc.,etc. Hope to hears from you Shaka DreamyHawaii! By the way my name is Ronald Decker originally from Jacksonville,Illinois and graduated from Illinois School for the Deaf class of 1983 and I moved to Hawaii and live there since 1988 to now
DreamyHawaii said:
Aloha DreamDeaf ! I am new to AD member and just let you know that I been join member of AD today and I am clumsy to learn processing to use this conversation and I found the info.from BANJO Mr.Movie Guy been posted message on Yahoo HOAXES and I just not realize that MSN deaf chat been shut down and referral to all deaf people join member of AD at no cost and I never heard of AD in my life and I told my deaf friends and they did not know about it and it is new to us my screen name is DreamyHawaii and you want to know about Hawaii here it is www.alohafriends.com there is a lot of info. includes move to Hawaii and find a job and lots of info.etc.,etc. Hope to hears from you Shaka DreamyHawaii! By the way my name is Ronald Decker originally from Jacksonville,Illinois and graduated from Illinois School for the Deaf class of 1983 and I moved to Hawaii and live there since 1988 to now
Have you noticed this post is way out of place??? :doh:
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed this post is way out of place??? :doh:

Have you noticed that I agree with CCsinned, :doh:!

That post was WAY off point
Aloha Sequoias,

sequoias said:
Have you noticed that I love soft hearted people who are flexible with me, :hug: TOF
Aloha Sequoias! I am new member of AD and wud like to to meet new friends and hope to chat with you I lives in Wahiawa,Hawaii you like to see what looks like Hawaii here it is www.alohafriends.com ok by the way my name is Ron Decker I am also deaf too.
DreamyHawaii said:
Aloha Sequoias! I am new member of AD and wud like to to meet new friends and hope to chat with you I lives in Wahiawa,Hawaii you like to see what looks like Hawaii here it is www.alohafriends.com ok by the way my name is Ron Decker I am also deaf too.
Dude go introduce yourself in the introduction section of the site... This theard has nothing to do with what you're talking about. Please don't try to hit on Sequoias :eek: He is straight. At least he claims to be... :nana:
Have you noticed I have a short temper???

Have you noticed it is fun to freak out newbies :rofl: Do you think my last post shocked him :rofl: I'm in a mood tonight...
have you noticed, magatsu is popular with his PM LAND... its always FULLL FULL FULL

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