God Versus Satan

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So, God wanted Adam and Eve to experience nothing... no good and no bad.

I guess God doesn't believe in pleasure.

*nodding agreement*
Here is my answer to your question accord my Roman Catholic Grandma and also JW people as well.

Supposely, if Satan don't subtle Adam and Eve by eatin' a forbidden fruit, what their lives be like without sin ?

We would live forever without suffer pains and grow old and die, suffer with problems, etc if Eve & Adam didn't eat a forbidden fruit.
The difference is your meat today wasn't killed as "kindly" as the animal that was sacrificed over 2,000 years ago. If you don't care about how your hamburger died, why do you care how the sacrificial lamb had its throat cut?

I do not care how they did with animals at 2,000 years ago or present time but I care how they did with animal is burnt them to worship God. Kill animals for the foods, not burnt them to worship God. This is a difference.

Not all your meat and poultry is killed by hunters. Do you think the meat you eat from restaurants and grocery stores is from hunters?

Do you mean butchers if it's not just hunters? If yes, then they are the both same because they kill animal for foods, not burnt them. If it's not the butcher what you are talking about then what?

The priests of the OT had to kill the sacrifice animals in the most humane way, following strict rules.

That's because they follow what the bible says.

Most meat processors today aren't as caring.

Yes, you are right about this but accord German health law, most chemicals in meats are banned. A lot of organic meats are everywhere here in Germany, that's why we choose to buy organic meats from the butcher shops. If you know there're chemicals in any meats then not buy them but go to butcher shop to buy organic meat.

God doesn't require any more sacrifices because Jesus Christ was the last sacrifice required. "It is finished!" God will not contradict His own declaration.

Yes, because Jesus know that animal sacrifice is very cruel after saw what the people did in the temple... I learn about him from the bible that he is a such loving and caring person and love children, people and animals. I am sure that God realized and give his son Jesus right about this and agree there're no more human/animal sacrifice. Therefore the people continue with human and animal sacrifice after Jesus's death because their bibles says so which is really sad. :(
Sorry, your post make no sense to me...
Of course we work to bring our children up in form of discipline way. Oh yes, we work to help poor people with charity, foods, etc. to improve their better life because we have heart... We really has no time to worship God or read the bible and do what the bible say or whatever because we are BUSY to consider our OWN life and help other people and family life and give our heart to them... Those people who have good heart and do not need christs but their own strength and know what they doing without need christ... God do NOTHING but us.... who work to help anyone...

It obviously that you have a problem with understandin'. We all live in 2 things as O N E. Body and soul. We all do things such as work, help poor people and everythin' physically ( body ). What about souls that are inside the people's bodies ?

People like you and me have our souls and that need Christ for future " afterlife ". You forgot about people's death and where their SOUL will go. Their bodies will go back to the ash as dust after death, but not their souls. Their souls will go to 2 different places. Heaven or hell.

If, you believe that people DON'T HAVE TIME for Jesus or God, then Jesus or God don't have time for them, either. Same perspective from one another as " mirror ". Same reflection.

Once people are in hell without Christ, God will FORGET them. That's the most scary thought. God will F O R G E T ? Yup ! Oh, yeah you will probably say that God will remember people while they are still alive on this earth ... AND, at the same time God offers Jesus Christ to them for their souls. It's very sad to see people rejectin' God's offer of Jesus Christ. :(
God warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the evil tree, but the devil being crafty deceived Eve into thinking that she could become like God. God has said, "You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die."

But God should warn them about Satan's existance in first place like what we did with our children to warn them to not talk strangers but God didn't.

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the evil tree, then they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, They eventually died, and also their children died, just like God said from the begin. ;)

But I didn't throw my children out of my house because they did wrong thing but discipline them and let them know that they should not do that again. Do you?
Very very true... a lot of Killers, Rapists, wrestlers, etc become born again Christians. It look like that they will go heaven when they dies because they trust to beleive in God and I go hell because I doubt God's existance and beleive in Jesus's existance.

I'm a good and helpful person and don't kill anyone because they refuse to beleive/trust what I say... but I still go hell because I doubt God's existance.

I accept to go hell... Oh well...

You said you accept to go to hell ? No way, josey ! That place in hell is NOT a good place to go. That hell don't have everythin' like you see on this earth. IF, you accept to go to hell, then you will neeeever see rivers, mountains, sun, grass, trees and everythin' again. In hell, there's NO air. The air is very depleted and you will not be able to breathe. Know why ? Because, of the fire sucks all up the air in. Fire eat all up the air in. You will not be able to see broad daylight, either. In hell, you will not be able to have a chat for fun or pleasure just like you are now in this AD. Hell is a VERY torment place - not like Heaven. Heaven is more peaceful and much, much joy.

Very true, Nobody knows which bibles are correct or not??? Perhaps Islam is a true God or ???? That's why I don't obey what the bible says and rather to see myself when I die. I read the bible story as history... okay...but not do what the bible says.[/COLOR]

FYI, there's no 2nd chance after death. It will take you to hell for NOT believin' the Words of God ( Bible ). I believe every word God says in the Bible, no matter what IF I am not able to SEE God's Face. Only simple what ? F A I T H. I have faith in God. I trust God. I don't want to go to hell. No way !
Here is my answer to your question accord my Roman Catholic Grandma and also JW people as well.

We would live forever without suffer pains and grow old and die, suffer with problems, etc if Eve & Adam didn't eat a forbidden fruit.

No sin, no death. :)
It obviously that you have a problem with understandin'. We all live in 2 things as O N E. Body and soul. We all do things such as work, help poor people and everythin' physically ( body ). What about souls that are inside the people's bodies ?

Yes, everyone knows that we have soul in our bodies because we have feeling and everything... ?

People like you and me have our souls and that need Christ for future " afterlife ".

Soul or soul?

You forgot about people's death and where their SOUL will go. Their bodies will go back to the ash as dust after death, but not their souls. Their souls will go to 2 different places. Heaven or hell.

I don't know... I will see myself when I die.

If, you believe that people DON'T HAVE TIME for Jesus or God, then Jesus or God don't have time for them, either. Same perspective from one another as " mirror ". Same reflection.

The people have TIME to pray God and Jesus EVERYWHERE, not church. :)

AND, at the same time God offers Jesus Christ to them for their souls. It's very sad to see people rejectin' God's offer of Jesus Christ. :(

No, it has nothing do with rejecting God's offer but need fact and proof... They still focus the proof and fact...
You said you accept to go to hell ? No way, josey ! That place in hell is NOT a good place to go. That hell don't have everythin' like you see on this earth. IF, you accept to go to hell, then you will neeeever see rivers, mountains, sun, grass, trees and everythin' again. In hell, there's NO air. The air is very depleted and you will not be able to breathe. Know why ? Because, of the fire sucks all up the air in. Fire eat all up the air in. You will not be able to see broad daylight, either. In hell, you will not be able to have a chat for fun or pleasure just like you are now in this AD. Hell is a VERY torment place - not like Heaven. Heaven is more peaceful and much, much joy.

Accord Christians's word, not mine... IF I doubt or not beleive God's existance then go hell and if I accept and beleive God's existance then go up to Heaven. I only accept what the Christians says that I go hell because I doubt God's existance.

For your information, I personally don't beleive in hell. I will find out myself when I die. I know I won't go hell because I'm good person and don't kill anyone or commit crimes. I won't let anyone to brainwash me and scare me about hell because I know for the sure that I won't go hell... :)

FYI, there's no 2nd chance after death. It will take you to hell for NOT believin' the Words of God ( Bible ). I believe every word God says in the Bible, no matter what IF I am not able to SEE God's Face. Only simple what ? F A I T H. I have faith in God. I trust God. I don't want to go to hell. No way !

Again, how do you know that your bible is correct and other bible is not correct?

Again, the bible is not fact book but a faith book.

God expected Adam and Eve to have children.

What if Eve can't have children or Adam can't be father? Do God force Eve to have children if she refuse to have children?

Remember, I married for love, not for make babies. :)
mmm, interesting note. Then Torah and Bible is made up by men. MMMM. God, not Jesus, mmm. Jesus said, I was there with Abraham and the belief, that made up by men. MMm Bible has no fact, but scientist does, mmmm. Interesting, as I see, sounds like falling for fallacy of men teaching and all through the history has a proof by people of the history, but rather chose otherside to twist thing to driven people from knowing who is really God/Jesus. And yes, there is a argumentive in this matter. But people thought that when Jesus was born, that is where He begin in new life. The fact is, it's not true. True, argumentive about who is God and how to identify with God. So meaning, there is no such thing Immanuel was born, OT is a myth, if Jesus is not also fully God, then He is not Immanuel. Some say, oh I do believe He is Immanuel, but He is not God, that is absolutely contradictory. If He is also not God, then He is not Immanuel or Y'shua. And even Jews/Judaism is a myth. If I see, then I believe, the fact is, no, you will not, many have witnessed thru the years, they still not believe. Jesus said to doubter Thomas,, "....blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe." And also Lord and God does not separate. Lord and God is the same position. Oh, I do believe Jesus is Lord, but He is not God,,,,,,contradicting. Psalms 110 says " Lord (Father) said to my Lord (Jesus-Immanuel-Y"shua) sit to my Right Hand..". That summed up as one God.
What I mean if God loves all of us, then why will I go to hell even doing all these good things? That is what I mean.

Shel..God does love you, regardless! But its up to you to
change and accept Jesus. Doesnt matter whether you
are a good person or not, you have to accept Jesus in
order to go to Heaven, please read Romans 10:9-10.
You could ask Reba for she is more knowlegeable than
I am.
Its not up to me to judge, its up to God.
A W E S O M E !! Liebling has alll the answers to the
life's and Bible mysteries, dont she??
Just awesome!!!! :cool:

Just kiddin ya!
... Eve didn't know that the snake who spoke her is Satan, not God. She thought it's okay...
She knew that the serpent was not God.

Eve knew that the serpent lied because the serpent intentionally misquoted God's command.

She knew it was NOT OK.

God has no reason to make a harsh punishment on them but discipline them to not do that again next time and teach them what Satan is about...
God warned them before they ate the fruit, so there was no reason to repeat the warning; the damage was done.

... like what we parents teach our children what wrong or right... Right? You know that the children often ignore their parent and tried out of curiousily and realize that their parents are right next time and then improve their mistake.... Right?
They have to experience the consequences of their wrong choices.

Suppose you teach your kids not to run into the street in front of cars. One day, your child disobeys and runs into the street in front of a car, and the car hits the child and severely injures him. The damage is done. The injuries are a consequence of the disobedience. The injuries are not unfair "punishment", or emotional vengeance.

What you, me and everyone did the worst than Eve did...
You know more than God?

Eve's actions cursed every generation of mankind and brought death to mankind. That seems pretty bad to me.

... but we correct our mistake and know what we doing next time...
God "corrected" it for Adam and Eve, and us. He provided Himself a Savior.

...We all are human...
Right. We are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God, and require a Savior to restore our righteousness.

I would disguist if Eve kill Adam, animal or whatever but took fruit from someone's tree?
That's why you're not God. You (and I) don't have the wisdom of God. You totally miss the point about the fruit.
So, what constitutes a sin?

It sounds like they could do anything they wanted with it being considered a sin as long as they didn't touch the forbidden fruit.

Who knows, Adam and Eve probably had sex with the animals. :dunno:
Sin is disobedience to God.

We don't know all the "rules" that God gave Adam and Eve. We don't have a record of every conversation He had with them (it would fill many volumes). He only recorded the one that was pertinent to all of us.

Adam and Eve were created for each other to perfectly meet each other's needs in all ways. I really don't know why you would say that "Adam and Eve probably had sex with the animals". I'm not even going to pretend to know your mind about that statement.
...God told Eve and Adam to take anything what they wants except forbidden tree. It look like that they allow to kill, sex, steal anything what they likes except one forbidden tree... :dunno:
Such nonsense.

Who would they kill? Prior to their fall, there were no other people on earth.

Sex is not a sin. God made their bodies to enjoy each other, and He joined them together as husband and wife.

What would they steal? They owned everything on the planet.
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